Coop or multiplayer in Subnautica? I'm afraid not.

FlayraFlayra Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
Hey everyone,

We've been getting tons and tons of questions and requests about whether we're going to add multiplayer to Subnautica or not.

Back in our early prototypes we always had multiplayer in the back of our mind. But we had so much to learn about the game, multiplayer was never a priority. Eventually we hit early access and now it would take many man-years to add any kind of multiplayer to Subnautica. We don't want to spend years more working on Subnautica before v1.0, so we sadly have come to terms with the fact that we won't be adding any kind of multiplayer or coop to the game.

Maybe one day we'll start over on a different engine and make a new Subnautica game based around coop. A game where one person is piloting the sub, another person is poring over readouts and computers, another is repairing the engines and yet another is radioing for help in a dark biome, where their Seamoth is almost out of juice. We would love to play that game.

But until then, we're going to finish up Subnautica the way it was meant to be: one person trying to survive in in a massive, dangerous, beautiful, alien world.


  • Fluffers0110Fluffers0110 Join Date: 2016-03-16 Member: 214285Members
    If you allow mods mabe a multiplayer mod could be created.

    P.S I'm Subnautica's biggest fan, Im hyped for ghost leviathan!!!
  • WSBurnsWSBurns KingdomOFMadness Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220631Members
    edited September 2016
    Flayra wrote: »
    But until then, we're going to finish up Subnautica the way it was meant to be: one person trying to survive in in a massive, dangerous, beautiful, alien world.

    I think the current game set is too small for multiplayer mode, i imagine if 1000 players were connected and every one of them was scavenging for resources and trying to park his Cyclops, building bases and placing beacons everywhere, it would be a pain im sure.For this i agree multiplayer should be out of question.

    However if we had at least 3 survivor npc´s tied to a good story that could be enough, the more i think about it the more a ONE person trying to survive fells unreasonable.

    From my perspective this game would benefit greatly from having a "State of Decay" NPC survivors pool kinda thing, you know with an Aurora Crash solid story where we could rescue some survivors (probably facing difficult choices of having time to get only one person and that changing the outcome of the story somehow) and then assign them some tasks and having them walking around our base...maybe we could even upgrade our base and tech based on some of the survivors knowledge and suggestions... Without some purpose for building large bases and having 3 types of beds still makes the game fell empty, no matter how many fish you add it, I still feel something´s missing, I speak for myself here, not sure if others feel the same way.

    Even I understand you guys are trying to walk a safe path, I think that if you don´t take some chances you will end up with another "No Man´s Sky" disappointing title, please don´t let this happen, the game is too great to go down like this.

  • HidanprimeHidanprime The Moon Join Date: 2016-08-18 Member: 221470Members
    edited September 2016
    WSBurns wrote: »
    I think the current game set is too small for multiplayer mode, i imagine if 1000 players were connected and every one of them was scavenging for resources and trying to park his Cyclops, building bases and placing beacons everywhere, it would be a pain im sure.For this i agree multiplayer should be out of question.

    I don't believe that kind of Multiplayer was ever in question. I also doubt that they could develop a server capable of handling that many players. (That's a lot of entities to keep loaded in at the same time). Subnautica isn't like Minecraft where things are much more simple when it comes to terrain and entity memory. The multiplayer that was in question would have been the reasonable standard of 1-4 players. Although I think if Subnautica (this current game) ever got MP, 2 player co-op would work best, while a new Subnautica designed for MP would benefit from a 4 player max.
  • crane476crane476 United States, Tx Join Date: 2015-08-07 Member: 206850Members
    A separate version of the game, like something along the lines of Don't Starve Together would be the best way to go imo.
  • ArgonauticaArgonautica Join Date: 2016-09-07 Member: 222138Members
    But until then, we're going to finish up Subnautica the way it was meant to be: one person trying to survive in in a massive, dangerous, beautiful, alien world.

    i am sorry @ Community, i am absolutly new, but i need to say: Good Choice.
    i do not need a Multiplayer, in a so fantastic World like Subnautica. I love this "1 Person exploring" to much.

    and do remember what happens the most "Multiplayers" if you go offline.
    You be robbed off
    your things are destroyed
    and other Things, that always boring and not nice.

    so i love to start my Subnautica, and expore future there i stop.
    nobody what want do to to the Bathroom in the Moment a Leviatan eats the Seamoth
    no one is called by mummy
    and no one runs away or disconnect
    no other Cyclops that always only "hits" my Boad just because there some disturbing "kiddys" that always make "trash" out of a Game
    and the best of all:

    if i come to a new Stage to explore
    there not 10 000 other ppl, with 100 000 Seamoths exploring and farming ( all away ??) like a Rush Hour in a big City.

    no no...
    i see really NO reason, for any Multiplayer here.
    The most multiplayer games dont know what it means, to do a good solo player game
    and the most "Multi Player" Gamer, never knows what it is, to play a epic Story Singel Play...

    so i think, this is best can happen to Subnautica, no one needs a "Multiplayer" here.
    The most games, have more Content in Singelplayer, than ever in Multiplayer have...
  • Bobthedog1Bobthedog1 US Join Date: 2016-03-13 Member: 214175Members
    Flayra wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    We've been getting tons and tons of questions and requests about whether we're going to add multiplayer to Subnautica or not.

    Back in our early prototypes we always had multiplayer in the back of our mind. But we had so much to learn about the game, multiplayer was never a priority. Eventually we hit early access and now it would take many man-years to add any kind of multiplayer to Subnautica. We don't want to spend years more working on Subnautica before v1.0, so we sadly have come to terms with the fact that we won't be adding any kind of multiplayer or coop to the game.

    Maybe one day we'll start over on a different engine and make a new Subnautica game based around coop. A game where one person is piloting the sub, another person is poring over readouts and computers, another is repairing the engines and yet another is radioing for help in a dark biome, where their Seamoth is almost out of juice. We would love to play that game.

    But until then, we're going to finish up Subnautica the way it was meant to be: one person trying to survive in in a massive, dangerous, beautiful, alien world.

  • lolguyman3lolguyman3 Join Date: 2016-09-15 Member: 222332Members
    edited September 2016
    To be perfectly honest, nothing is impossible in my eyes; multiplayer COULD be implemented, but at much cost and time for implementing it. I'd like to see a multiplayer release or multiplayer feature implemented though.

    I'll hope for multiplayer in this release, but if you guys wanna release a new Subnautica with multiplayer, I can deal with that.

    (EDIT) After thinking about it, multiplayer in this build is actually very much possible, and with this I hope they do add multiplayer.
  • ram71ram71 Join Date: 2016-08-02 Member: 220899Members
    subnautica it is so go but it need MULTIPLAYER in my book
    plz add it it all it need to be the best!! thanks
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    I am working on a Unity game, same engine as Subnautica, and I was looking at adding multiplayer. I was still early in the development. But I worked out the additional development required for multiplayer would double my project from 3 years to 6 years. Multiplayer is great, but it is much more complicated than a single player game.

    As regards modding, again, this game is built using Unity, so unless UWE write some specific modding tools, which they have not given any indication of doing, the only mods you'll see coming out for this will be DLL hack mods, and as fun as they may be, they always add instabilities to your game.
  • Zer0Cool0Zer0Cool0 NYB Join Date: 2016-09-16 Member: 222368Members
    Flayra wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    We've been getting tons and tons of questions and requests about whether we're going to add multiplayer to Subnautica or not.

    Back in our early prototypes we always had multiplayer in the back of our mind. But we had so much to learn about the game, multiplayer was never a priority. Eventually we hit early access and now it would take many man-years to add any kind of multiplayer to Subnautica. We don't want to spend years more working on Subnautica before v1.0, so we sadly have come to terms with the fact that we won't be adding any kind of multiplayer or coop to the game.

    Maybe one day we'll start over on a different engine and make a new Subnautica game based around coop. A game where one person is piloting the sub, another person is poring over readouts and computers, another is repairing the engines and yet another is radioing for help in a dark biome, where their Seamoth is almost out of juice. We would love to play that game.

    But until then, we're going to finish up Subnautica the way it was meant to be: one person trying to survive in in a massive, dangerous, beautiful, alien world.

    Then this game will die. Unless you guys integrate mod support.
  • ArtoriusArtorius Indiana USA Join Date: 2016-09-02 Member: 221998Members
    I'm happy to see this is definitive now. I look forward to a second game. ((maybe a Jules Verne esque setting?))
    I like the game as it is. Thank you for your immense work.

    If you make a multi player version in a subsequent release, make it 2-4 players. And allow for solo offline play when not playing together.

    And...Please, please, PLEASE don't go MMO. Subnautica would be RUINED by MMO gameplay.

    I play some MMOs and that would only devolve to griefing, violence and fighting. Because of the mindset of 1/2 of the people who like MMO games.

    But having even just 1 friend to share the experience with, would be a way to explore and make memories with a friend ...or two.
  • yomamayomama On the freeway Join Date: 2016-04-17 Member: 215861Members
    @Soul_Rider thanks for that post. Hearing that from someone who isn't involved in SN...well, I doubt it's going to convince most of the "how hard can it be, just pull mp out of your arse" crowd but it's nice to hear from someone else who knows unity.

    And means no. Whining isn't going to change anything. By all means, those who want to go play something else are free to do so.

    @SEA_STEVE Did you miss the numerous warnings about "Early Access" means? Don't bitch at the devs because you didn't read the VERY PROMINENTLY PLACED blurb Steam puts on the store page of EVERY EARLY ACCESS GAME. Here it is, just for you:

    Early Access Game
    Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.
    Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

    The devs have added to this, it's all right there on that front page.
  • Zer0Cool0Zer0Cool0 NYB Join Date: 2016-09-16 Member: 222368Members
    edited September 2016
    Captagear wrote: »

    Yeah like all those games before multiplayer was a big thing *sarcasm* I think it will do just fine :)

    I think I would last 100x longer with multiplayer. And if not multiplayer than it would last about 50x longer with mods. And if you take those two and put it together you got 500x longer. If this game doesn't do one of the two. It will eventually die.
  • DaveyNYDaveyNY Schenectady, NY Join Date: 2016-08-30 Member: 221903Members
    edited September 2016
    Zer0Cool0 wrote: »

    I think I would last 100x longer with multiplayer. And if not multiplayer than it would last about 50x longer with mods. And if you take those two and put it together you got 500x longer. If this game doesn't do one of the two. It will eventually die.

    All games eventually "die" in some form or another.

    Look at SWG, a fantastic game that was killed almost overnight, by foolish developers who listened to a "very vocal minority" of players and changed the basic design of the game.

    This game hasn't even released fully finished yet, and already the "doom-sayers" are complaining about it.
    How silly is that.

    It's not going to be a MMO game, period.

    But that doesn't mean it's not going to be really fun to play, it just means that certain folks will have to get their MMO-fix elsewhere.

    I personally can't wait for V1.0 and I've already played through the game twice since finding it about a month ago.

    I'm pretty sure it will do very well when it becomes a fully fledged experience.
    I know I've already started telling my gaming friends about it.

  • LadyBriarLadyBriar Join Date: 2016-08-24 Member: 221680Members
    Welp. The question I have now is: for those of us who bought this game so that we could co-op with a friend... where do we go for our refunds?
  • DarkPrince388DarkPrince388 My imagination Join Date: 2016-01-15 Member: 211417Members
    edited September 2016

    But I'm glad the main focus will be on making the game better in other ways.

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