Now now, who is really polluting when you have 100+ comments and I have 20? -
Most of what I am talking about is in reference to the early game Marine vs Skulk combat. I dont believe you when you say that it would give the advantage to the marine most of the time. Either way the skulks already die so fast it… -
I dont see why a bash is only available for the rifle either. However, keep in mind that a skulk should have the upper hand at close range. Right now it takes one shot to kill a skulk with a shotty and the same skulks have to bite you 4 times while …
One other thing that I have noticed is that the humans in this game have a 1 shot weapon called a shotgun. I have yet to find a 1 shot or 1 hit weapon for the aliens.
My style of game play which I like most is the stealthy sneaky approac… -
I agree that completely being stunned could be annoying but at the same time I can see it being fun. Look at Counterstrike for instance. While y… -
Seems pointless to look around without moving your entire body in circles?? Not only is the current looking retarded it gives away your position to be looking around when you want to be completely still and still be able to look slowly as marines pa…
Call of Duty? Whats with people always saying this? Not only do I not like Call of Duty, I play games more like Arma 3, StarDrive, DayZ....
Yeah Duke Nukem was a good old game but its a child's game now. (Quote)
The younger gen… -
The jumping movement called bunny hopping by some for marines looks really bad. This is more of a halo or quake thing. Im guessing this is where the devs wa… -
Killcams are cool and would show what you look like. 3rd person is a tough one as it can easily be abused as you say to look around corners. No one likes the idea of being seen when the other person doesnt have a direct line of sight of them.
indeed it answers many of them but not all!
I like it all.
This game I hear is like "Counter Strike and Starcraft" mixed together yet in Counterstrike taking damage slows you down. Meanwhile in this game biting a marine results in the marines hopping away at incredible speeds. The same … -
being able to move eggs to the front line with your little worker dudes and set it as automatic would be interesting to try. Could make it look like ants moving eggs around the map.
I like the idea of giving skulks a stun mechanism. A ma… -
Have tried this numerous times and by that time marine has help. Also, the jump maneuver that you mention is "easy" to just predict where they will go is nonsense. Not only are they faster when they jump, they gain a distance from … -
Skulk is worthless against a bunny hopping marine that can aim. Even if the skulk gets the first strike and the marine is alone, the chances that the marine kills the skulk is very good. Meanwhile the hoppity hop that marines do looks like a ridicul…
The marine jumping needs fixing. I mean have it require energy and limit how often they can jump. Bunny hopping looks terrible in a game like this. And of course the strafe jump absolutely needs to go. It is hard to see as an alien with your eyes be…
I completely agree with you. It is not so fun to play as a weak life form that cant even perform ambushes anymore due to the fact that 4 bites require too much time while marines just hop away into oblivion reloading and shooting a… -
You mean like the strafe jumping and reloading while jumping? -
The marine vs the skulk is broken combat. This needs to be fixed. It look bad and is frustrating for any skulk player.
everyone is opposed to buffing skulks because the aliens win more in the end. Well let me tell you something. Even if the aliens win in the end it is very frustrating to play as a skulk. You can try to sneak, ambush, or whatever you want to but a sk…
Aliens do gather resources faster. However a marine can beat a skulk one on one even if the skulk ambushes the marine from the back. Not sure why armor doesnt repair at the buildings this is really stupid imo. I think it should. However, I do not li…
The most interesting part of the game for me is the beginning, early phase and mid game. Sadly though, the combat is broken imho. A skulk can try his best to ambush a marine and the marine just hops away and disappears from your screen. Not only doe…
Marine jumping is ugly, is annoying, is ridiculous. This type of mechanic looks like old school arcade shooters. Find a different way to help marines but the jumping is the worst solution.
Nothing more frustrating than marines jumping ou… -
I agree, a marine with a flamethrower and jetpack is extremely more powerful than a mech. Then again, I prefer to see a limitation to the number of mechs and onos in the game as well as removing jetpacks completely. Who goes into a building with a …
I agree that skullks are annoying to play as now. Sneaking up to someone only grants 1 -2 bites on them and then the marine hops away or does a 180 spin in the air and shotguns you once and you die. It is frustrating indeed. I too have stopped play…
The jump looks pretty foolish. It looks REALLY bad. I can understand the need to jump in some situations but bunny hopping around without getting tired just looks really bad and doesnt make sense. Aesthetics are very important. If you watch the movi…
I play aliens most of the time. I can tell you that in the beginning it is quite fun. but in the later phases of the game all I can see are exo mechs killing everything. It gets lame in the late game. I wish a feature could be added to slow down mar…