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Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow


  • Looks like you guys got RapGod to volunteer as an editor!
  • I remember playing an onos and trying to eat marine res.... Heavies, JPs, anyone with a gun. That is what the current onos kind of misses the mark on. Heck its a giant meat shield at this point.
  • OMG that is classic Grubillio. Oh wow/
  • Is that a hint towards the Dinosaur mode you guys are making that is going to turn the skulks into velocitraptors, lerks into terrordactyls, gorges into alleygators, and fades into t-rexes?

  • (Quote)
    I don't run icons anymore either. But I do notice that icons tend to gravitate towards each other, and they also tend to have more knowledge of game mechanics and the like. I mean to get the icons you pretty much either have to don…
  • I die to GLs as a lerk too... I think partly its because the NS1 nade launcher was either faster exploding or more noisy....
  • When nobody on your team has an icon. Not one. The other team? They have 30 icons over 8 players.
  • In the downtime waiting on spawn queue have the map open and be announcing things on voice comm. Mentioning RTs under attack, enemies in rooms(I see 4 aliens or marines in Platform hive right now). Takes the burden off those ingame from announcing i…
  • Wish I had a screen shot.... played a game on veil that was 1 hour 30 minutes long.... When I joined aliens had cargo and sub, and 200 res.... When we won, we had Pipe and Marine Start.....
  • Can you add a siege map mode to this mod? I miss siege maps!
  • BTW the answer to your question is YES. It might take a few hours to grow on you, but you will find and enjoy the NS you used to play in this game. It is even more awesome then NS1 as many things were upgraded/changed for the better. Some for the wo…
  • The 187combat servers did this, for the amount of hours your played. whereas you start with one icon and then every landmark hour (10,25,50,100,150) you get another color of an icon, after so many hours it added a halo to the icon(was a grey type al…
  • The one thing with the Half-life engine is we all had plenty of practice in it from multiple games. Getting into NS2, I had to relearn all of my movements and everything even the LMG shooting I had to retrain, skulk biting is pretty close to what it…
  • One of the things I loved about NS1 was the LMG sound wasn't obnoxious, but the HMG sound was, you couldn't hear anything when firing, but the pew pew of the LMG allowed you to hear skulks moving about.
  • This is how grenade launchers work in my experience, if I am facing a few marines or even one marine with a GL, I am going to die whether I am fade/skulk/lerk/gorge. If I have a GL and don't have a jetpack I cannot kill any aliens whatsoever. Skulks…
  • I think the biggest detriment isn't always the community but the fact that there is only one game mode to this game. It is nice in the respect that the game requires a lot of knowledge about game mechanics. The more you know about the intricacies of…
  • Do you seriously know how much HP a hive, or a whip has offhand without looking it up? Lets say normal hp for a structure is 10k, at 20 players it is still 10k but for every 2 players added to the game, maybe a certain % is added to total hp ie 1-1…
  • In NS1 one of the biggest issues a commander could face was repeatedly telling his teammates that something needed welding, and it never got done. If the comm hopped out and did it himself, it left lots of things vulnerable.
    in MACs Comment by freebirdpat June 2014
  • Is it possible in LUA for these larger servers to increase the HP of structures?
  • Marines have plenty of time to kill the 3rd hive once it is dropped, it isn't built instantly, it takes a gorge and a drifter at the very least, if just a drifter is building you have a ton of time! And usually that is the most vulnerable time, it d…
  • Don't use them much either. Although I do just play pubs. I rarely use them at all. I have seen a comm or two use them to try to sneak build a power node/phase gate but that is about it. How are they used in the competitive scene?

    Ideas …
    in MACs Comment by freebirdpat June 2014
  • To get xeno up you need:
    2 Hives @ 40 res each = 80
    1 Whip + Skulk upgrade = 30
    4 Biomass from hives = 20+20+20+30 = 90 (could be 100 if you go with 2 biomass on your first two hives to have xeno as soon as the hive goes up)
  • Xeno translates just fine. It discourages marines to group up, and this allows lifeforms to do their work because the worst counter to a fade/onos/lerk is multiple marines. When marines are grouped up, fades, onos, and lerks will take more hits than…
  • (Quote) Well there is the one mod that a server runs that makes the concede option into you have to go kill a hive or chair to end the game. Enemies do no damage at that point and if you kill any it decreases the amount of time you have to kill t…
  • A couple of these threads have derailed into other topics which is kind of neat. You have to be mindful, what we think is an issue/problem of the game might just be the visible issue that we all encounter but the solution isn't always quite as visib…
  • The thing with leap damage was that it did 35 damage per second, but it wasn't like bite or anything it was a contact thing, so you had to be touching the marine while the entire leap went off. And it rarely ever did the full damage. It was always l…
  • Its not about being overpowered, part of it is what this is about is fun, this is a game after all. And I don't know about anyone else, but I do enjoy holding out against a team with increasing odds against you at times(like them controlling 4 tech …
  • The only time xeno is a problem is on the larger servers. There really isn't a need for game ending weapons, that is what the concede button is for. And I hope nobody is seriously considering adding them.
  • When the game is "over" another issue I see is that the winning team is working on getting their last upgrades(marines w3-a3, exo/jp--aliens lifeform upgrades, biomass, and the 3rd chamber), which should help them end the game, its a rare occasion w…
  • On these large servers, marines are also able to just walk into a hive and blast it out of the sky just as fast. Seen a hive go down to 0 after 3 reloads of my LMG. The battle goes both ways.