Ideas about SCIENCE/RESEARCH part of game
Russia, Moscow Join Date: 2016-03-09 Member: 214036Members

I think we need to build some science facilities in game (old ideas about 'playing' with DNA-device) which can add to game a little 'portion of knowledges' for teach/remind to our players of wide known data about DNA- CELL- structure. Add into game some 'science terminal' with database, which can learn us how to realy study of micro-world. There we can to provide after study of alien creatures.. Yes 'in-game-scanner' is a good thing, but IMHO Lab can be more interesting.
Scetch of Lab here:
Also I think that ScannerRoom is a good thing for... CYCLOP as a additional part of main deck (next room after control room with the helm). I can explain why i think so...
As a part of base it has TOO LIMITED (Little!!!) scan radius (even after upgrade) and after a few time will be useless. But if we place it on board of Cyclop - we can scan a new areas each time when we arrive to a new location. It can help us for search minerals/ore/... by using PRAWN (docked to Cyclop) as a mining craft. Add to drone-camera ability to work as a soure of light and as a some sort of 'perimeter defender' (whatchdog function with electrostatic shocker device - as on Seamoth) while PRAWN will prowide its minig mission. Here will be usefull addition of the mini-monitors of drone-cameras on PRAWN suit as an external cameras on the Cyclop.
Any comments?
P.S. I want to know opinion of Obraxis about this ideas
Scetch of Lab here:
Also I think that ScannerRoom is a good thing for... CYCLOP as a additional part of main deck (next room after control room with the helm). I can explain why i think so...
As a part of base it has TOO LIMITED (Little!!!) scan radius (even after upgrade) and after a few time will be useless. But if we place it on board of Cyclop - we can scan a new areas each time when we arrive to a new location. It can help us for search minerals/ore/... by using PRAWN (docked to Cyclop) as a mining craft. Add to drone-camera ability to work as a soure of light and as a some sort of 'perimeter defender' (whatchdog function with electrostatic shocker device - as on Seamoth) while PRAWN will prowide its minig mission. Here will be usefull addition of the mini-monitors of drone-cameras on PRAWN suit as an external cameras on the Cyclop.
Any comments?
P.S. I want to know opinion of Obraxis about this ideas

It depends what you can build at first (finding all blueprints) Cyclop or PRAWN... In my variant of game I find all for PRAWN, so I can build em for mining surrounding area. And Scanner room as a part of the base was usefull for searching ore/minerals... but if to say true - not so usefull as it can. I've just sail around on Seamoth, find necessary ore/mineral, drop there beacon, return to base, grab PRAWN and go back to beacon for mining.
After a few attempt to use gravisphere for collect mining resources i gave up trying to use it - a few time my drill arm has destroy my sphere, and every time swiming around fishes was catched by gravity sphere, and when collected a few that fishes - they just pull my sphere off me and swim away with it - like a equestrian team. Maybe Devs can add the switch to gravisphere - what kind of target must be collected - life forms/ore/... As for me - now gravishere and flow generator - absolutely useless devices (IMHO)
I hate the gravisphere. I would prefer a regular metal cage trap for catching fish and a big metal basket that the Prawn can carry around for collecting piles of ore.
Rather than do that why not make that panel in the cockpit that has no use the scanning system instead leave more room in the sub that way.
I love the Gravsphere! As well as making catching fish easier, you can use it to hold up to 10 'small' items like Titanium or Copper Ore; which is useful if you're tight on space early on. My only complaint is it takes just 1 swipe with the Survival Knife to destroy it, which I unfortunately learned when trying to kill a Bleeder it had captured...
1) Discovery
Find a creature/plant in the wild and scan it to add it to the player's database. Let the player provide a common and scientific name (it is after all a newly discovered species, never before observed, so it seems strange that it actually has a name). The game could provide a list of Latin descriptives (for the scientific name) that the player can select from, and the computer can fill out and autocorrect the tenses.
An aside: If a scanner was added to the drone, it would make an almost perfect tool for the job
2) Science/Observation
Complete biological study of the creature. Find it's feeding habits, swimming/social behaviours, and reproduction requirements.
This could be a fairly straightforward task: Follow a specimen around in the wild for X minutes.
Or it could be more complex, actually observing specific AI behaviours; requiring a lot of AI programming.
A possible outcome for completing these tasks is unlocking reproduction for the specific creature in the aquarium, or it could lead to the player learning the 'correct' environment for reproduction in the large aquarium. (This would need complex fauna/flora interactions within the aquarium to be of any use)
Again, either of these tasks would be a perfect use for the drone.
3) Technology:
This is where the player does laboratory 'testing' of each creature. This task could simply be an analysis of a specimen (flora & fauna) using the 'specimen analyser' or 'biological analyser' seen here:
This should simply be a fire and forget task. Add specimen to container, start analysis, walk away. The analyser simply burns through some power, 'deconstructs' the specimen and lets you know when it's done. It should require 2-4 separate specimen to complete the task.
4) Engineering:
This is the payout for 3). It could unlock the DNA effects for the transfuser, or unlock suit/vehicle/base upgrades and technologies.
to look at samples of fish and rocks and stuff and a special storage unit for the samples like a freezer
and you could also add in like poison and diseases that youcould get in some biomes and cure the with the microscope
and some sort of fabricator to make antidotes, medicine, microscope, some sort of tool to take sample, and other stuff
So update, in my newest playthrough I finally found a second Propulsion Gun fragment (besides the one on the Aurora) and crafted it. It definitely makes catching fish easier, but I still use the Gravsphere along side it. If you think of the Prop Gun as a fishing rod, then the Gravsphere becomes the net: plop the sphere down in a school of fish, then go to town whisking them up.
Spot on mate, I thought of precisely the same thing when the update with the Scanner Room emerged. In fact I think they ARE going to implement something of the sort. I mean check out these pictures from the Cyclops control room. These do look like placeholders to a future scanning/mapping equipment of sorts:
I don't think so pal, 'cause you can find a same 'instruments' inside some wrecks or inside Aurora. Its just a background wallpapers - which looking good, but useless. Yes You right (and I said it after starting this topic in another one) - theese instrumental panels at left and right from helm is a good places for scanner 'map' and for camera-drone displays. But I can't imagine how hard for Devs to do this 'replacement' of scanner room from local position as a base module to the 'moving object' like a Cyclop with 'sticking' it to inner compartments. I've met that scanner room has only a certain position relative to the cardinal directions. You can't 'turn' it at 90 degrees as a connection tube module. So I think that this problem some how 'connected' with positions of camera's docking ports at outer walls of scanner room and its can't be removed (IMHO). So nice idea about scanner room as a part of Cyclop's compartment may be unrealizable. I don't know.. on this question can unswer only Devs
1. You bring in an item, say a fish and place it in scanner or under microscope.
2. You are rewarded with a Steam achievement for thoroughly researching said item.
3. Using 1 fiber you're able to make a blank poster.
4. You are able to take a picture of fish and apply it to poster to be hung around your base. Imagine your base covered with gorgeous photos of all the plants and animals in the game.
5. Could even do framed pictures to decorate your desks.
I agree that the stationary scanner room is quite limited. If other things I have suggested in the past that would make multiple bases more feasible are not implemented, or some other addition to the game for greater multiple base feasibility is not done; then yes the cyclops probably should be granted scanner room capabilities. However I again don't see it as a good thing if that obsoletes something else. How bout the scanner room can build an upgrade for the cyclops that allows it and the cyclops to communicate. Basically it would shift the origin of the scan to the cyclops and essentially give the cyclops the functionality of the scanner room. Like the scanner room the cyclops should have to remain stationary during the scan and while providing the scan data (maps, hud resource locations etc). This should ease the difficulty of implementing this but also encourage people to use the other 2 vehicles to actually get the resources rather than just driving the cyclops around to them. This way player is encouraged to work on both their base and their cyclops, the other vehicles are still useful/necessary and the scanner room mechanic gets a big QOL boost.
I am not super certain about the first part of your suggestion with adding a lab. I think what you were saying is basically stop the scanner tool from being able to scan flora and fauna and instead have a lab perform the function of unlocking that information that is in the PDA after scanning. I suppose that could be interesting, I imagine such a room / structure being surrounded by alien containment and grow beds. I am not sure how much incentive there would be for players to go through all this extra effort over just scanning if all it give them is some sci-fi trivia though.
It looks like MrAerospace has already tried to flesh out the functionality of this idea to more than just trivia:
1) Naming I am not so much in agreeance with, firstly the torgals had already been on the planet years earlier, perhaps they were the ones doing all the naming; but also I think having set names for set creatures just helps with communication between the community. "Reef back is my favorite... yeah Tentacle Whale is cool... I don't like Yellow Balls Moaning Frisbee". I think discovery could just be the current PDA trivia.
2) Yeah, doesn't breed / doesn't grow (plants) until further study is done and the necessary cultivation techniques are acquired seem like it could fit into the game.
3/4) I mean if you are going to go all the way with this whole lab thing then sure, this seems appropriate. I feel like a lot the lab could be tied into what is being discussed in another thread here.