So we need players from FPS, TPS, and RTS, oh w8 they are all in Smite now .
TPS skill shot based action MOBA.
That have : if in need :
Auto buy items - 4 noobs
Auto spend points -4 noobs
Video tutorials in game -… -
Cancer are no lifers on this forums , that make your videos useless with noobstomping.
Noob say, hm find this video maybe will help me, ah crap it is not working, i will dislike video, and delete game , was cheap anyway, so how can be good ?(Quote)
I know how to write, i dont need Google translate, i was just in rage for players like this .
They are ..... most ....... brain...... ....less ...... , that dont deserve to even ......... in servers.
U fill lines in way…(Quote)
U , u , u are gamebreaker mather how outcome is , the report sistem in smite is good to use for this, of w8 this game is dead allready , and u , and ...... like kill it , in all sales, shame on u!
This! While i dont like some balance things, engine is ok imao!
This game is foolproof, and some of u hardcores are lucky to have it.
There is limited amount of smart people in this world, so dont expect high playerbase…(Quote)
Well yes usefull marine upgrades take less time and res to get. But that is not cuz they are easy to get , it is cuz they have lesser amount of usefull upgrades, i mean not all are very usefull. All i think ,it will be good it to t…(Quote)
Well as most/some say yes to pick spawn IP.
Some bring alarm, on marine turtles. So one thing must be decided?
Do we need beter marine turtle or no?
If yes,i was thinking about
(This will be sounding crazy and im not even sur…That is hell of a answer, but we talking about early game, not mid/late. In mid/late, u will use PGs,jets for map movement anyway,not put your hopes in spawn points.It is not mine native, and i use tablet,so it is best u can get,read it if u can,if not ignore posts.
Also ford, can u mesure how long it take take for solo marine to builds com+ip, and how much time for gorge adrenaline hive, and than we can …(Quote)
U need to build IP next to com in order to use it as spawn ,so it is 40 res, and ip is not realy fast building structure to, so u get more bang for your res with hive, and u need to, but not at price that competition needs to be …Sup with all love for source engine, i can tell for fact that u will not have that shotguning fun with that in ns2, and game will not look like next gen. Only upside will be ,lower hardware requirements that may produse more players, but again that…(Quote)
I want , to marines can pick spawn ip.(Quote)
It is far from pointles, if u get to crosroads as alien u can make gorge tunel before marines.
But if u get to crosroads as marine before aliens u cant hold it before PG. I mean after balte for crosroads is over in beging of …(Quote) Well alien can have tunels, marines have PG.
Alien can pick spawns, marine can not.
Now before gorge tunels that was ok,but now im not sure.
Alien have 1 com, and 3 hive, and all are usefull. And u say marines have 1 com…(Quote)
U are now dev,shot your mouth, JK
This is awesome can i down this and start server ,will it work,i mean .
There is something u dont see every day thanks god !
Good titanfall was disapontment for most , cuz now we can keep those exo proplayers,now we just need to survive Smite strategic…
Maybe most of u will hate me for this but i was fan of Quake engine, like it o some CODs, sourse engine is ok, but overrated, any1 who played tf2 scout main or comp will confirm this more or less. Frostbite 2 and 3 especialy was joke, worst of all i…Second comander, now that will be something for alien to rage about- all time med spam, and first comander to rage about, no res for upgradesI is beter to scan + marine male harvester, than to drop amo + shot harvester!
And if marine solo rifle vs fade, lol just w8 and upgrade something. All this talk is pub related cuz for pros , this topic is waste of time(Quote)
Brute force is not strategy man
It is beter to concide 10 times , and get one balanced game, than waste time . I just finish game where all aliens left in 2 min. Alldo one pro player- nolifer will clear server , when u see first score player have more than 5 times score of second …I like to read samo dev opinions about this, cuz now as it stands, there is no point in geting second com .They are OK, now we have point to shift hive first, or second for that mater.
The way he over is outdated, and not just that it is how RL work in most games. Imao if change is needed,it is best to use Loadout way base damage+ direct hit damage in ratio 9-1 . But as Tf2 demo MAIN, I must say I don't think that is good idea. So…Future telling about next few updates, that just awesome way to get informed
in What is releasing in 27 days? Speculation thread Comment by orbitalshape March 2014(Quote)
Hope is first step to disappointment,just saying
U man, u, U need attention. That is why u mad,not because game.
If u don't won't it,u will not be posting this!(Quote)
Nah, 2 onos can take them down, they have just one gun