Still no IP spawn/ phase gate stuck fix (introduced by the new collision system a few months back and probably the most annoying bugs of NS2 at the moment).
Nor player names not correctly revealing them selves on servers fix (this affects in game browser, Steam and Gametracker). Broken by build 263.
The following fixes / changes as well over due but very welcomed:
1) Fixed massive lag caused when using webadmin on a server (annoyed me for a year and a half)
2) Force even teams is now pre-game only and has a new console command sv_forceeventeams (finally this vote is actually usable)
3) Mod load percentage on load screen (nice little touch, what happens if a mod fails to load, will it show 0% or not be listed at all?)
We still need an backup way of loading mods if Steam workshop servers fail to cough up the required mods (which they often do during game sale periods).
Other than those grumbles, keep up the good work.
On the note of Kodiak, Kodiak is an awesome map and it's great to see map creators get some recognition and money for their hard work but £5 is way too much for a few skins and just one map in my opinion.
I'd pay a fiver for Combat standalone if they sort out the game play balance issues with the over powered xenocide and mass grenade launcher spam which has plagued it for a very long time (such simple fixes too) but that's about it.
Edit: I just joined a server with Kodiak on without owning the DLC, i'm confused, do you only have to buy it if you wish to host the map?
Nope, can host it too, assuming it's just bundled and 50% goes to Loki, fair enough, still £2.50 for a few skins and a skin customization system, wtf.
I can definitely see how this update will potentially be encouraging map makers (and potential map makers like myself, hah) to actually follow through with completing their maps. More community content, go go go!
Also stoked about the sensitivity values <1 being put in too. And minimap names. And the parasite stuff. And other things.
Congrats to Loki, and looking forward to see what pubs think of the map once they're past the "OH GOD, I HATE IT, IT'S NEW AND DIFFERENT" stage.
To bad a lot of ppl don't like kodiak, I had it on for a very long time, don't get me wrong, I like it, a large proportion of the community doesn't. It let my server die multiple times and I had to remove it from the cycle.
To bad a lot of ppl don't like kodiak, I had it on for a very long time, don't get me wrong, I like it, a large proportion of the community doesn't. It let my server die multiple times and I had to remove it from the cycle.
skins are always welcome
Nobody likes new maps. Kodiak in particular is a very different play style - It feels like there's not enough cover, however you can easily hide in plain sight in the trees and such. Just give everyone time to adapt. I didn't like it at first either and I was playtesting it to be released.
To bad a lot of ppl don't like kodiak, I had it on for a very long time, don't get me wrong, I like it, a large proportion of the community doesn't. It let my server die multiple times and I had to remove it from the cycle.
skins are always welcome
I think its to do with the sheer amount of cover available for the aliens in parts of the map, cover that they can simply fly through as well, marines to win have to stick to the passageways where they are used to fighting without foliage breaking there LoS.
Now that kodiak is official I hope people begin to like it. Kodiak is a great map. Except the competitive players, no pubber in game gives me any rational reason not to play that map. Custom maps have a negative stigma on them so is really good to see this go official.
Hello mineshaft my old friend,
I've come to play on you again
Because a bug was softly creeping
A Navmesh hole, paths were seeping
And the memory of cysting out of caves
Still remains
within the sound of cystdrops
And then with you gone I heard
Some far-off skulks and then a lerk
Skulks are growling while they're walking
Skulks are deafening when they're jumping
Skulks that can be heard a million rooms away
Because we hate
the damn sound of loudskulks
Besides Kodiak being made an official map (good job Loki btw), I cant help but feel disappointed at the lack of content in this update. But on the other hand I guess it's setting down the foundations for future updates.
While we all wish for NS2's updates to be bigger than the last, that is unreasonable to expect. Just to put things into perspective, the expectation is: "If X amount of time passes, X+ amount of content should be received". But realistically, you should all know that the majority of UWE is working on their next game, Subnautica.
The work that you see here in Kodiak is mostly from community members like yourself, who help push NS2 further along because they love NS2, so please have your expectations properly set for future updates.
Look at the big picture of this update, what I see, is that NS2 is becoming more community driven than ever through the use of bug fixes and content updates (Which if you think about it, isn't that all you really want in the end?) and UWE wants to promote and give back those who do as an incentive. (In this case, a 50% profits to @Loki) Kind of similar to the TF2 Hat's and their creators making money off of it!
So yes, it is a great thing to see, it paves a path for as long as the community wants to keep NS2's continued development. It's certainly a better win-win solution than some AAA games that have no modding, and locked down code. And once the game is "too old" in the eyes of the publisher, it gets plug pulled and it's gone forever (EA).
To bad a lot of ppl don't like kodiak, I had it on for a very long time, don't get me wrong, I like it, a large proportion of the community doesn't. It let my server die multiple times and I had to remove it from the cycle.
Yeah, to bad you removed it from the cycle
The map is awesome - ~S! to Loki!
It offers a completely different way of playing, because you can cover the large portion of the map in "open" terrain, instead of the usual corridors, vents and hallways.
Lerks and Jetpackers (and Skulks, once they get leap) have all the freedom they want, around the river-area, where the upper skies are only limited by the big biosphere itself.
The river is a heaven for gorges, btw.
I love bellysliding along the entire length XD
And the new "cover system" is also a welcome change, imo...especially for aliens.
Water-spray and vegetation, something to get used to, but it works - even with stock skulk-skin :P
And thx once again to all those involved, for all the fixes and improvements.
edit *question:
Once on a server, if I enable a Kodiak-Pack skin, will it get disabled when I join a different server next?
And the way it works also means, that the skin will stay enabled on map-change, I guess....something to remember, lol.
Can I have some more information what has changed regarding the webadmin, when I enable it, will it put extra strain on that one core which is used for server data calculation?
To bad a lot of ppl don't like kodiak, I had it on for a very long time, don't get me wrong, I like it, a large proportion of the community doesn't. It let my server die multiple times and I had to remove it from the cycle.
skins are always welcome
Nobody likes new maps. Kodiak in particular is a very different play style - It feels like there's not enough cover, however you can easily hide in plain sight in the trees and such. Just give everyone time to adapt. I didn't like it at first either and I was playtesting it to be released.
Yes, but now that Kodiak draws all the hate we get to play eclipse! How awesome is that?
Nope, can host it too, assuming it's just bundled and 50% goes to Loki, fair enough, still £2.50 for a few skins and a skin customization system, wtf.
Sure, an argument can be made whether or not $5 is too expensive for some skins and a badge (though a significant amount of work went into that large collection of skins, so I would say it is worth it), but you have to keep in mind that this was set up to reward Loki for his map contribution. While we did not want to split the community up over a gameplay addition as big as adding in a new map by charging money for it, we needed a system in place to allow Loki, and hopefully future map makers and content creators, a way to make it worth their time and effort. So, essentially you are paying for a lot of new skins AND a whole new map, when you buy the DLC.
JektJoin Date: 2012-02-05Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
edited May 2014
I think the price is fine. Already bought. The skulk looks very cool.
I hope this is just the beginning though, that this is just a testing bed for hopefully bigger things to come. I don't think skins will bring new players in, or bring old players back so any sales will be relative to the current player base and probably won't be terribly impressive. But that's just a starting point. I'll probably start a new thread actually for why I think F2P is the only way to go from here to expand the potential player base and increase potential revenue from skins or models like these and keep NS2 going. I won't pretend to be an expert, but I think that's the next step.
Well done to Loki and the other community members that have volunteered and contributed to the patch with no immediate monetary incentive. (Mendasp, Remi.D, Samus, All the play testers)
Steam game Info is still broken, is there even a care in the world to fix this?
Why was organized play ever added 'in development' if it's still not done and now no one touches the thing.
I'm not sure why there needed to be a new thing to change your skins, but why does it require you to be in a game?
Kodiak nice pub map, but bad FPS even in 6v6. Congrats to Loki though.
Nor player names not correctly revealing them selves on servers fix (this affects in game browser, Steam and Gametracker). Broken by build 263.
The following fixes / changes as well over due but very welcomed:
1) Fixed massive lag caused when using webadmin on a server (annoyed me for a year and a half)
2) Force even teams is now pre-game only and has a new console command sv_forceeventeams (finally this vote is actually usable)
3) Mod load percentage on load screen (nice little touch, what happens if a mod fails to load, will it show 0% or not be listed at all?)
We still need an backup way of loading mods if Steam workshop servers fail to cough up the required mods (which they often do during game sale periods).
Other than those grumbles, keep up the good work.
On the note of Kodiak, Kodiak is an awesome map and it's great to see map creators get some recognition and money for their hard work but £5 is way too much for a few skins and just one map in my opinion.
I'd pay a fiver for Combat standalone if they sort out the game play balance issues with the over powered xenocide and mass grenade launcher spam which has plagued it for a very long time (such simple fixes too) but that's about it.
Edit: I just joined a server with Kodiak on without owning the DLC, i'm confused, do you only have to buy it if you wish to host the map?
Nope, can host it too, assuming it's just bundled and 50% goes to Loki, fair enough, still £2.50 for a few skins and a skin customization system, wtf.
Other than that good work everyone and Ulmont especially.
The customization menu works perfectly with NS2+, maybe you're confused because the customization menu only appears ingame?
Also stoked about the sensitivity values <1 being put in too.
Congrats to Loki, and looking forward to see what pubs think of the map once they're past the "OH GOD, I HATE IT, IT'S NEW AND DIFFERENT" stage.
skins are always welcome
EXCUSE ME. You told ME that I was the best lamp NA for sitting under a bridge for 20 minutes with my exo lights on. DO YOU TELL ALL THE PT'S THIS?
Nobody likes new maps. Kodiak in particular is a very different play style - It feels like there's not enough cover, however you can easily hide in plain sight in the trees and such. Just give everyone time to adapt. I didn't like it at first either and I was playtesting it to be released.
I think its to do with the sheer amount of cover available for the aliens in parts of the map, cover that they can simply fly through as well, marines to win have to stick to the passageways where they are used to fighting without foliage breaking there LoS.
Hello mineshaft my old friend,
I've come to play on you again
Because a bug was softly creeping
A Navmesh hole, paths were seeping
And the memory of cysting out of caves
Still remains
within the sound of cystdrops
And then with you gone I heard
Some far-off skulks and then a lerk
Skulks are growling while they're walking
Skulks are deafening when they're jumping
Skulks that can be heard a million rooms away
Because we hate
the damn sound of loudskulks
You don't need to buy the DLC to play on Kodiak, the DLC is just the skins and decal correct?
We've come to fight in you again
Nevermind meatmachine beat me too it (bigger = better)
And nice job guys! Glad i took a day off work for tomorrow.
Lets try this puppy!
While we all wish for NS2's updates to be bigger than the last, that is unreasonable to expect. Just to put things into perspective, the expectation is: "If X amount of time passes, X+ amount of content should be received". But realistically, you should all know that the majority of UWE is working on their next game, Subnautica.
The work that you see here in Kodiak is mostly from community members like yourself, who help push NS2 further along because they love NS2, so please have your expectations properly set for future updates.
Look at the big picture of this update, what I see, is that NS2 is becoming more community driven than ever through the use of bug fixes and content updates (Which if you think about it, isn't that all you really want in the end?) and UWE wants to promote and give back those who do as an incentive. (In this case, a 50% profits to @Loki) Kind of similar to the TF2 Hat's and their creators making money off of it!
So yes, it is a great thing to see, it paves a path for as long as the community wants to keep NS2's continued development. It's certainly a better win-win solution than some AAA games that have no modding, and locked down code. And once the game is "too old" in the eyes of the publisher, it gets plug pulled and it's gone forever (EA).
Anyways, here's this thing, Enjoy.
Will look into purchasing the Kodiak pack when the time comes and I have more time for NS2. Very busy at the moment...
The map is awesome - ~S! to Loki!
It offers a completely different way of playing, because you can cover the large portion of the map in "open" terrain, instead of the usual corridors, vents and hallways.
Lerks and Jetpackers (and Skulks, once they get leap) have all the freedom they want, around the river-area, where the upper skies are only limited by the big biosphere itself.
The river is a heaven for gorges, btw.
I love bellysliding along the entire length XD
And the new "cover system" is also a welcome change, imo...especially for aliens.
Water-spray and vegetation, something to get used to, but it works - even with stock skulk-skin :P
And thx once again to all those involved, for all the fixes and improvements.
edit *question:
Once on a server, if I enable a Kodiak-Pack skin, will it get disabled when I join a different server next?
And the way it works also means, that the skin will stay enabled on map-change, I guess....something to remember, lol.
Can I have some more information what has changed regarding the webadmin, when I enable it, will it put extra strain on that one core which is used for server data calculation?
Why does it do that, anyway? Is there a technical reason?
Yes, but now that Kodiak draws all the hate we get to play eclipse! How awesome is that?
I hope this is just the beginning though, that this is just a testing bed for hopefully bigger things to come. I don't think skins will bring new players in, or bring old players back so any sales will be relative to the current player base and probably won't be terribly impressive. But that's just a starting point. I'll probably start a new thread actually for why I think F2P is the only way to go from here to expand the potential player base and increase potential revenue from skins or models like these and keep NS2 going. I won't pretend to be an expert, but I think that's the next step.
Well done to Loki and the other community members that have volunteered and contributed to the patch with no immediate monetary incentive. (Mendasp, Remi.D, Samus, All the play testers)
Steam game Info is still broken, is there even a care in the world to fix this?
Why was organized play ever added 'in development' if it's still not done and now no one touches the thing.
I'm not sure why there needed to be a new thing to change your skins, but why does it require you to be in a game?
Kodiak nice pub map, but bad FPS even in 6v6. Congrats to Loki though.