Really impressive event from what I was able to catch, I'm so happy for you guys that everything turned out great. Final match seemed very close and I read everyone's debrief and it sounded like a blast. It eased my mind greatly to see that everyon…
yeah this would be really cool
in fact in QW they have a method to solve this where you have your name, and then a "short" name that's used for teamplay commands
so gliss would say something in allchat, but in teamchat it's just 3… -
damn why isn't there any speculation about why i left
i need attention too -
oh look its this thread again lmao what a surprise
It's not difficult to summarize it and make it sound much simpler than it is. The admins completely stonewalled us until this post was made. Individual attempts to contact admins were ignored or told that they would not be changing their minds. A…
The rules were amended once in this thread and it was not a real amendment, as it still affected one of our players. Finally, last night they were amended to remove the restriction from all of our players - after telling us that they had una…
example 1
Steam profile (VAC banned):
ESEA profile: http://play.esea.… -
Regardless of what the rules state, they're flawed and that's what we're attempting to address. Players should not be locked on a roster for any reason unless the actual qualifying matches have begun and they've played on a team. That's how every …
Thank you Fana for taking the time to gather everyone's input on each of these matters.
at the last finals I felt like Blind did a lot of work that should have been featured on the main event. player interviews, strategy discussions, etc - things that the average player who is watching a competitive event is interested in. pre-game a…
Reunited and it feels so good
imo get the benq because it's much more adjustable
the only real drawback of lightboost is the awful colors so if you have some way to mitigate that then it owns -
it's pretty amazing i don't think i could ever go back to not using it
lower response time or 144hz doesn't have much on no motion blur which is a Big Deal!!!!!
anyone finds any good monitor profiles HIT A BROTHA UP
(Quote) oh ok
damncollisions have always been a huge source of frustration for me in this game. especially because it's melee vs. ranged, so it's something that comes up in virtually every engagement. I've never felt as though the collisions have ever worked in a c…every time performance is brought up in the face of additions such as babblers, railgun, alien vision, I have always been given a reply along the lines of "I guess we shouldn't add cool stuff to the game anymore". that's not really a fair answer, a…we'll war you any time, any placethat never hapenddo you want web hosting i can give you webhostinghi am i too late to complain about this? i tried scrimming ns2 for the first time in a while the other day and alien was really frustrating and this was one of the many reasons
as I understand it, the complaint was: alien vision was bas…(Quote) i hope the irony of this entire post isn't lost on younvmthat's a compelling argumentmanner plz
I will never use another mou…gliss hallwaytrade me im fiending im fiendingthis is really annoying especially if you dont play that often so you can't be bothered to remember which ones are full at which slots
needs official support PLeezyou should just use the dpi that's default for your mouse or whatever one it works best at
having high dpi in a lot of mice can cause negative acceleration though and that sucks(Quote) you're talking about concepts which are external to movement, though. duel was awful in Warsow for the reasons you listed above (maps, ammo system), but this has nothing to do with the defrag maps, race maps, or clan arena game mode. an…