NS2 Achievements
Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer

<div class="IPBDescription">Got an idea for one? List it here.</div>We have our own ideas for achievements of course, but I'd be willing to bet you guys have even better ones. Use this thread to suggest an NS2 Achievement that we could put in.
Be sure to list the name of the achievement, when it would be unlocked and what the icon might look like. Who knows, maybe it will make it into the game!
Be sure to list the name of the achievement, when it would be unlocked and what the icon might look like. Who knows, maybe it will make it into the game!
or the steve irwin : Stick your thumb/knife up an onus's arse to really piss it off! Icon: steve irwin .. or a stingray :P
Ambush Predator: After not moving for at least 60 seconds, kill a Marine within 5 seconds of first movement.
That is, if it will be possible to stack buildings. Also play on words of the original NS1 Babblers
Unlocks by unlocking all Gorge related unlocks
Team Player
Unlocks by spending 75-90% of your time playing in close vicinity to teammates in 20 games
Assist in destroying an enemy tech to rebuild your own after previously loosing it.
<b>Vlad</b> - Impale a marine to a wall as a Lerk (if that features still in!).
<b>My shrink says I need an outlet for my aggression</b> Kill 3 skulks in one rifle clip (or whatever a high but not impossible number is early game pre upgrades).
<b>Slippery Customer</b> Slide X meters as a gorge on your belly in a single slide!
<b>Slip and Slide</b> - unlock from using slide on gorge 100 times
<b>Lets burn</b> - If flame thrower is there, unlock from killing an enemy that is on fire and also killing self by catching on fire
<b>Saved the day</b> - Not sure how the hive system works, but construct multiple hives in one game by yourself
<b>I am a rock</b> - Absorb a amount of dmg (maybe 3000-7000?) in one game
<b>I am the one</b> - reach fade-onos in first 3-5 mins of game
<b>Passed gas</b> - Gas 100 marines to death or kill 10 marines in one game
<b>U R Porcupine</b> - Lerk Spike 100 marines or 10 kill marines in one game
<b>Batman</b> - Roost on a ceiling for a total of 1 hour overall
<b>The greatest predato</b>r - Dealt 10000 dmg in one game
<b>The Repair Man</b> - Welded for a total of 30-60 mins and actually repaired points of hp
<b>Reporting in</b> - Successfully fill marine request x times
<b>A Farewell to arms</b> - Drop you weapons
<b>To have and have not</b> - Win a game at lowest tech level after 20 mins, 1 hive for aliens, no arms lab, upgraded armory, or proto for marines however you have 3-4 mins after one is built to win before voided (a comeback).
<b>Fly By</b> - Lerk spike kill while flying
<b>The breaking point</b> - Be a Business Gorge on the skids and whose family is feeling the economic pinch. LOL but if real on adding this one, id say achieving 7 spit kills in one game. Gorges are not fighting generally unless they are really in a pinch
The icon would be rather simple, something with a knife in it should get the message across.
As for names, yeah....
<b>Out of Ammo</b>
<b>Too Close for Comfort</b>
<b>Slice and Dice</b>
<b>Just use Your Gun You Dolt</b>
Im not too good at it, and of course that last one was a joke.
That way you can acutally make the game better, by having acheivments that make the people play the game the way it is meant to be played (teamplay etc)
Perhaps an icon similar to 'evolution' <a href="http://nearemmaus.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/evolution.jpg" target="_blank">http://nearemmaus.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/evolution.jpg</a> but with alien lifeforms.
Some players seem to have a problem with the achievement system in general because it may detract from the overall NS experience that they are accustomed to. So I'm thinking maybe make achievements that do not conflict with the general flow of the game.
Achievements that:
-reward behavior that promotes teamwork and productivity during a match (Disciplined soldier/drone: Complete a commander's request 5 times. This can have many ranks as well)
-unlock after a great feat (killing 5+ aliens/marines within a certain amount of time while completing a required objective)
-are harmless and don't disrupt other players (use the armory for the first time, kill your first Fade, etc.)
Not achievements that:
-require unproductive actions to unlock at the detriment of the entire team (go an entire match without killing anything, do not be killed during an entire match, etc.) - Basically stuff that would encourage players to work against the team
-provide an incentive for players to be inflexible ("Sorry I can't build that / change to that class / use that weapon because I am trying to unlock this achievement")
-unlock gameplay benefits (I think achievements should be 100% optional and just be for fun)
hulk smash = paralyze more then 5 or more players with a single stomp
Jet setter = Stay airborne with the jetpack for xx amount of seconds (a high, hard to reach number).
Facehugger = make a kill mid-flight as a lerk
Faded glory = get a melee killing streak of 5 as a fade
Metal Gear Skulk = bite a heavy to death
Oh Noos = digest more then 5 players without dieing as a onos.
I've probably got more but i'm going out now might think up more later :p
[A silhouette image of a marine surrounded by skulks]
It Slices, It Dices: Get 3 knife kills in a single life as a marine.
[An image of a bloody marine knife]
Infestation: Drop 50 buildings in your career as a Gorge.
[No image idea yet.]
My Boomstick: Kill 5 khara with a shotgun within 30 seconds.
[An image of a marine's shotgun mid-firing]
Achievements that make people want to actually help the team instead of going solo and doing something crazy (like the above) would also be preferable - maybe [if it still exists] using umbra to shield your hivemates from X points of damage, or repairing X buildings, or helping to build X buildings (considering the commander can build them on his own, but you can still help, right?). These achievements could be longer-term ones that may make people feel like they're grinding toward them, but they might just learn good, team-helping habits in the meantime.
win your first game ( as alien, as marine)
win 5 games, win 10, win 50
win 3 (5?) games in a row (as alien, marine)
i like that, then you have different acheivments for alien and marine wins.
Also, win first game as commander (marine, alien)
also with the 5,10, 50 wins
also with the like 5 games in a row
those can have titles like, general, overmind.. whatever.
and jeah, some easy ones, first kill, first building destroyed are nice too.
Kill x amount of enemies with the shotgun while having your health below 25%.
OH YEAH - Onos breaking down X doors
I think I'm getting the Black Lung, Pop - Lerk gassing X marines
Ankle biter - Skulk killing marines from behind, on the ground, no jumping
I really like Anthoni gorge barf idea
Nothing to see here, move along: Fade blink in, kill, blink out without taking damage
Sliced bacon - Marine killing a gorge with a knife
that will force the players to:
a) attack and don't support (no teamplay)
b) use a specific waepon, wheter it is reasonable in that situation or not.
<b>Keep Your Friends Close, But Your Enemies Closer</b> - Play a game with at least 2 friends on the same team as you, and 3 friends on the opposite team.
I'm in the process of making icons for them.
All or nothin: win the game within 2 minutes
our boomsticks: with 5 other marines kill a hive with a shotgun rush
wall of shame: win a game without a single marine dying to hydras
game over man: hold off the aliens for 5 minutes while they hold all other tech points
and some other ideas:
you're one ugly mother: kill a fade in 1 on 1 from full health
ain't go time to bleed: get 3 kills while under 25 health
for aliens:
Farmer of lame: drop 10 hydras in a single game
nowhere to hide: kill the commander after he hid in the command-cube
<b>Hatari!</b>: Kill five Onos in one game.
<b>Big Game Hunter</b>: Lifetime achievement for killing 100 Onos.
<b>Who needs enemies?</b> - Kill 5 different friends on your Steam Friends list
<b>BFF</b> - Kill an enemy that has done 90%+ damage to a teammate but did not kill them
<b>Flying cookie</b> - As Onos, eat 30 marines in mid air
<b>Scramble eggs Chief</b> - Kill 100 egging aliens with shotgun (or not)
<b>Smell PopCorn</b> - Kill 20 Marines (headshot) with parasite
<b>Rambo's Bro</b> - Kill alien with melee weapon with all clips empty
Need no rest, only buttons pressed!: Have an average of over 50 actions per minute (APM) as a TSA or Kahraa commander. (for the entire match!)
Army Employed Arsonist (AEA): Light 5 Kahraa units on fire with the flamethrower, in under 10 seconds.
Organic decoration: As an alien gorge, place 5 buildings in one room.
and if chuckling is back in NS2:
The joker: Be fired at under 5 seconds after chuckling.
Flay we need a vote system. I want to vote these things up or down.
That way you can acutally make the game better, by having acheivments that make the people play the game the way it is meant to be played (teamplay etc)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is very important. Achievements need to encourage good playing so everyone isn't forced to play like an idiot to get the achievements (because you know everyone will). But also, I'd like to add that achievements need to be contained within the time of one game (there will be exceptions to this I'm sure). For example, an achievement where you have to get 100 skulk kills would be worthless if the kills were added cumulatively from all your games. Everyone is going to kill 100 skulks total eventually, so your aren't actually achieving much. If you had to get a large number of skulk kills in a single game however, it would take actual good play to achieve.
For a suggestion, personally I like achievements where you have to shoot enemies that are in the air or moving quickly. If you could have one where you shoot and kill an alien within 1 second of it appearing on your screen, that would be cool.