Słuszna uwaga! W nowej wersji tłumaczenia jest to już poprawione Mam na dzieję, że w ciągu tygodnia czy dwóch uda się wypuścić pat…
Tak, gra będzie przetłumaczona. Nie wiem, czy na konsolach będzie tłumaczenie na premierę.
How long would it take you to prepare for 14 exams in the same day? We've got 2 games to release on 7 platforms. The amount of wor…
I don't have much free time, to be honest. BZ will release on all platforms at the same time. There is no public release date yet.
Yes -
I can't find anything that would have such functionality.
I don't know. I'll check that.
I usually cut some items from a TC if it's great, but contain OP stuff.
I've got an update for you! I finally made the already-voted-on capsules disappear.
Also, some stats for you. Some people have bunch of misconceptions, so I hope it's going to give you an idea what I was working with:- Queued for …
Time Capsules are manually moderated. No profanity allowed. -
Purge completed. I deleted 70,839 low quality Time Capsules. Almost 100k left in queue.
I updated the voting page too. Now it displays TC content, and has waaay better after-voting feedback on it. -
Right? I'm now removing anything without text inside. That made the queue look way better.
Starting work on voting que… -
I removed >30k TCs over the weekend. Seriously, I don't want to waste your time for doing this, when I can do that semi-automatically. I'll start updating the voting page today.
I'm working on this. Biggest issue for me is filtering out any TCs that are obviously bad. I'll update the voting page after that.
Right now we get only few TCs a day to >10 votes, so I can manage. I'll let you know when that gets out of control
I'll write a script to kick out any time capsules that are bad to make voting easier. Voting is used only to promote TCs into manual moderation.
What would be the purpose of that? Sounds useless. But anyway, let's stay on the topic.
I don't know what you mean about data logs. It's possible to find your own TC.
@Klinn 1. You can get up to 40 (if you explore every bit of the map) in a single game
2. They are downloaded on the fly
3. They appear randomly in pre-defined lo… -
W zasadzie cały czas coś będzie się zmieniać. Teraz już jesteśmy na końcówce prac. Pamiętasz o funkcji historii tłumaczeń?
Ping me when you find anything else.
I updated the rank requirements for edit rights: now 30 days + 15 posts are required (instead of 100).
Supported languages section will be updated right before the release.
As I menioned in few other places, we don't have proper RTL languages support. We can't add it before v1.0, as we're in a feature lockdown - we're getting close to the release.
I could add Arabic to the translation app, but do you guys i… -
(Quote) Chinese translation is managed by our partner. I don't think they ever mentioned adding Traditional variant. Do you think it's needed? I have no idea.
I don't think we can do that. I mean I can add Arabic to the site, but there's no chance we can add proper RTL support before 1.0. The game's UI and translation system both aren't designed for this in Undefined discussion subject. Comment by AceDude September 2017 -
I just updated all URLs to use SSL connections.
Feel free to PM me.
I'll fix the non-SSL requests today. -
Deleting posts are something only moderators should do. I'm locking this topic, it might get deleted later on.