Tune in For Something Big - Natural Selection 2

This Saturday during the regular State of the Game, something big is happening. Something so big that it will change the face of the NS2 community throughout 2013 and into 2014. Nothing like this has been done before, and you will be able to be a part of it. To find out what it is, tune in to twitch.tv/naturalselection2 at the following times: To make it easier, here are several event systems to help you remember what time the show starts: Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/games/ns2/events/1895179784087052049 Google+: https://plus.google.com/events/c17ssqvu3glu0pumhj62ke9cqe8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/659595497405893/ At some point during the show, your socks will be rocked. For good measure, here is an NS2HD video encouraging your attendance: …
They finally saw the light and implement some sexy lingerie-armour.
Be it!
5 bucks says it won't.
NS2 playerbase as a result will disappear completely.
If you want to impress, you should figure out a way to bring in new players and figure out what is needed to retain them, going free 2 play would certainly be one way to bring in an influx of badly needed players that will continually bring them in.
Yes new players are badly needed, but for gods sake free weekends are bad enough I can't Imagine how bad it would be freeweekend forever.
Dude, your hair was really messy this video. You obviously lower your standards. I'm never gonna watch your videos again.
Did you even shave?
"It's game over, CCTEE won the game. GG, all hail the King!"
Right now just hoping for NS2_eclipse comeback, UI and commander improvements (squad management, minimap polish etc pp)
I actually don't know what this announcement is. At least I think I don't? I might, but I doubt it. If it's something I already know then it's definitely pretty rad, and if it's not it's probably radder.