Okay, wheres the IQ test?
Reading the replies in this and the poll topic about these changes, I can't really blame the PDT for "ignoring you".
Still not playing the game, but interested to see what changes are in the future. -
(Quote) Ever played WoW? The game has always had glaring tooltip errors due the same reasons. And they have a much larger and more professional team building them. Sometimes these things get through, it's not the end of the world.
Played few rounds last night, and i haven't had time or interest to check up on which patch did what. But i noticed a major difference in performance, particularly in combat situations i had zero "fps drops" and it was so much easier to play the gam…
(Quote) I'll echo what _mod says, you say a lot yet so little. Such a huge post with nothing but vague remarks to "negativity". Why not demand for world peace while at it?
I ventured to comp NS1 over 10 years ago, and have since… -
(Quote) Sure, if you want to overly simplify things out of proportions, you could say that. But it would be utterly stupid.
in R.I.P Competitive NS2 2012-2016 Comment by Ots May 2016
I enjoyed hearing Simba's voice more than the clips Kappa
Goodbye ENSL. I read till page 2, so apologies if there's something grand i missed.
comp scene essentially dying(since AUSNS has been gone already) reminds me of how things with NS:Combat ended up, great expectations at launch, dozens o… -
Didn't read any of the posts, voted as i did cuz why bother guys. Stop playing already.
ps. seeing all that moderation… -
Game is sketchy and performs badly on lower server sizes, why on earth do you think it's a suitable environment for new players to join 42ppl servers is just amazing.
You have your loyal community, you've informed everyone by now that se… -
(Quote) I'm fortunate that weekend is approaching and i can recharge my brain capacity once more, if you could please refrain on causing me more harm until next week. Thanks
in Update 294 Released on Steam! - Natural Selection 2 Comment by Ots April 2016
@Locklear, did you lose as many brain cells creating that post as i did reading it?
(Quote) To be fair, pretty much all "fun vids" can be accounted to someone playing bad. In the case of this vid, rookie bad.
I'd like to touch Jekt's feathers, but i'm not sure if i should do it nude or not..
ps. Agreed with pretty much everything BONAGE, see you guys in Overwatch. -
@IronHorse, No i don't remember, cause i have not played a version that had such features. But even if i had, i see no reason why it wouldnt work now. During the time i'…
It would only effect marine movements(and only if they get hit by a bite), and it would never fix everything by itself but was merely only reasonable thing that would address only a part of the game that is very lacking. So i don't really understand…
Okey i'll bite.
Not commenting on the whole bilerush/gorgetunnel/flamethrower topic, as i feel that is not only flawed but not really relevant for the actual topic.
As said previously, currently marines have to keep pushing, … -
It's funny to notice the people in that video were actually regulars i played with the other night, one round was enough for me, took so long to get a second round going so just closed ns2. shoutout to the ppl debating about crags in nano that were…
(Quote) They've met aussies on euro servers, not everyone is okey with the BM
in Fantastic Work. Comment by Ots April 2015
I thought the things you're spewing should be noted as "cool things to have in a future game", and not considered as alterations to the current game mechanics..
valar morghulis
Stop breaking my hearth Pelargirl.
(Quote) They still 'forced' everyone play the map when it launched, i remember playing probably 70% of the rounds on that map untill people realised it was bad. If we would have that in a repeating succession on maps that are actually worked on(e…
(Quote) Cool.
... Brazilians?
:-? -
(Quote) I'm still not sure which of those you are!
Ranking systems have never been the source for who's better than someone else, there is simply no way a system like that can factor everything in a true competitive atmosphere. As such, the HIVE skill is a fluke system with very minimal actual use f…
Sorry if this seems like a silly question but, are you lot talking about the current hive ranking system in ns2? I'm not sure if i should be laughing or taking you guys seriously.
in In the end… what is skill in NS2 ? Comment by Ots March 2015
Max FOV, i disabled both because it feels more like playing a different game. But then i realised that it would be just so much simpler to not play NS.
What otherwise seemed to be impossible, is made possible by the almighty @Mendasp.