My impression is rather that oxygen in Subnautica is a game mechanic first and foremost, with any pass at realism being a distant second.
I always managed with a combination of beacons, compass, and landmarks. "Go to this beacon, head north until you see the funny rock, the cave entrance is right below there". I also never travel anywhere without at least two beacons on my person at…
Wow. There are not words.
Sharks and crashfish seem to have a natural interaction going on in the twisty bridges. Mostly because as far as I can tell, the sharks are... not too bright, the poor lads. Ah well. At least they can survive plenty of crashfish explosions...
~reads first post~
The crash zone is easily the most terrifying for me, thanks to reapers. The deeper parts of the blood kelp are also creepy, as is the deep grand reef. But nothing compared to the crash zone. The combination of the reapers, and the whole area shud…
Eh... you can manually repair the Seamoth in the moonpool, which is fine for me.
But being able to interact with the Prawn the way you can the Seamoth would be a huge QoL improvement, yes. -
The weird thing is this is a new-ish bug, you used to be able to interact with the thing normally in the moonpool... Anyway, confirming it is happening for me as well.
Haha wow, it does work. Hero peepers willing to give their lives for mine, confirmed. XD
This looks amazing and terrifying. xD
I am freakishly scared of reapers, but now I'm going to have to try this myself just to find out for sure. XD
Has anyone here personally tried letting a reaper attack you while you are holding a peeper? Did you get munched? -
Not to mention acid mushrooms, deep mushrooms, gel sacks, and blood kelp, all of which can be grown and harvested right in your backyard.
Is it really? I haven't tested it myself yet. Are you sure it's fake? I know reapers will eat wild peepers.
Just thought I'd share this experience:
When Factorio decided to add multiplayer, it took them a year and a half of no real new features to get it working acceptably. So yes, multiplayer in Subnautica would have totally been poss… -
At this point I would have paid full price for a DLC that did nothing except these scanner room changes. You are my hero, devs.
in Eye Candy Update Released - Subnautica Comment by MaxAstro December 2017
Can't you now access the battery compartment while the Prawn is docked? You could dock it, pull the power cell, and use it to power the Cyclops.
These are probably the same Russian groups that push through asset flip games on the Steam market to make money in exactly the same kind of shady ways.
I'd probably actually turn it *down*, if anything, to help counteract the "everything seems smaller" effect. But that's just me, and obviously not for everyone. ^^
According to the reviews it's not even a real game - just pretends to be loading, spams you with a bunch of ads, and then claims your wifi is down. How scummy.I mean they practically are, in a way... :PI'm definitely in favor of the batteries not included solution. Especially if it is an excuse for a quick snarky PDA message.I was really hoping for "floating solar panels" in the sense that the mobile vehicle bay floats. That would be really awesome.General note of agreement and well wishing.Oh please yes.(Quote)
This is the point where I realize that my exposure to the Ark Steam forum has completely desensitized me to what normal people consider "toxic"... There was a time when I would have been like "holy crap, that's kinda shocking."
I think the game would not suffer much, gameplay and immersion wise, if you could not break mushroom caps and just harvested them like those plants on the Grant Reef. Certainly not as much as immersion suffers when my game becomes a slideshow every…My two cents: I like that this game has enemies that you can't really do anything about except run and pray. It's terrifying, and exhilarating, and I don't really get that anywhere else.
There are parts where the AI could be improved (b…(Quote) Arrg yes please. I hate that lead is a limestone resource now, you end up with so much and its so useless. You don't need the radiation suit early game, plus there's one you can get sitting around by a pod. You can get to deeper…I will definitely pitch in that one of the things that originally attracted me to this game was "scan all the things! read the cool data entries! feel like a scientist on an alien planet!", and I'm always disappointed when I run into a cool lookin…@Jacke Are you searching for quartz at night? I always used to only search during the day, and I always used to be super short on quartz. But actually there is a surprisin…