Is there some rule saying the valve must be parallel with the handle? It would work fine if they were perpendicular.
It is not a "strict" rule and I can not find it anywhere, but since I have seen thousands of valves (I am not exaggerating!) in different countries: lever handle shows always into flowing direction. This way, even from far away, you can always tell if the valve is closed or open (hence the lever is always of some color like red, blue or sometimes yellow, while the rest of the valve is steel or brass and same/similar color as the piping).
With 3-way valves it is a bit more complicated, but since you usually know where the pump/compressor is, you can tell where it is flowing to.
But as I said, i just left it there, because for an engineer it is a bit obvious :-D
Edit: You could call it an easter egg for engineers ^^
Left and right have been fully open for so long their respective steam-tanks are long since empty.
Middle one is open for only 50% so it still has some steamstuff left in its steam-tank.
Left and right have been fully open for so long their respective steam-tanks are long since empty.
Middle one is open for only 50% so it still has some steamstuff left in its steam-tank.
Left and right have been fully open for so long their respective steam-tanks are long since empty.
Middle one is open for only 50% so it still has some steamstuff left in its steam-tank.
Well explained :-D
And since the station is under alien control, they don't give a f*** about closing them again ^^
I do, it still looks great.
Would probaly benefit from some extra pathing options for aliens (instead of room -> left path or right path -> room -> left or right etc)
You can't play this map. It has sooo many holes, so that the toxic atmosphere of the planet is leaking into the station. You will suffocate immediately. That's not much fun.
You can't play this map. It has sooo many holes, so that the toxic atmosphere of the planet is leaking into the station. You will suffocate immediately. That's not much fun.
How do you know the atmosphere is toxic?
It could very well be breathable..
I think it's a planet with breathable air simply beacouse both biodome and derelict are on the same planet i think they are there to terraform the atmosphere to make it breathable why in hell would it be so many plants there?
You can't play this map. It has sooo many holes, so that the toxic atmosphere of the planet is leaking into the station. You will suffocate immediately. That's not much fun.
How do you know the atmosphere is toxic?
It could very well be breathable..
I think it's a planet with breathable air simply beacouse both biodome and derelict are on the same planet i think they are there to terraform the atmosphere to make it breathable why in hell would it be so many plants there?
Look out the windows, sand, dust and rocks everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Must be toxic, nothing growing.
Isn't that the reason why you grow the plants closed up in your base?
But wait, It just came to my mind that Derelict has open areas with no roof... But that areas are surely covered by invisible force fields.
all the facilities (could) be at the ekvator of the planet and only the north and south is habitated by alien life
There can be soooooooooooooooo many difrent reasons why the air is breathable im just to lazy to explain...
also you can't breath in a desert?!?!?!?!?!?!
thats you're argument right there
I remember something about "it's being looked into..."
I think that was lip service. The flaws in this map have been pointed out since it was released, and still nobody plays it because... well because it still hasn't been fixed...
all the facilities (could) be at the ekvator of the planet and only the north and south is habitated by alien life
There can be soooooooooooooooo many difrent reasons why the air is breathable im just to lazy to explain...
also you can't breath in a desert?!?!?!?!?!?!
thats you're argument right there
Don't take it too seriously.
The map needs some love, especially in the detailed picture(map holes, other smaller tweaks) and also in the bigger picture (as other pointed out).
LokiJoin Date: 2012-07-07Member: 153973Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts
it was not lip service, I had been working on new vents and fixes for the map. However things occurred recently and when the map was released, which resulted in me not having any motivation to do anything ns2 related. Self entitied idiots do not help the matter either
As for the backstory to the map yes its on the same planet as biodome, just a much older earlier complex that was automated / abandoned.
The areas within the base complex that do have life growing outside are limited, its not over grown, just a few simple grasses and the odd tree that managed to tap in to the complex water recycling systems and thus have a ready supply of water and nutrients, also nanites
Love the new changes to the map... Only been able to play one game on it so far (since the changes) but it was a great 40 minute long game that went back and forth. Tons of fun.
With any luck now Derelict will start to get played more often.
Here are three videos showing off some issues. The most important ones being: the minimap isn't updated so the new vents aren't there, and they are also invisible in spec/comm view. Also, death pit in Western above the RR, for fades and lerks. In the video I don't manage to fall as skulk but I managed it like 1 week ago
ps : if there is no HD, wait a little bit. It juts finished uploading
That just seems unecessary.. I don't see any reason it should be there. Plus it doesn't make any sense that only marines, lerks and fades can fall down there. It's unintuitive
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
edited February 2016
@MauvaisVitrier - What is your problem? Loki is a community member who donated a metric crap ton of his free time developing stuff for NS2. Rather than bitch and moan about the maps, he made some and fixed issues in others.
He is a very helpful pro-active community member. If you were a proactive community member, you would open up derelict and fix these issues yourself. You know, give your own free time as well, like Loki did.
But no, I bet you won't do that, I bet you'll start some babble about not being paid to fix UWE's problems and all that crap.
Rather than bitch and moan, make the changes yourself. If they are that important to you, then do something about it.
Just to point out he is moaning about derelict and making comments in more than this thread, but I felt my feedback was best placed in this thread.
What is your problem Soul Rider ? Do we know each other ? I'm reporting stuff that I have issues with and I explain why. You can carry your own vendetta on PM if you like. This is ridiculous.
I have never said I could do better, never said I could use Sparks, never hinted to the fact that even if I did know and eventually fixed stuff I would like to be paid by UWE. What are these allegations. People bitch about a lot of stuff, and if the whole bitching part is a no-go zone then I guess that means you don't value negative feedback in these forums. Hell, the goal of community feedback is having people playing the game reporting issues they found out about to the guy who has the ability and technical knowledge to fix them.
I've given both positive and negative feedback here and explained myself most of the time. You coming in here playing the whiteknight card when I don't even know who the fuck you are, is beyond me.
Yo Soul Rider, want me to tell Loki how amazing he is ?
Not gonna happen, his map has issues, I'll do it later when it's better.
Never have I questionned Loki's legitimacy in the CDT and his work for NS2.
Soul_RiderMod BeanJoin Date: 2004-06-19Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
HAHA, no I don't want you to tell anyone how amazing they are, but there is a way to complain about things, and making personal attacks against Loki for not fixing the issues is as unfair as you perceive my critiscm of you to be.
My cirtiscm of you by the way at no time contains a personal attack.
I hardly think 1 post criticising your behaviour towards another community member constitutes a vendetta. If it does, you must admit your multiple posts deriding Loki are also a vendetta, which you should consider taking to PM as per your own advice.
It is not a "strict" rule and I can not find it anywhere, but since I have seen thousands of valves (I am not exaggerating!) in different countries: lever handle shows always into flowing direction. This way, even from far away, you can always tell if the valve is closed or open (hence the lever is always of some color like red, blue or sometimes yellow, while the rest of the valve is steel or brass and same/similar color as the piping).
With 3-way valves it is a bit more complicated, but since you usually know where the pump/compressor is, you can tell where it is flowing to.
But as I said, i just left it there, because for an engineer it is a bit obvious :-D
Edit: You could call it an easter egg for engineers ^^
Middle one is open for only 50% so it still has some steamstuff left in its steam-tank.
I'm buying it.
Well explained :-D
And since the station is under alien control, they don't give a f*** about closing them again ^^
I do, it still looks great.
Would probaly benefit from some extra pathing options for aliens (instead of room -> left path or right path -> room -> left or right etc)
It could very well be breathable..
I think it's a planet with breathable air simply beacouse both biodome and derelict are on the same planet i think they are there to terraform the atmosphere to make it breathable why in hell would it be so many plants there?
Look out the windows, sand, dust and rocks everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Must be toxic, nothing growing.
Isn't that the reason why you grow the plants closed up in your base?
But wait, It just came to my mind that Derelict has open areas with no roof... But that areas are surely covered by invisible force fields.
There can be soooooooooooooooo many difrent reasons why the air is breathable im just to lazy to explain...
also you can't breath in a desert?!?!?!?!?!?!
thats you're argument right there
I remember something about "it's being looked into..."
I think that was lip service. The flaws in this map have been pointed out since it was released, and still nobody plays it because... well because it still hasn't been fixed...
Don't take it too seriously.
The map needs some love, especially in the detailed picture(map holes, other smaller tweaks) and also in the bigger picture (as other pointed out).
As for the backstory to the map yes its on the same planet as biodome, just a much older earlier complex that was automated / abandoned.
The areas within the base complex that do have life growing outside are limited, its not over grown, just a few simple grasses and the odd tree that managed to tap in to the complex water recycling systems and thus have a ready supply of water and nutrients, also nanites
Love the new changes to the map... Only been able to play one game on it so far (since the changes) but it was a great 40 minute long game that went back and forth. Tons of fun.
With any luck now Derelict will start to get played more often.
ps : if there is no HD, wait a little bit. It juts finished uploading
I found out about the deathpit as a marine jumping back there to try and hide from a fade coming into western.
Its not being removed
Its staying
He is a very helpful pro-active community member. If you were a proactive community member, you would open up derelict and fix these issues yourself. You know, give your own free time as well, like Loki did.
But no, I bet you won't do that, I bet you'll start some babble about not being paid to fix UWE's problems and all that crap.
Rather than bitch and moan, make the changes yourself. If they are that important to you, then do something about it.
Just to point out he is moaning about derelict and making comments in more than this thread, but I felt my feedback was best placed in this thread.
I have never said I could do better, never said I could use Sparks, never hinted to the fact that even if I did know and eventually fixed stuff I would like to be paid by UWE. What are these allegations. People bitch about a lot of stuff, and if the whole bitching part is a no-go zone then I guess that means you don't value negative feedback in these forums. Hell, the goal of community feedback is having people playing the game reporting issues they found out about to the guy who has the ability and technical knowledge to fix them.
I've given both positive and negative feedback here and explained myself most of the time. You coming in here playing the whiteknight card when I don't even know who the fuck you are, is beyond me.
Yo Soul Rider, want me to tell Loki how amazing he is ?
Let's keep this forum clean please. --Beige
My cirtiscm of you by the way at no time contains a personal attack.
I hardly think 1 post criticising your behaviour towards another community member constitutes a vendetta. If it does, you must admit your multiple posts deriding Loki are also a vendetta, which you should consider taking to PM as per your own advice.