Not Sure
You sacrifice too much to get silence first.
Lots of strats are viable with good teams. With anything else, I'd say get phasegates.
I really don't know how to describe my concept of balance to you. It's something that I've picked up over years of playing RTS games, which I think is the same place the rest of your detractors are coming from.
The simplest way I can ex… -
I've played a great deal since release so I'm starting to get familiar with a lot of the people out there, and the main thing I've noticed is that there are a lot of very, very talented players who choose alien 95% of the time. I'm of the opinion t…
I'm pretty sure that happened to me in the first two days of release. Every community has douchebags, and they usually like to make their presence known.
Pretend it's soccer. Move together but stay spread out, keep each other covered. It's best with 3 guys or more. Try to move around like an idiot all the time (i.e. unpredictably).
I'm sorry that you're offended by people implying you don't understand balance, but you seriously do not understand balance.
It'd be cool if you could use a flamethrower to remove the DoT.
Interesting how no one responded to his question about ARCs. I guess everyone thinks they're useless?
If my team is keeping up with the aliens in the first 10 minutes, I win with an arc push 9/10 times. -
In my opinion, the only time you want an armory not against a wall is every single time you place an armory.
If you don't leave space around all four sides of an armory, marines can't use it to heal spam while they're f… -
Yeahhh, that's not a thing.
You say the marine comm has to babysit his soldiers with medpacks, I say the alien comm has to watch helplessly as his skulks get slaughtered.
#1: I think you're spending too much money if you're that busy building
#2: You get like a minute and a half of free time after dropping your second harvester and before getting your first upgrade, so that's plenty of time to…Um, I definitely see marines running around my hive all the time, without a drifter in sight. The second they start hitting something they show up.As someone who's commanded marines a ridiculous amount of times, I'm pretty sure all I want to feel good about bile bomb is a consistent warning system for power nodes under attack for those times when you (somehow) miss that 2 seconds of advanced w…No offense, but it seems like you're "fixing" all the things that new/bad players have trouble with and experienced/good players have learned to overcome.Jetpacks accelerate faster... You're out of your damn mind, dude.It takes a lot of skill to multitask efficiently as a commander and trying to communicate with him via text just makes it harder. A lot of commanders are slow to react and not great at multitasking, so maybe you should take it upon yourself to just…I could easily see crag active heal + a few gorges healing 45% of a hive in 5 seconds.(Quote)
Well, I don't spam eggs. I spawn them when people are dead and I want to respawn them somewhere specific. And the point I'm trying to make here is that if what you're saying is true, why doesn't it happen? Why am I able to go sh…I'm almost positive there's a bug in there because I've had my power nodes killed silently in games where the alien comm said he didn't have a shade hive.
I've noticed it seems to happen whenever you get health/ammo spam at the same time…(Quote)
If going shift first cripples the team, why don't I lose? Like, ever? I'm not trying to brag but I win 19/20 games as alien commander, and I play on lots of different servers with lots of different players of varying skill.
…I gotta agree with this guy^. When I'm getting well and truly stomped, the only thing I'm learning is "that guy is waaaaaaaaaaay better than me." You -might- pick up some small things that will improve your play, but getting killed by a guy with s…Not a bad point, OP. And detractors, remember you can always just kill yourself after dropping the hydras if you want to stay skulk for biting and whatnot.
Also, giving yourself an onos later on makes for a lot of fun late game when mar…Wow guys, I gotta say .. really? It's that much of a problem? I figured it out the first time I was kicked, and now I only join that server if it has less than 16 people.
It's not super complicated.(Quote)
I guess all my experience is just invalid, then. Shifts help me control the map and my team. I start using them at like 3-4 minutes and keep using them all game long. I very, very rarely lose these games, even when my teammates …The pedantry in this thread is making me nauseous.Get into the habit of reloading every time you stop shooting.*
*Some exceptions may apply.