People moaning about balance in the game... instead of playing the game
Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

Listen up if the title describes you.
----Edit to rephrase my post more sensibly----
This game is fantastic! Really, provided you can get two decently matched teams playing, it can be and often is truly epic.
I'm complaining here about a small minority of people who refuse to actually play the game while they're in (and the game is running); instead they spam chat with negative comments about the game.
The best time to voice concerns is either in the ready room, or right here on the forums - not in the middle of a fight! The result there is that the team loses because they are 1 or 2 men down (in practice, but not in numbers).
It's also just rude to all the other players on the server.
I'm hoping that this community will continue to thrive, but in order to do so, it needs people to act with respect towards each other. I don't deny that there may be some balance issues with the game, but the middle of the actual game is NOT the right place to be constantly talking about them.
----End edit, apologies for my previous naming of the culprit that prompted me to write this----
----Edit to rephrase my post more sensibly----
This game is fantastic! Really, provided you can get two decently matched teams playing, it can be and often is truly epic.
I'm complaining here about a small minority of people who refuse to actually play the game while they're in (and the game is running); instead they spam chat with negative comments about the game.
The best time to voice concerns is either in the ready room, or right here on the forums - not in the middle of a fight! The result there is that the team loses because they are 1 or 2 men down (in practice, but not in numbers).
It's also just rude to all the other players on the server.
I'm hoping that this community will continue to thrive, but in order to do so, it needs people to act with respect towards each other. I don't deny that there may be some balance issues with the game, but the middle of the actual game is NOT the right place to be constantly talking about them.
----End edit, apologies for my previous naming of the culprit that prompted me to write this----
I assume the bolded part is the case. While it's certainly true that there are a lot of complainers who aren't helping the game.... I think it's unfair to say that people who find it unbalanced are therefore just noobs who don't know how to play.
True that stats don't always hold the truths, but there is something to be said for 55% aliens to 45% marines. Maybe it's because newer folk don't understand marine teamwork, but you still have to adjust for that in the base game.
I stand by my statements that the main problems in pubs are not caused by the imbalance which is in the game (and there is some imbalance for sure, I'm not denying it). A troll commander will lose 100% of his games. You don't need to worry about a 55/45, 65/35 or 80/20 imbalance at that point.
I will freely admit, and do in other threads on these forums, that I do NOT know it all about this game. I'm very much learning, and enjoy doing so. There's a hell of a lot to learn.
This is not a thread about balance. It's a thread about people not playing the game when they're in the game.
could flag you as trolling from that last sentence and all the "yelling" caps but i won't bc you'll pm me freakin out
Cheaters do not ruin very many games, because they are few and far between (I've yet to encounter one). But people complaining about how someone supposedly cheats do ruin the games pretty frequently.
Bad commanders ruin less games than people who are complaining about bad commanding. Because a lot of people are always complaining about the commander, whether he is bad or not.
Teamstackers probably ruin less games than people who complain about teamstacking too.
And people who at the first setback start complaining about how the game is lost... shesh. Today my side won three times after people had said that it was lost and wanted to concede. You'd think that they'd shut up after the second comeback...
If you don't like the game, don't play. If you think the game is lost, vote concede, leave the server or STFU and keep playing. If you think the commander sucks, offer to take over commanding and start an eject vote. If you can't do it better yourself, or can't get people to replace the Com, then STFU.
Complaining about the game and blaming others is just immature and pathetic. It makes you look like a cry baby and ruins the experience for others.
NS2 is not and never will be call of dooty. Get over it.
What we need are some Archea clones so they can mirror match 500 trials.
THEN we'd be able to determine the true balance of the game.
Watching comp play totally blew my mind since i started playing only from launch and had only witnessed pub play(wish i had black armor
Since then i feel like my marine play has improved. Offensive early mines, consistent harvester/structure hunting, shotgun whoring, zero axing. (although some things seem useless now)
This game is so damn fun. I feel like those who complain are not trying to self improve and instead looking for external factors to blame.
"Map is (opposing team that just won) favored" lolrly? because how we play is flawless right. /sarcasm
Again, this game is so damn fun.
Is it now 55/45? So all the people (you know who you are) who killed all those threads by repeating Aliens OP cause 60/40 are being proven wrong? A large portion of balance WAS L2P?
food for thought for people who say the game has serious balance issues.
Edit: Just verified on ns2stats that the win rate is equalizing a bit
I bitch about it in game, on the forums, and still play, quite successfully most of the time. =(
Well, I always believe being respectful and nice to other players is important. Your experience there isn't because people think aliens "are OMGzor aliens OP", it's because that person was really rude and raging most likely against losses.
Also, while you're correct people shouldn't scream and rage everywhere about imbalance, you're wrong if people don't talk about it. How else do you expect UWE to balance the game if people don't talk about balance. I believe there were grenade-launcher attachments in beta. What if UWE thought they were fine and no one complained? What about bilebomb Lerks? UWE needs feedback and the day it no longer gets it is when NS2 is finally a dead game.
Yup, no problem with people saying there are problems. The forums are the best place to do that, and by all means discuss it in the ready room. However, this guy I saw isn't the only one who does this, constant text spamming moaning about the game while the round actually going on. It's really an admin issue at heart. But if you are in the game, what honestly is the point of not playing it but just raging away? I could have phrased my question a little better, but thus really is the nub of the issue here.
I've rephrased my OP to make my point more clear, as it wasn't well phrased initially.
Incidentally, players who are AFK may have a negative impact on one round, but no longer than that unless they're actively randomed at the start. I don't like seeing AFKs taking up server slots, but they don't actively ruin games round after round until the server is empty.