They didn't even bother to make it look like they tried to polished first one... and you want content? Cmon... Enjoy a couple hundred thousand stalker teeth sitting at bottom of cells grinding physics engine to a crawl also enjoy mountains of dead f…
They are so socially woke... the wokeness is woking the wookies on tatooine.
Just the kind of devs you are dealing with...
Someone said something somewhere mostly in joke. Few "people" made a stink, people that probably never even played the game or bought it, UWE fired an employee of 11 years. Now the next product they release will be flamed into the next century.
I might have lost interest in the game due to not liking direction it took but I always said it was a good game, hell I bought something in beta... there are 2 companies out there that can make me do that so it was pretty interesting experience. Now…Cheers, girls and g.i.r.l's.I can make walls outa leafs and turds. Must implement asap because some reason I can't really think of atm.
Sound logic, if you are entitled and believe the world revolves around you.
edit: posted before realizing it's the RI…Had this discussion, devs plainly stated their reasons for why. Why does this have to get resurrected over and over again. Why are you fishing for sympathy with misleading topic names is beyond me... It's like youtube videos about something that has…What we are missing now is Chuck Norris as end boss. Crush those dreams of sweet sweet salvation and escape, tear them down and engrave despair onto the souls of men.(Quote)
That is in the game, disabled by default tho.Even nuclear can't power anything worth a damn, promises of increasing it by 5 times aren't worth anything if everything built will use power. Ah well... it's not a bad idea it's just I'm not having much faith in UW being able to balance it to any k…(Quote)Considering the current nightmarish power problems and in the past... and lack of anything being done with it. Past oh snap you can now use better battery for sea glider...UW didn't really fix anything just ma…Think everyone is getting hyped about necromancer in D3. Starting to resurrect what ever they can dig up with a spork.Sounds like one person suggesting you wait for grenade to explode and blow someones face off while the other person is trying to say you shouldn't wait for that before explaining how the damn thing works.
There is nothing in the game now…(Quote)
This is starting to smell like NMS "survival" mode. You need a semi filled with stuff to make a tinsy little chip that fits into a small gun you are holding. Oh and you need a chunk of uranium that is the size of a tree to.... get …@MaxAstro Yep. Hence why I said I wasn't really sure what was better for the game. On one hand it just isn't very believable on the other hand it gives you something to d…In our own universe, with our not moleculary arranged submarines we have submarines that can stay under water for 25 god damn years. Water + air can be made on scene and included. Let that sink in, they require service every quarter of a century. No…Glass box, plant inside, initial nutrient and soil + water. Seal the box. Decades later plant is still fine. Only thing that is consumed is sunlight.
Plants are very good at recycling... things going extinct on ocean planet because of on…Because nuclear reactors are so useful, amright? We need another thing everyone eventually learns to ignore same as bio reactor on welfaresausage. Yep definitely going to make everything better.(Quote)
^ Unless it was changed recently. I admit I'm too disappointed with the current state of the game atm to play, so haven't touched latest update. I've had saves with over 200 hours and safe shallows would turn into ghost town while …This is exactly what people were criticizing and said would happen if they went this way.
Nope... Not touching the game until they get their ducks back. Still making tank threads and then attaching them to a skateboard. This is the same …1. Reaper is immortal. Spend 3 hours banging it on the head with a knife(half an inventory of batteries). Hit box is smaller then a peeper while the rest of it has no collisions of any kind, hence the whole goes thru ground and other b/s. Unless it …@sayerulz marry me.My personal preference is also a MUCH longer day/night cycle in games, especially in games where you can advance time. Some of the zones are gorgeous in day and ugly as sin at night and vise-versa. A day shouldn't pass by the time I put on my pants …@gamer1000k Heh, that naming may make sense to you but to an average person it is still just a fancy wordin When balancing goes wrong Comment by HiSaZuL June 2017
Think you got a mesmer invading your place of residence via "utility" access pointRealism isn't the same thing as fun. Taking a bathroom break isn't fun when you are killing zombies. Nitrogen narcosis isn't a fun mechanic for a game that we have... was tossed, rightfully so. But I do agree with your point that there has to be a l…Pfft I still like the game and it is still better then most. I'm just salty it went the way I don't like in way too many areas. Plus some of my grievances I can't even call personal preferences.(Quote)
Considering bio reactor produces 1 energy every 12 seconds. Good luck with that. You would need about 30 to power 1 alien containment tank. God forbid you turn on that coffee machine.@Higuide Sounds like you never used spotlights.
Power usage is in dissaray and they are nerfing it further and further... even while people hated seaglide for …