I voted for "Map showing Structures, Wrecks, Biomes, Caves and other points of interest (only visited)", although if this is implemented I believe it should just be a 2D map, that is a top down view, so it doesn't take more pc resources to use. Als…
Modding wouldn't work well with the xbox version, that is why PC is better than console. Us PC guys lose out though when games are designed for both systems.
How about this ... you resurrect the creature from the bone fields with its DNA and raise it in an alien containment aquarium and when you release it into the wild it remains tame towards you but will fight and kill the sea dragon leviathans for you.
I think this is a cool idea, that blank room that is behind the cockpit room could possibly fit all the scanner room technology. The only thing is if I had a scanner room in my cyclops I would never build a regular scanner room. That would not bug…
"Subnautica uninstalling" just kidding
Would be cool if it was an option that was turned off by default but could be turned on for a more difficult gaming experience for those who have already played the game before and want an extra challenge.
I will swim in lakes, but I will not swim in the ocean. I fear the ultra remote possibility of being in the same water as a great white shark or one of the super poisonous sea snakes or those jelly fish that kill you in like 30 minutes.
I've had this happen as well, however the 2nd time it happen, it eventually went away.
This is the area where I found it aswell, in one of the wrecks. -
I have both and have more fun playing Subnautica. I find No Man's Sky to be too repetitive, if you see 1 km squared of a planet, you've seen the whole planet. I've put in many hours into both, and I find NMS gets annoying at times and I need to ta…
I like both ideas, large reefbacks, other whale like creatures, and large predators in the abyss.
It is near the surface of the water, upside down, if I remember correctly. The signal is down by the sand for some reason. -
I want Gary the sea snail.
I voted for Phantom Leviathan, but Lily Pad Islands is a very close second for me. -
Some of the items that take really long to craft, the fabricator makes its sound for 2 seconds and then it is silent for the rest of the time, it needs sounds for the whole time it is crafting.
I like the teeth in this picture better than what the actual in-game leviathans teeth look like. Overall I think I like the current model the best. -
I voted no. I think another solution could be the option to create a mini-bioreactor and/or a mini-nuclear reactor that accepts only 1 or 2 rods and produces half or a quarter of what a regular size one outputs and it is designed to fit in tight sp…
Thank you, somebody understands me. Anyhow, I think healthy debate is good thing as long as it is done with the right attitude and not being too critical of different opinions. Like the face palm post, I find disrespectful. You … -
What about the ghost leviathan? I'd be sad if it isn't in the game, I don't even care if it is aggressive toward us in the game, I just want to see this thing swim around.
in Titanic Leviathans Comment by Cyion August 2016
I think the hole fish looks good. The spade fish looks bad. I just don't think the quality is there for how it looks, maybe if it was retextured or something. Also, the mouth looks like a line was drawn for its mouth, it looks super fake. When I…
Those night shots are great, especially the one with the hatch on the side of the tunnels. -
Sorry, didn't see your thread. I'll post it there as well. Devs, if you see this you can delete this thread as it is redundant.
I liked this picture of my base so I thought I would share it. -
As an alternative idea, maybe there could be a special corridor that could be built onto an existing base that has a place for the man hatch of the cyclops to line up with and when you get close with the cyclops autopilot kicks in and connects the c…
I have no problem with the blood in the game, you defend yourself against an animal attacking you and it bleeds, but I do think a game that is customizable for everyone's preferences is a better game. The more options the better. I also do not und…
It is something easy that the Devs could do, some people feel ill at the sight of blood or object because of religious reasons (i.e. bloody violence)
This has already been done somewhat in the game called "The Solus Project".
It is possible that it is related however all the other fish are still present in the mushroom biome. -
I just discovered that if I use the cyclops without a seamoth docked into it. That my fps is really good like 77-115 fps. I updated my above comment.