Eye Candy Update Released - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Get those eyeballs ready, Subnautica has received a massive graphics overhaul. This is the Eye Candy Update: Subnautica has never looked so good. A host of new graphics options...
Rest of it all looks wonderful though! I can't wait to dive in on release
The 'blur' is not standard, and is a Depth of Field effect that can be enabled or disabled. Youtube and compression actually harms the quality quite a bit.
Combined with the decision to use quick and fast-moving clips, the trailer is really... let's go wtih "not flattering" to put it diplomatically. I'm guessing nobody on the team actually specializes in publicity or video editing, and it's just someone on the dev team taking the time to throw it together?
Or just rolled a 1 on your "Craft (Trailer)" check. It happens to the best of us. :P
Cheers for bug fixes and auto-storage of PRAWN drilled resources.
Now I have to wait for the update to show up on Steam, I guess...
All told, though, amazing work! I should probably start a playthrough and try to find all the remaining immersion-breaking bugs and make a list (there's a few, like the lifepod signal shows up stuck to the screen if you have it disabled in ping manager and reload the game @Belgarel )
Home stretch, yay!
EDIT: Also, don't be made at the LifePod for drifting, it always wanted to be an AE86 when it grew up.
Still the this Subnautica DoF is more of a really strange peripheral blur, instead of what you'd expect from a DoF
Would also love to have a "vivid" mode of some kind, which threw the saturation through the roof. Having all those colors pop out even more (if at all possible).
I thought the motion blur "levels" were quality? Like, how smooth do your want your blurriness to be? If it's amount, I'll have to play with it.
the no-stars-thru-planets is such an impact, go figure
But the filmic effect at night? Holy crap, the safe shallows have never felt less safe! I kinda like the old "omg bright all the colors whoo" of having the effect off during the day, but absolutely adore the effect at night. So spoopy, can't wait to see it in the Lost River and onwards, never mind the Blood Kelp zone (shudder)....
DoF is always a mixed bag for me, but underwater it *makes so much sense.* I dig.
I usually abhor motion blur, but it's really well done here! Y'all are awesome. Also, lens dirt and chromatic aberration? Hello SOMA feels, thanks so much for that.
On a new game it's very clear that some optimization has really been going on behind the scenes, and I can imagine that that's a heck of an undertaking. Either way, loving it (anew) so much that I stayed up way too late even after returning from a trip dead-tired.
chromatic abberation : Let's get the hate out of the way, first: Chromatic abberation in games is a totally idiotic (pardon me) effect (especially for 1st-person views) and the bored shader programmer who once came up with it will probably burn in hell, most likely also for the crime of inventing "vignetting". I guess it has become a "must have" for game visuals these days, but tbh. I'd rather see it used selectively where it makes sense, i.e. only when viewing through the scanner-drone's camera's cheap lenses, instead of with the FPS-view.
PRAWN automatically picks up ore : Hell yeah, together with the PRAWN propulsion arm this is gonna put the "mine!" back in mining - awesome detail change!
Dive reel : I was often thinking "well, if the line would be better to see..." - seems I've used up one of my christmas wishes
*stuff gets added to exp*
*uses filmic at night with a shader*
I'm really tired and nearly drunk, so kinda slow (slower than usual). I can't get the difference between blur intensity and blur quality. Anyone feeling like explaining for a 6y old so I can understand?
Yeah Dithering is weird. Don't really get how it's supposed to make the game more immersive or whatever it's for.
Agree with that, the camera effects break immersion when you are supposedly looking through your own eyes! I understand that you might need them for "bennie points", just make sure they can be disabled (except for the drone cameras where they make sense). :-)
The camera effects are quite a strange addition, unless they are implying it is supposed to have something to do with the underwater goggles, which... Well isn't a camera lens but... Still a piece of glass?
I dunno, just trying to figure out what their reasoning is behind implementing chromatic aberration, lens artifacts also why we're now doing some oldschool dithering
This is the first game where I like the motion blur btw, still not going to use lens-vaseline-DoF