Frontline or Support?
Australia Join Date: 2016-06-12 Member: 218444Members

So, I recently had some NS2 players tell me that Gorges should are better at fighting than any other lifeform in the game. In fact, they even said that Gorges should lead fights and even fight solo if possible. So, what does the general community think? Are Gorges hardened battle born or specialized support and builders? Or are they something different? I would love to get @BeigeAlert on this thread too so he could give his expert opinion.
That being said, a skilled gorge can take down 1-2 even 3 marines, given the circumstances:
they are not medded by their com
you can either bile away their armour first / lure them into a hydra trap
Gorges are good at leading into battle, but only if there are other lifeforms supporting it.
In that case, the gorge's first priority is to heal the lifeforms, then to bile away armour/lost equipment, and only THEN to attack directly and spit.
But in most cases, gorges (especially rookies) are supposed to build and guard positions.
If there is nothing left to build as a gorge, you need to help your team in fights to be useful.
Good gorges bait marines into ambushes, initiate engagements by tanking bullets and chip down marine armor with spit/bile.
For eg; there COULD be a lone marine without any armour building a phasegate, and your teammates could be far off.
In that case, even if you're a bad aimer, you should go for the kill, because the reward (denying the phase gate) trumps the cost (of your death).
But these situations are rare, and you need experience to be aware of them in the first place:]
Is killing the marine useful at that moment?
how high are the chances of winning that engagement?
You kill marines in order to have time to hurt the marines economy. If you don't have bile and no skulks around to bite RTs, there is no point in killing a single marine in marine territory.
The marine comm can easily outmed gorge spits, so commiting to a 1vs1 as a gorge is high risk gamble, that depends on low marine res flow or a bad marine comm.
However, a gorge without support may harass marines by staying out of their kill range and constantly applying spit damage. It costs the marines Tres and may distract them from hurting your economy.
Another tip for gorges, but not related to being aggressive. I wish more gorges would put up clog pillars in open areas to give aliens places to hide behind. There are many places where two clogs on top of each other can block a very long line of site. This can save escaping lifeforms, or allow them to close the distance.
How do I become an expert like Beige? I want to be the very best there ever was.
Slightly OT, but...
Man, remember when people used to build those stupid side-to-side clog bridges? In the entrances of rooms? They were usually positioned in such a way that they block Fades and Onos from going through, and marines only had to destroy one clog to reduce the whole thing to rubble. It was so pointless. I don't know how it ever got popular.
Interestingly, I haven't seen it in ages. Granted, I don't play a lot anymore, but apparently people got the message.
I don't think it was something that grew popular. I think it something a rookie views an intuitive. I think this is a rookie habit, not even a low skill habit. Once you experience it once yourself, you will never do it again.
This is not the same strategic impenetrable gorge walls. I have seen two gorges put up 20 clogs and 6 hydras strategically in entrance to system on veil. If a group of marines even attempted to knock the wall down, it took some time. If they took the time, they would run into hydras and be slowed down further and require meds. They can still go through the vent, but it still slows them down a lot. It makes system very hard to take, and nano harder to push.
This only works in larger games like 12v12 where you can have gorges to spare. It is more effective with a sub hive. You need to have some minimum level of team organization so that all your skulks push the right side. Any marine who goes to the left side is just wasting time, and in my experience they don't stop going to the left.
Used to?
Also, not sure what I did to be considered an expert on this subject...
Expert opinion since you work on the game itself. You had a say in the design of Gorges.
Sorta OT story but I was playing a game and a Marine on my team said that there were Georges in Nanogrid. Another teammate said that they must be very curious creatures.
That and other stuff is what ppl tried to tell you and the other afk gorges who were literally doing nothing and waited at their safehouse... maybe giving one or two healsprays for a lifeform going to the hive was the utmost the gorges did every minute at maximum once ... (even that was useless since they mostly stayed just outside of the healingrange of the hive/crag) so no time optimizing at all)
That is being useless or being dead meat.. going near the front and starting to spit and heal would be more useful... or going skulk and trying to bite rts..
Gorges can easily draw fire to them instead of waiting for the marines to come to them... because at that point yesterday it was already lost because we had 3 useless gorges which gave basically no support as scaredycats...
So in the end marines teched up, got exos and “suprisingly“ lost.. end of the round after which that topic came up... couldnt kill hubgate or keep their rts down like that even though we were dominating ... not even speaking about the usual pub-issue lack of /late lifeforms... 2 onos came up after w3 and exos
Oooh, they ARE quite curious creatures, those piglets... really interested in how human flesh tastes x)
It´s still usefull in early games (before fades). Trick here is that you can spit effectively under "bridge" and force marines to crouch if they want to hunt you down, or waste bullets to clogbridge. While you spit them to death, or let your teammates deal with crouching marine, or reloading marine. Marines cant jump over properly built clogbridge. It doesnt matter that bridge is destroyed with half a clip, its still enough to force them reload and you can rebuild bridge in seconds after you or teammates have destroyed rine. If there more than couple rines, you should plan for you escape anyway. Infact you should always plan for your escape.
You have to make sure that you destroy bridges before fades or onoses. And be sure that you dont make bridge so poorly that skulks and lerks get stuck with it.
With clog pillars you cant do that in same manner. While rines lose eyesight with pilars, so do you as a gorge.
In hindsight of the rest of the team having smartly build clogtowers are invaluable compared to other choices...if you dont have any whips you're usually toast
You should think about what happens if two good marines with some teamplay enter the room...
Having killled tunnels like nano now hundreds of times I can say the successrate is highest with bridges
I know comp strats are bit different. In comp you very rarely want to engage 1-1 to rine.
I can only comment on pubs where i play. I like to watch comp thou.
the point still stands that the way gorges put up clogs on pubs is far less effective, because they do it wrong like in a rts game and you think you can block marines entirely...
The lower your accuracy is the harder times you actually got against skulks dancing between those pillars.. and the longer it takes you to crush the tunnel the higher is your risc of failing it all together with zero damage at all
Here is a short video i made a while ago keep in mind this is on a large server but it kinda shows that healing skulks biling enemy armor(weapons on ground) can help a long way.
When you see marines dropping sentries early game, ask your com to immediately research bile bomb, because that's the most effective counter to sentry batteries.
From then on, your job is to feel out which batteries are less protected, and keep shovering them in bile!
This is the mentality that made this game too boring for most from the start
Any older players or playtesters will know what I mean...
Have you read the rest of the post? My other comments? There is a reason for the starting TL;DR.
All I see from you lately is just massive whining
Now now, do not fight over an online forum.
I also don't see many gorges clog RT cysts... and why do gorges have to always group their hydras? A single hydra at every RT and clogged cysts would bug the hell out of me as a rine, giving aliens more time to respond, losing a bit of armor, and ammo...
Yeah but the number of times I've dropped the RT instead of echoing it and the gorge runs off to do his own shit. Sometimes it pays to have no trust in some players.