Fana's 10 Minute Twitch Ban
The Lighter Side of Pessimism Join Date: 2002-03-02 Member: 263Members, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

This discussion was created from comments split from: A frank NS2WC discussion.
This discussion has been closed.
During the match between Godar and Imagine (great match, go watch it), the specators were asking questions in the twitch chat about why Bitey was playing for Imagine, apparently thinking he was still on Titus' roster. People were also asking if Bitey had been a starter on Titus, and wondering if Titus was not a better team than Imagine -- I assume because they couldn't understand why Bitey had chosen to play for Imagine instead. My reply was (word for word): "Bitey was a starter for Titus, and they were not happy to lose him." and "They also lost rline, who was also a starter (there was a lot of drama, I won't repeat that here)."
Those were my first and last words in the chat, as apparently this was not acceptable. My replies were almost immediately censored, and I received a 600s ban from the chat system. I asked WasabiOne on steam friends why I had been banned, and he chose to reply by voice on the stream by saying "your facts are wrong" and "why did you start talking if you didn't want to create drama?" (repeated from memory, you can find the actual quote in the twitch recording just as round 4 starts). Of course I had no way to reply, given that I was banned and my chat messages were being censored, so that's the only version of the story the spectators were allowed to hear I guess.
WasabiOne later told me why he disagreed with my messages, including giving me his version of what happened internally in Titus when Bitey and rline left. While I find his version to be extremely unlikely, given the accounts I've heard from the people who were actually involved and what I know of what happened prior to those events, I won't claim to have all the facts. That is, however, not the point. When we aren't even allowed to reply to confused spectators raising questions and posting wild speculation in the chat, that means we've given up any pretense of open discussion and community participation. This is something I cannot accept, and I will never support a tournament that is run in this way.
I should add that I have no beef with WasabiOne personally. I've had many conversations with him since this game was still in early beta, and I was fortunate enough to meet him in person during Archaea's last visit to Cologne. As far as I can tell, he is an alright guy trying his best to do the right thing. Whether or not he thinks this is the right way to run a tournament, or if he is just covering up for the mistakes of other admins, is unknown to me.
Given that I have now lost any remaining enthusiasm for this tournament, I doubt I will involve myself any further. I tried my best to help improve the situation for the players and the spectators, and I'm especially happy that I was able to get Eissfeldt a chance to prove his innocence and potentially compete in the finals. If that turns out to be my final act in NS2, which it likely will be, I think I can be satisfied that my Natural Selection "career" has ended on a high note.
I wish the remaining teams the best of luck in the quarter finals, especially my friends and past teammates in Godar, Imagine, Saunamen and Snails. I also want to use this post to toss out a big kudos to the surprise from down under -- Ascension -- and say that I'm really impressed by your performance so far. I always thought teams from the Oceanic scene were vastly underestimated in NS1, and it seems like that may be the case in NS2 as well.
What Wasabi likely told you happened is most likely exactly what happened. Out of respect for the people involved, especially your friend Bitey, please stop asserting yourself into things which don't concern you.
Never was a more true statement uttered.
It just shouldn't be aired here. It has nothing to do with him. It has nothing to do with you.
i need attention too
I appreciate your input though, GORGEous. Your uncanny ability to provide unfounded criticism in the snidest manner possible is, as always, impressive.
Yes. Although even if I had written something that was false, that is still no justification for censorship. The lack of transparency and general hush-hush attitude that permeates the administration of this tournament is what I set out to combat with the OP, and it has clearly failed spectacularly when even innocuous twitch stream chat conversations are being censored.
Just because someone doesn't agree with you, it doesn't mean they're trolling. Most of his posts bring up valid points about containing team drama within the team and really is no one's business.
Also, does anyone actually care about the Titus drama at this point (or ever)? It seems a bit odd to me how a group of their members are still posting in here asking for the hush hush when all that was mentioned is a roster change. Pretty sure it's you guys bringing it up all the time. The facts are irrelevant to this situation. They were irrelevant to the original situation too, it was the rules at fault. Stop assuming people actually care about the daily internals of Titus Gaming Inc.
Fana's post in chat wasn't just an innocuous statement. There's connotations of something else (drama!) and if that wasn't the intention, poorly worded. Like anyone else, even you Jekt (I've been to the ausns2 forums), we defend ourselves when posts or intimations about our team comes up. Any team who values their members, past or present, would. Did it deserve a time out? Maybe not, but I can understand why after dealing with Fana's posting over the last few months, why Wasabi had that reaction.
At the end of the day, it sounds like someone got a bruised ego when they were dismissed and wanted to make some more noise. A ten minute time out from a stream turned into a diatribe. I'm sure this post will be picked apart too.
As far as I know the groups are pretty much complete and it was relatively smooth.
Lets make the quarters a big deal. So keen.
You have a lot of nerve complaining about my posting, considering it's all been in an effort to right your wrongs. Feel free to point out a single post I've made that hasn't been justified.
It is your fault.
What are we talking about again?
You're the good guy here and we, the admins, have only done wrong and bent the will of the people for our selfish gains.
I don't mind criticism. I welcome it because it sometimes reveals areas of lacking or needing refinement, which you've brought to this tournament. Thank you, Fana, for that. I do however oppose criticism, and mainly your criticism, that not only brings things of contention but also insinuations of malfeasance that tries to impugn my, or the other admins, character. You do it in a smarmy, self righteous, slanderous way and often without complete facts. Post after post drips with this attitude from you. Fana is never ever wrong and even when he is he's right (or just goes back, self edits, and removes the parts that he got wrong).
I really don't know how you have the audacity to write that we usually dismiss the complaints about this tournament. Yes, we've made mistakes. Did we correct them? Yes. What legs do you stand on when we've kowtowed to virtually EVERY demand "the community", mostly you, have made? Every single one.
Back to this incident, which after all we've been through, is minor, brought on by your own poor wording (your admission). Do I condone censorship? Hardly ever, but please, Fana, continue to use it to incite the masses again in an attempt to derail a tournament that's almost at its completion.
I don't even know why I waste my breath.
If you can, try to not take things too far - Mouse
*snip, snip* Apparently, parts of this post was deemed too inflammatory by forum moderators and wholly snipped, so I'm editing it to be more digestible. - Zefram
I then locked this thread, because its topic doesn't warrent public discussion.
Take it to PM guys.