I want to make some video's....and....They involve YOU, the COMMUNITY as a whole :)
Australia m8 Join Date: 2015-09-09 Member: 207842Members

I recently posted on the Steam forums, but was told that most people hang here, so I thought I would come over and post here as well
I recently posted on the Steam forums, but was told that most people hang here, so I thought I would come over and post here as well

I want to make a video....and....It involves YOU, the COMMUNITY as a whole
Ill try to keep this short. Ever since I got this game back in '13 I believe, I've been on and off, not really involved in the community, just playing the game, but I've also watched the community slowly deteriorate ever since then, from an average of 500-1000 players, with the number showing on the community hub, to just 100 or so now. I've recently started my YouTube channel, and I fear this may push some people away (Oh its just another generic YouTube channel posting gameplay, yada yada), and yes I just posted my first gameplay tonight (Hat-tip to those who I played with on the DiamondGamers.net server, your now famous), but I've had this idea and sort-of a goal to get NS2 out there a bit more, more players, and start counteracting this dieing in the community. I want to get more involved and also become a better player, only have 90+ hours clocked on this since I got it. Clearly though, after everything Ive read while delving into the abyss which is the steam forums tonight, considering different points of view and the status of the game as well, it seems like it'll take more than me to make a difference, because theres a damn lot to cover. Im glad to hear that at least updates are still coming out, the Derilect update was good too see. I know a lot wont listen, but if you are so willing to, and have read to this point, I thank you. I have got multiple mod showcases and tutorials (Including myself getting taught how to be a better alien by a very experienced player xD) in the idea stage, and am thinking of making various discussion videos, obviously with much more educated people of the community than me, to indicate and talk about the status of the community and the game, and slowly work towards building it up again, even if its only marginally, or only for a few moments, while it may be a long shot, I want to do SOMETHING, I have to try, I love this game. This is open to discussion, but lets not start any wars in this thread, thats not what I posted this for.
SUGGESTIONS, IDEAS, LETS MAKE A DIFFERENCE (Most Motivational Sentence of the Year?)

There should be a gear at the top of your post which allows you to edit your posts. Use the url bbcode to link to your youtube channel;) Fixed it for you in the OP.
Cheers man, yea I tried to click the gear, but nothing happened so, not sure whats up there
Yea hea, I just saw your comment xD
Haha thanks, definitely not the best game for me, although commentating takes a lot of focus off of the game, but I am working on it and hopefully soon ill be much better at aliens and commentating, I want this channel to thrive
Indeed, despite my shotty skills it was an awesome struggle to the end! And I added ya back
And why do you have only 90 hours if you've had the game since 2013? I have a feeling the reasons that caused you to stop playing back then will cause you to stop playing again, only because nothing has really changed about NS2.
I found it quite entertaining as well, main reason I left it in there xD
You can never take someone whose name is 'HALAL SNACKBAR' seriously
Yea, I know some people will genuinely be like that, but its just something you have to push through and get passed as a YouTuber, the amount of shit I get from my friends is far worse, although its all a joke, but it hasn't stopped me. When i threatened to bring my channel down as a joke, you should've seen their faces! They were all saying 'NO, don't do that, don't take it down'
As for my 90 hours in 2 years, no it wasnt anything to do with the game, I loved playing it and am glad I got back into it, because I still do love it, but back then I really only had a laptop to run this on. It was ok, holding a constant 30fps at ultra low.This will be mentioned in the update video, but i believe I mentioned it that the start of part 2 as well. I just ended up sort of forgetting about the game when I started playing other games like war thunder, and then when I got my PS3 at the beginning of last year, I fell out of PC gaming pretty much until now because all my friends had a PS3 and games like GTAV and BO2, which I love and played the hell out of as well.
I have a much better PC now, a desktop with a GTX 780 Ti, so now that I can run this very smoothly at ultra, thats what sort of drew me back into it, also the prospect of being able to make great quality YouTube videos, in terms of smooth gameplay. I ain't going anywhere now that I'm back
AFAIK OBS would be using the same API (Nvidia NVENC), but it's very possible Nvidia knows how to better utilize and optimise Shadowplay, what with it using their own brand and all. But for options, OBS does have an edge over Shadowplay to some extent, if you're doing stuff like streaming for instance
I see OBS more as an option for ATI/AMD card users, preferably with Intel Sandy Bridge or higher for Quicksync availability
Yea, and its a great screen recorder if you dont have a Geforce card to use shadowplay. I'd definitely turn to OBS if I stream in the future, I have experimented with it
That's odd, it's only on "first post in thread" posts I assume. I can't see anything wrong with your account what could cause this, you want this video in your first post I'm assuming?
Maybe we need to summon one of the caped crusader's up in here (supar admins), @Comprox, @AceDude I summon thou
Yea, im not sure whats going on. Initially I thought it was because someone has to verify the post before its posted or something
And yes, as I see you have done. Thanks!
I can even see the gear in the screen-shot you display in your video
- and we're talking about the first post of the thread, I wouldn't be surprised if this here forum of our is wonky with that for some people... It's a wonky place we live in here, almost to the point of being wacky...
Ok, no worries. Yea I was just able to edit the post on chrome on my phone, doesn't work on chrome on PC. I'll see whats happening
Make sure it's not blocking some forum javascript
Hmm, we I tried internet explorer and the gear still did nothing so, it must be server side, maybe the desktop version of the forum is bugged?
Java =/= JavaScript . Its a common thing people get wrong