Also ich würde auf jeden Fall Liter nehmen.
Schrank und Spind ist ok.
Da Maschine irgendwie immer so doof klingt, wie wäre Wasserfilterungsanlage ? -
The mainproblem here is: it gets more and more with visiting the wrecks. Atm i can scan prawnarms there if i want to, and thry even respawn after exploring another zone O.o
The Degasiship got scrapped to the bones by our lovely threesome O.o
So what are you trying to depict? -
Have you explored the Aurora? In my newgame i found two engineparts right in the cargobay of it in huge crates
So here is my experience with a freshly started newgame after the prawnupdate:
I start d the game as usual. Gathering the simplestuff for crafting useful tools of the bat.
(Got lucky, my escapepod landed kinda 50m away of the geysi… -
Maybe a repairable station for the lift that it starts working again?
I could imagine something that i have to weld together and than insert a powercell.
All visits to the Aurora brought me at least 2 powercells so the … -
Isnt here a moderator or something to close this threads and refer to the first whiningthread opened about prawn?
I mean this mimimithreads grow as fast as jellyshrooms! This is the... 5?9? About the same topics?
This game is about… -
I love my small little corridorbase right infront of the Aurora..
2 T sections and 2 turns, a hatch, a few lockers, a chair for watching the scenery plus a fabrikator. 4 solarpanels are more than enough to power my needs. Who the flying … -
Was soll eine Bathsphere sein?
Oh, nonono. Dont get the wrong impression. Im not offended, its just my kind of humor.
The challenge is well appreciated.
No comment to the changing of the harvester into a room that can only mine stuff, the playe… -
Im no hardcore player and i did die several times in the beginning. Still i love this game. Maybe its,because im a fan of dark souls, but it took me exactly one death by stalkers in order to realize how to avoid and laugh at them. … -
You sure that it didnt just vanished because its durability sank to 0?
First of all:
You survive being shot down from taking an orbital dive by an Aliendefensecannon, jumping in an Escapepod while everything else around you goes boom.
How would it be to be happy about every lil piece of tech you have?… -
Ya know whats really blocking your way? Indoorgrowbed with 4 Lanterntrees on it xD
Ill never place such a thing in front of a section again.
As for the Alientankproblem:
I always build my base like this:
Bas… -
Yay, a subnautical Harvest Moon
Someone will die a veeeeery unpleasently death soon xD -
Hm no, not contradicting, i just didnt think about lazy ppl, like you.
The room is meant to be a little helper of some sort, not a hardworker, that does your work. So, to honor ppl that think the same like you, the room shoul… -
Well, to be exactly, the setting of Subnautica seems to be a reference to Natural Selection, because the Alterra Gov. Etc originate from there.
And, despite being forced to work on a bulb of water, it is kind of a spacegame. Tech, the Aurora e… -
Yupp, true dat. bit maybe you can work aroumd that.
Find dead drones in early POI and let the Drone counter the still functional ones in later bases. Like this you dont need the PC and can find and scan a lil companion -
For me, they are far better than a ipadcase xD you can cuddle your peeper, after a damn Reaper popped your Seamoth, or throw your reaperplushie against a wall, if it happens.
You cant do that with a cup.
Uh... Ok, you could. But on… -
You can buy posters, tshirts, hoodies, pillows, ipadcases, mobilecases and even cups.
Your argument seems a liiiiil bit invalid to me. -
Yeah, totally possible. Using a Aurora Scannerroom with alot more power for detecting landmasses etc, would be an easy way to deploy new areas for the devs.
So even if the landmass isnt available, the AI could notify us about a way she f… -
Yeah, i sketched it as a way to implement future updates with new tech etc into a reasonable storyline. We wouldnt be able to restore the Aurora back to her old spacetripdays, but as a safe landbase with a researchlab etc.
This way the D… -
Ah, checked it. No its not working atm. So i think only loading an older savefile or starting a new game will fix your problem
Yes, there is. Go to the sunnautica wikia to the point debug console commands.
There you will find a complete list with commands for nearly everything, forgetting blueprints etc too. -
Sie ist auch nicht schlecht im Sinne von Schrott, aber halt die Übersetzung eines Namens, der ja so in seiner Existenz einen Zweck verfolgt.
Ich persönlich werde das Spiel nie auf Deutsch spielen, ich mag es auf Englisch. Aber für die de… -
I doubt there will be any more Subs in Subnautica, because the Devs killed this option themselves with the ipgrades for the existing one.
It would have been possible without them by making the terrain more subfriendly (caves etc).
<… -
Uh... As far as i understood it, its intended to get the MFR later now. You HAVE to reach the floating island or the Jellyshroomcave to get the blueprint.
Its not a bug, its a new featurein Missing blueprint Comment by ElMonstro August 2016
Somehow that sound fishy xD -
My opinion: Awesome decision.
Why: every game nowadays gets multiplayered, ruining the submersive gameplay for singleplayers.
I wouldnt have liked the thought of a subnautica multiplayer^^