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Members, Constellation


  • Would it be possible to do what Blizzard did in the early days of addons for WoW; Simply have a check box (or equivalent) that runs "out-of-date" mods. This is incredibly useful for simple hotfixes that do not affect the core of the game.
  • Shadow Gorge Skin and I am sold.
  • I always use Shift first, the utility is just unbeatable by any other tech tree. Not to mention you get the passive bonuses from the Shade regardless of what your first hive is. I find that when I do not have Celerity, I die a lot more in the earl…
  • TLDR; Excellent thread, excellent arguments (whatever they may be), and a few trolls. Overall, I really enjoy the new additions. However, I feel that balance and performance should be prioritized over any (insert new thing here).

  • You are always welcome to join us at the KingKahunaGames Hive Servers [KKG]. We have a pretty high skill ceiling, but most of our regulars are very friendly and helpful.
  • Sad to say this, but it will honestly dissuade me from grabbing a Shadow Tier if it "overwrites" my Constellation Badge. I really wish we could still have our Veteran Medals from NS1. Call me shallow, but it always brought me a sense of pride; I c…
  • I like the idea of more weapons, but I would honestly rather see more USEFUL abilities, evolutions, and lifeforms for Aliens first. Alien play is incredibly stale right now. In general pub games are played out almost entirely the same way...Celeri…
  • Is it not "immersion"? Sorry to be THAT guy, but everyone keeps misspelling the word.

    I like the idea of Modular Exos, as we have discussed to great effect, multiple times in the past. However, giving them the ability to exit, animatio…
  • The Crusher is fine, you die to it once and learn your lesson.

    Sidenote: I really hate Bella Omega gameplay-wise, but the art design for it is FABULOUS!
  • (Quote)
    This. Almost every game I play all the Greens flock to Marines because it is understandably familiar, leaving all experienced players to join Aliens.

  • Aside from Gathers, the KKG Servers are filled with regular players with maybe some smattering of greens. They tend to stick to the "Official" and unmodded servers it seems.
  • Perhaps, if they went in the direction of skill-based shooting such as Counter-Strike or Call of Duty. However, they went the way of Quake or Unreal Tournament IE. twitch-based shooting. In Twitch, jumping/jetting/flying never affect your accuracy…
  • I really like the idea, but it would be an effective nerf to Aliens by cutting down their (necessary) quick expansion speed. Aliens are all about mobility, this contradicts that.

    I do like the idea of Aliens utilizing the Power Node in …
  • But Hugh, I thought NS2 was fully integrated with Steamworks and Steam Workshop. Doesn't this mean the economical back-end/programming is already integrated into NS2 like it is with DOTA2 and TF2?

    Edit: Also, I am still waiting on my Go…
  • Weldables are already in the works. It was a staple and integral part of NS1, it was just never fully incorporated into NS2.
  • This type of thing has to be left up to Server Owners and their Operators (Admins). Most run DAK (or was it DAX) Admin Mod that have a random feature built in that Admins are able to activate whenever they want. Some servers also run a vote option…
  • Even though Xao comes off as a raving madman, I support both Him and Savant along with their arguments against removing Armor Healing.

    Those that are in favor of this change have to take into account that this has been tried on numerous …
  • I actually like this suggestion, especially over an Official Combat mod (was never a fan). Hell, if Bioware could shoehorn this into Mass Effect 3 with great...effect, I think it would be a great addition to a game that already has the framework es…
  • Another QOL (Quality of Life) feature I feel is REQUIRED to be in the game, that is absent. Thank you for bringing this up and your contribution.
  • So similar to what Valve's DOTA2 does at the end of every game? I am still unsure why they do it, as it has to be horribly inaccurate for the sole reason of bias. I know when I lose a game in DOTA2 I automatically say it was a horrible, terrible g…
  • I like what Khaze said. It's a cool novel feature, but one that should be inherent for Aliens. Just normal vision with orange outlines surrounding things that are important or relevant is all that is needed.
  • This is in the same vein of a visual Hive upgrade that has been proposed on occasion by multiple people. Again another good idea, but alas it will go unnoticed as it has in the past.
  • The only issue I see with this is that it would be low-priority. I am not certain of the numbers, but I can take an educated guess in that not many people use Triple panel setups. Dual panel setups are a lot more common, but still pale in comparis…
  • This is how it was Pre-Gorgeous and is (as always) intentional. The only upgrade that affects Exos are Armor. Onos versus Exo is pretty even, because if the Onos gets in close they have the advantage. If an Onos is attacked at range, they are at …
  • I'll take two as well. One for me and another to keep the first one company.
  • I am mixed on Concede. On the one hand, if it truly is dire straits, a team will F4 or recycle (if Marines). On the other, I have played a few games where an amazing comeback occurs and those are some of the most memorable experiences I have had i…
  • (Quote)
    Hahah, that was an awesome image. Railguns remind me of the Instagib Mutator back in Unreal Tournament.
  • Wish I had more to add, but simply "I agree". I am surprised I haven't thought of or heard mention of this before.
  • I love the patch. I don't approve of the map changes and the unintended acceleration bug has really killed my mobility (and consequently fun) as a Skulk (hopefully this will be hotfixed ASAP), but overall the games will be incredibly even when half…