Shadow Fade/Onos?
. . . Oh and good work on the mapin Natural Selection 2 Kodiak Update - Natural Selection 2 Comment by Scorpion9908 May 2014
CPU: Intel core i3-2100
Motherboard: -
Video: Geforce GTX 560
Ram: Kingston 16GB
O/S: Windows 7
Monitor: Samsung syncmaster
Mouse: Some Microsoft mouse
Keyboard:<… -
I get hit by whips 1 out of 5 times :P
Someone got a bit to happy in that vid
Has it been 27days yet?
i did not like it
Same. . . its the new update
I know of the whitelist but hive is still not working
Hive has not been working for a week now
Da ppl be mad yo
Why no Shadow onos/fade. . . you make me a sad scorpion :<
The marine taunt is kill em all its the only way to be sure or something like that and just the female marine that can say it. And I think anyone can use it badge or not so. . . I dont know what is going on. :P
onos devour - OP
Heavy armor and HMG - Exo -
O_O I swear the name of the thread was :Steam shutting down the game. And I was all like WHAT! . . . . I need to get my eyes checked :l
GO! Ascension GO!
I just bought 5 people on my friends list the game
UWE have said no to achievements in a past post saying it will just lead people to achievement hunt and not play as a team
Going to take a guess and say the new shadow fade/onos will come out with the new map in 3 weeks
None of the maps have doors well one map has like 2 doors. But +1 to welding vents
Happy Birthday Natural Selection!
I have got 120 games on Steam and Natural Selection 2 is my favorite I have pulled over 1000 hours in it. I have never been disappointed in what UWE has done. Can not wait for the next game you make wil… -
I hope I am not disappointed. With the hype this is getting :<>