Welcome back and nice that you enjoy. I think i remember you and for some reason i have always wanted to share this awesome music with youIn Finland we have this phrase: Ryssä gonna ryssä. It is definitely applied hereWell, it shouldnt be hard to guess
I dont play in your servers anymore so go ahead.in [Top] Fantastic by tishka dront Comment by G_of_the_J November 2018
So basically you can make gamechanging mod and mark it as a ns2(vanilla)mod? Like acidrockets, bunnyhop, more playable units? Really?
I wish there was a way to see if there is any gamechanging mods.Ok. Well i meant that move it to arcade tab. Like other modded games.
E: Or is it allowed to modifie ns2 like that and still be in ns2 tab? It was horrifying experience trying to gorge there when commander seat was taken.
E2:…Pls, dont nerf gorges. It is already hard to be effective gorge. So squishy that sometimes cant do enough for the team and feel like you were better as a skulk.
Some notes:
-Dont nerf or buff anything for ppl´s stupity: Gorge…^Ye thats how i rly feel. I have my reasons. I usually wont vote for shuffle because its sometimes putting me on a team which i dont like.
As far i know, shuffles try to keep you in a team which you prefer. Yes it puts you sometimes on a…Why do you want to force ppl play on a team they dont want? I dont understand.
It wont make game more popular. It could m…All im saying it can be usefull. I dont do bridges usually but i can understand whats point of them. 2 guys dont kill you in nano with bridges if you have simpliest clue whats going on. Or they are godlike. I agree that clogtowers are better. You ju…^thats all true against div1 and heavily comp mentality guys. They know what they do and can execute that (accuracy). Also communicate well. You can easily escape even best of rines just if you be able to realize there is godlike guys against (commu…(Quote)
It´s still usefull in early games (before fades). Trick here is that you can spit effectively under "bridge" and force marines to crouch if they want to hunt you down, or waste bullets to clogbridge. While you spit them to death, o…OFFTOPIC
Gloom public beta came late -98. Played it from the start. Sadly it died around 2010.
It was developed by Team Reaction.
http:/…So nutrient mist dont grow/build things faster, just faster maturing. Thats what i thought. Had to ask because things could have changed.
I usually mist new (built) hives and gorge tunnels for more health. About 2 mist for gorge tu…(Quote) Great example of ns2 bad hitreg(or something like dat). You hit, you see blood, but you dont damage the skulk. This have nothing to do with hitboxes. Next time you just shot above skulk, see blood, no hit.
If you see blood, wh…I do not agree with many of recent changes, but i can live with them. Always nice to have game evolving. Hope they scramble more these upgrades and listen players feedback. I think ultimate goal should be bring ns2 to F2P. Whatever players it…Ns2Large is gameplay change, Ns2+ is not. There's a difference.Näyttäs olevan valmis? Millonka nähään pelissä? Voiko näitä vieläkään testata mitenkään?
Ison työn oot tehny!
It seems like it is finished? When do we see these ingame? Is it still unpossible to test these without releasing?
…All this cry about servers which was hacked, Devs renamed them as a ns2Large mod(which no1 complaint), and now you have to search for different gamemodes is so sad. Good change! Keep ns2 as a vanilla gameplay-wise and modded games as a mods.I played a lot in uwe officials at the time. Because i was sure it was not modded. Nowadays situation seems same. You can't be sure how server has altered gameplay. Definitely going to avoid (s)hellarious bastards from now on (I liked those servers)…You could have told us what is Last stand mod. Only thing that i was able to find.
"Last Stand is a fast-paced twitch-shooter mod for NS2. There is no commander. Only you, your skill and your friends. Play as either Alien or Marine in a final …^I think it's coming from "alive backgrounds"-menu which came some builds ago. Like hive droppings, cc deployment and other stuff.I think over 24 servers are tagged with Ns2large nowadays. Not so sure what that means...
(more ip's/eggs?)
Otherwise i agree. Over 24 servers should not be whitelisted if other mods do not.I think ELO usually works. But if u have pub heroes 3000skill and rookies, it is hard. But usually it makes games good.(Quote)
Well i think here we have reason.
Well NS1 is still there. Like many of its predecessor's.Protip for casuals: Play during not so high player count hours. Like for me it's somewhere 15pm- 19pm CET. After dark, all pro comp players crawl out of theirs caves and you see guys like 3000 skill.
Another tip: Find good community serv…(Quote)
You could release support badges DLC or similiar. Even thou i dont usually buy cosmetics, that i could buy just to support.
Just add little scoreboard badges for 5euros each. Like blood, claw, strong arm, etc etc. Shouldnt take too much …Hello
Could someone update this thread? It's over one and half year old. I'm having hard times to find any streamers.