ahh nvm, this is done in the Modification Station and not the Vehicle upgrade console.
hopefully they manage to improve it for Below Zero
No worries, got so much steam $$ from all the PUBG crates :-D -
that's a bug right? surely it can't be working as intended. -
It is, only the uploading part is not mandatory -
Exactly, unfortunately it's the same with a lot of tech. I think the mid/late game needs a bit of re-balancing. The early game is good balance wise, in terms of tech unlock, items costs, etc.
After that, when you hit th… -
yes, i built my base so high, it's now higher than the wreck of the Aurora, if you just stack buildings on top of each other, they don't use any of your base integrity, so you can potentially go as high as you like.
Tha… -
nah there's a lot of potential $$ in console, game would play well on consoles too, it just needs aim assist. -
ah, well thanks for the answer -
i like this idea, simple, elegant and won't clutter the UI with distances. -
I think they need to add aim assist asap before they do anything else console wise. Try playing the game with a controller.
i don't get it. You can easily go high above water with the Seamoth by just going up.
you think you're good now? is that it?
1v1 any time bruh -
i zapped them away with my Seamoth, they kinda run away when u do that, then parked my Seamoth right on top of the base and took my time exploring, no pro…
the game should load the resources in the range of the scanner rooms when you load your game, you shouldn't be forced to re-explore stuff you've already explored just for the scanner room to function properly.
Secondly … -
What he's suggesting will only make your experience of the game even better even on lower difficulties, I'm getting close to finishing the game, I will write a big review once I'm done because i really like the game so far. But I c… -
wow, thanks, I hope they add something similar to the game, but tie it in with sonar, glider, the tools that sca…
I hear you about the controller part, at first i played the game with a controller, but with no aim assist, you're really just making the game a lot harder for yourself. So i switched to mouse/keyboard, a world of difference. -
Not really sure what time capsules are exactly anyway, I don't recall if the game explained them, but from the looks of it, I'm assuming it's some stuff that the community voted upon and was added into the game?
Later when I'm home, I ca… -
Agreed, this is a huge oversight imo. -
While DLCs are good for generating some $$, I do feel there are some fundamental game elements that need a bit of work, and I would enjoy the game a whole lot more if they spent time on those vs. just adding a new Biome and a small story to go with …
Didn't even know about this, this feels like it's there for debugging the game and shouldn't be part of release version.
Thanks for the info, for the time being i'll note down the coordinates, until they add some kind of map … -
where can we see coords? -
I pretty much agree with everything you said, in fact i just made a post about the "map"
I found a time capsule that had not items, just a text advertising a dating (xxx) site, is it something that fell through the cracks ?
alright, thank for the response. I guess it must have been pushed down by something then.
it had full hp, and it could go down to 300m tops, so you're saying if it's getting attacked and about to die we won't even get a warning? is that intended even if we're nearby? -
Can you please add aim assist for controllers, it's currently extremely hard to aim using a controller.
Even on PC, i first tried playing it with a controller, impossible to aim at anything (especially trying to catch fish), it's extremely difficult with no aim assist.
The game needs aim assist when using a controller, th…