New Recipes!
TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members

I'm currently deep in a build# 55037 game and I am loving the new recipes. I actually ran out of lead early on instead of stockpiling it. (Gold, on the other hand. . .)
1) The main objection I had was to the WFM recipe. It was 2 titanium-- no filitration medium, no wiring to speak of. This has been changed (the filtration medium, I assume, is what the Aerogel is).
2) Silver is no longer a component of Solar Panels (THANK GOD) but copper is. This is much more reasonable.
3) I found all the parts of the Modification Station very early. It requires a diamond and some lead to construct now, and I am quite okay with this.
4) I'm pleased to see Enameled Glass is part of the Observatory once again, but I'd maybe bump that up to three pieces needed.
That said, there are a few suggestions I have for re-balancing certain recipes for realism:
1) Beds. They're made out of titanium, but appear to have a comforter, pillows, and sheets. Shouldn't cloth be required for those? Fiber mesh (or synthetic fibers for the fancier double bed) should be part of the recipe
2) Benches. There's clearly a rubber portion for sitting on, but if it's some sort of vinyl, then you could approximate a vinyl polymer with polyaniline and benzene. Ditto for at least two of the chairs.
3) Battlestar Galactica Wall planters should at least use a Creepvine Sample to account for the foliage.
4) The Nuclear Waste Disposal should definitely have lead as part of its recipe.
5) The Scanner Room and the Spotlight both have moving parts, so Lubricant should be part of their recipes.
5a) A good portion of the Scanner Room's recipe is the same as a Computer Chip, less one Table Coral (2 Copper, 1 Gold, 1 Table Coral). Why not just make it 5 Titanium & a Computer Chip?
6) The Moonpool is a place for you to dock vehicles, but it also recharges their power cells. The non-overlapping ingredients in a Power Cell Charger (Advanced Wiring Kit, 2 Rubies) should be part of the recipe.
6a) If you really want to hear angry howling and yowling, remove PCC fragments from the game and grant the blueprint on construction of a Moonpool.
Overall, I am very pleased with these changes! If I might make yet one more suggestion, we have two sources of gold. What we could really use is a second source of copper; Shale Outcrops are the perfect candidate for swapping.
1) The main objection I had was to the WFM recipe. It was 2 titanium-- no filitration medium, no wiring to speak of. This has been changed (the filtration medium, I assume, is what the Aerogel is).
2) Silver is no longer a component of Solar Panels (THANK GOD) but copper is. This is much more reasonable.
3) I found all the parts of the Modification Station very early. It requires a diamond and some lead to construct now, and I am quite okay with this.
4) I'm pleased to see Enameled Glass is part of the Observatory once again, but I'd maybe bump that up to three pieces needed.
That said, there are a few suggestions I have for re-balancing certain recipes for realism:
1) Beds. They're made out of titanium, but appear to have a comforter, pillows, and sheets. Shouldn't cloth be required for those? Fiber mesh (or synthetic fibers for the fancier double bed) should be part of the recipe
2) Benches. There's clearly a rubber portion for sitting on, but if it's some sort of vinyl, then you could approximate a vinyl polymer with polyaniline and benzene. Ditto for at least two of the chairs.
3) Battlestar Galactica Wall planters should at least use a Creepvine Sample to account for the foliage.
4) The Nuclear Waste Disposal should definitely have lead as part of its recipe.
5) The Scanner Room and the Spotlight both have moving parts, so Lubricant should be part of their recipes.
5a) A good portion of the Scanner Room's recipe is the same as a Computer Chip, less one Table Coral (2 Copper, 1 Gold, 1 Table Coral). Why not just make it 5 Titanium & a Computer Chip?
6) The Moonpool is a place for you to dock vehicles, but it also recharges their power cells. The non-overlapping ingredients in a Power Cell Charger (Advanced Wiring Kit, 2 Rubies) should be part of the recipe.
6a) If you really want to hear angry howling and yowling, remove PCC fragments from the game and grant the blueprint on construction of a Moonpool.
Overall, I am very pleased with these changes! If I might make yet one more suggestion, we have two sources of gold. What we could really use is a second source of copper; Shale Outcrops are the perfect candidate for swapping.
Great to hear they're continuing to tweak the recipe balance... but since when are there rubies?
They changed the name of Aluminum Oxide to Rubies in the Fabricator, since that's essentially what they are.
(but They didn't change the name tag on the actual items themselves yet out in the wild)
Don't forget about the sea treader's path, AKA: The giant foot monster trail
I also don't think I've seen basalt anywhere else this patch.
The outcroppings stirred up by the Sea Treaders aren't really basalt outcroppings. They sink away rather quickly and when cracked, they yield Copper and Lithium.
What?! They got rid of Basalt?! Why? Why get rid of Basalt of all things? Basalt was one of the most useful outcrops in the game, right behind Sandstone. That makes no sense.
What the problem with removing the basalt outcrops gold and diamonds are already in shale outcrops and they will find a way to add diamonds to early biomes
I saw that as well and was curious. It almost makes it sound like there will be just a single PRAWN depth module that jumps its depth to 1700 on the very first depth module upgrade.
Something like 1 Computer Chip, 2 Aerogel, 1 Plasteel, and 5 or more Nickel would probably be more fitting for how deep it takes you.
I also don't see a reason for it to still take you to 1700 meters down, seeing as the deepest area that you're meant to visit is only just above 1500 deep.
The big point is the requirement for Nickel, which means you have to visit down at least to the Lost River before you can make it. It's progress-gating.
Why would you do that, though, when Ghost Leviathans are just waiting to grab you? I can think of anywhere else I'd rather be than 1700 meters down on the edge of the Void. x.x
Maybe in the future other biomes will be that deep
Plans/blueprints vs grandma's recipes, this shit is driving me nuts
Just pretend the Habitat builder and Fabricator are easy bake ovens
Fair enuf!
Carry on...
The first is that Fabricator is a much more complex piece of machinery than those ingredients would belie. It rearranges molecules into specific things. It cooks your food and somehow disposes of whole skeletons, internal organs, and bodily fluids. Somewhere in there, there's a database, which implies a whole lot of other things.
The second is that being able to build a Fabricator used to feel like a significany achievement. You finally gathered up enough resources, built the necessary components, and were about to finally gain your independence from Lifepod 5. Now? Feels like you don't even need to build anything more than a Habitat Builder and you're set.
In my opinion, an Advanced Wiring Kit, a Computer Chip, and a couple Titanium should be the minimum requirements to build a Fabricator if the. . . blueprint. . . is to be kept realistic.
I'd also like to see some sort of in-game explanation for why a single Copper is sufficient for things that should logically require Copper Wire (basically, anything that transmits a signal).
Gameplay trade-off.
I kind of want to mumble something about the conservation of mass and energy here but I suppose that ship sailed long ago.
Sailed, hit an iceberg, sank, crew got eaten by a ghost reaper.