1st! Nice update. Much love
CannonFodderAUS -
+ 1 I think. I am first. everyone else is playing the game :-)
not a huge list of changes. But, still good to see UWE and the Devs here patching bugs.
First! excited to see a new patch.
I would also like to add these other games have a much less complex set of mechanics to measure to win. The strategy and skill involved in Winning DOTA are less dependant on your team (note I said less and not doesn't). NS is alot … -
Definately think PwrSurge can be OP. as others have stated about potential to stopping a Skulk biting res, it is also very powerful in defending PGs. I know PGs dont have high health, but 2 chipped skulks can't grind a gate as easily as before as bo…
excited for this. nice
I feel the marine jump is a skill they need to master. I spam jump and get owned by better skulks. But the really top notch players (like everyone else in Australia) can jump backwards onto props on the level and keep jumping - getting perfectly tim…
Missed NS2+ last night, not used to the need to press G to chuck weapon. I can live with not having the mods, but they make life so so so much better when playing the game. There are just so many QoL changes mods bring (and customising) that the van…
@Loki strips to make them go down faster. I think you mean red ARCs. Red always make things go faster.
I hope the game will be 64bit sooner so it can accommodate all these great ideas. I better start saving so I can get all the skins.
@2cough and they fail to communicate the kick. Like crappy teams fail to vote concede even though the other team has all res nodes on the map. Have taken out your 1 and onl…
Crouching Fade Hidden Onos
Would you be interested in linking "my take on an NS2 manual" to the menu or advertise it? I know reading is so last century, but it is a helpful digest on many things. The wiki is great, but it doesn't give context.
in NS2 Tutorial - Helping the rookies get it right the first time Comment by Cannon_FodderAUS January 2016 -
Hey good luck @Mendasp. NS2+ definately made the game easier to play for me. I am not online as much these days due to work committments. But it is sad to hear you go - I …
I used to use mouse wheel down to bunny hope in quake
@sherlock. Goto the wiki. I have linked the release notes post with the patch notes. You can check eack build up to the last 2 (I haven't updated those to the wiki yet)
I made bits of lore and tech stuff up for the unofficial manual (see my steam guide). But nothing like a fan fict. May be i ll start something one day.
NS2 News Flash: like a walking Fade
its Java related. I used to get this for a while, also my sig disappeared when I blocked java for some reason.
That was a fun game. I was in that game with you. I ll add you to my steam, so the Aussies can dominate hahahaha.
@WasabiOne My gorge just arrived today in the mail. I am in Australia. So if you ordered one and haven't got it yet from down under, it is bellysliding to you soon. I ca…
@TBD_TheBlackDog Good on you for getting out there. If you have newbies wanting to learn about the game, you can point them to my steam guides (its in my sig). Als…
I am freakin' scared to play this game, but its so beautiful :-(
@darres Sorry to hear you didn't have a very good experience with the game for various reasons. If you want to learn more basics of the game and don't mind reading a manual…
The electrical pulse generated by nanites need to be triggered by the thrower of the grenade. The thrower is identified by th… -
@Ironsoul shout out to you for providing a NS2 server for us Aussies. -
woot. Can't wait to get mine (I am in Aus).