Experimental Non Flash Menu Mod
uk Join Date: 2004-04-09 Member: 27810Members, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, Subnautica Playtester, NS2 Community Developer, Pistachionauts

Mod now on steam workshop
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Change Log</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
0.40 13/09/2012
<ul>Added keybinds to buy items from the armory/proto lab you don't need the buy menu open or tobe looking at the armory/proto, just be within the normal buy menu range
Added keybinds to buy alien lifeforms and upgrades
Added Mousewheel scrolling for ComboBox's when there closed
Removed hardcoding of the keybind group names when activating override keybind groups
Fixed the mouse not showing when clicking with the scoreboard shown
Fixed some of the keys for the spectator Pen tool not working
Fixed keybind group labels on keybind page using the wrong text</li></ul>
0.39 6/09/2012
<ul>Fixed GUI text not using true type font because the font system now defaults to a bitmap font
Added some more missing options to the options page
Fixed the minimap drawing on top of the chat frame</li></ul>
Server Browser and Server Info
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/NvuaG.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Chat Frame with its option frame open
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/l6z8l.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Keybind Editor
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/93IMz.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/z66va.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Current extra features over normal flash menu
<ul><li> Ability to have NS2 auto connect to a server when a spot opens up if its full using the auto retry button on a ServerInfo window</li><li> The server your connected to is auto selected in the server browser </li><li> A draggable custom chat frame with scrollable history, it also separately saves the different position you move it to when commanding</li><li> Configurable filters for the server browser this includes ping, not empty and full, mapname</li></ul>
Custom Keybind system features
<ul><li> A Last weapon keybind that selects previous weapon you selected</li><li> Keybinds for Joining teams Marines(F1), Aliens(F2), RandomTeam(F3), ReturnToReadRoom(F4)</li><li> Secondary keys for keybinds</li><li> Modifier+key keybinds like Ctl-Q</li><li> Keybinds for all the voice sayings menu entry's(e.g. need medpack)</li><li> Keybinds for commander Drop Ammo, Drop MedPack, Drop Cyst, Exit CC/Hive, First Idle MAC/Drifter. These can be bound to the same keys as your non commander keybinds without conflicts</li><li> Keybinds to buy items from the armory/proto and alien lifeforms/upgrades</li><li> MouseWheel Up and Down can be bound</li><li> The commander button keybind grid can be rebound to any keys you like</li><li> The ability to bind a console command to a key using the console command bind KEYNAME CONSOLECMD</li><li> Ability to clear the key of a keybind</li><li> Auto unbinding of a keybind when you set another bind to the same key with a warning listing what was unbound</li></ul>
Installing and Using
Subscribe to the mod in the steam workshop then goto the mods page in ns 2 and click on the menumod entry in the mod list so its Active state is set to YES then click restart and the menumod should be loaded
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Old Changes<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
0.38 19/08/2012
<ul>Switched to using the games own system for fullscreen windowed
Added a bunch of the new options to the option page
Updated the create server page support to the new way of running steam workshop maps
Fixed the keybind page setting the wrong key name for some keys that are engine processed keybinds like voice chat</li></ul>
0.37 6/08/2012
<ul>Changed auto retry connect keep refreshing while the menu is closed and connected to a game
Fixed commander control hot key setting/selection
Fixed commander shift click ping not working
Fixed Last used weapon trying to select the builder tool and made it much more robust against selecting invalid weapons</li></ul>
0.36 26/07/2012
<ul>Updated the range of MouseSensitivity slider to the new values used by the engine
Fixed chatframe not functioning because SetParentRenders was removed
Fixed VersionChecker using an api before it usable for the client
Fixed engined processed keybinds like VoiceChat not getting saved when changed</li></ul>
0.34 24/06/2012
<ul>Added support for setting secondary keys for keybinds
Added support for modifier+key keybinds like Ctl-Q
Switched to a new storage system for keybinds to support secondary keys
Added keybinds for Scan and Nano Construct
Added a link to menu to open the NS2's Steam Workshop webpage
The Steam Workshop mod list tab of the mod page is now functional
Added all the extra options the original menu got this build to the option page
Fixed the text of buttons getting downscaled twice when ui scaling is active for low resolutions</li></ul>
0.33 Update 5/06/2012
<ul>Fixed the listen server getting stuck when starting up because the engines new map auto download code fails to handle .level in map name
Fixed bot count handling in the server browser
Change MouseStateTracker to play nice with its evil twin so the games own mouse events work correctly for its own ui
Changed the keybind mod to always pass through mouse click events when the mouse is visible
Fixed the mouse cursor not being visible when in overhead spectator mode
Fixed the scrollbar of list controls not resetting when a new datalist was set also made the the player list of the ServerInfo window not reset its current scroll position when refreshing
Fixed some of the game ui being on top of the menu</li></ul>
0.32 Update 31/05/2012
<ul>Replaced the header labels of the server list with a proper header control you can reorder the tabs by dragging them around and they can also be resized. There layout/order is persisted across restarts
Tweaked the size and layout of the server browser a bit
Server browser sorting is now saved
Switched to a new data driven control creation system. Modding pages will be much simpler now
Added a basic a Steam Workshop modlist tab to the mods page it may not be fully functional this build
Improved the mouse Enter/Leave event behaviour for controls
Fixed incorrect coloring of servers with 100 ping
Fixed MouseStateTracker causing an error if the client failed to connect to a server</li></ul>
0.31 Update 19/05/2012
<ul>Added a very simple version check system that will tell you when there's a new update for this mod. It will normally check once a day you can trigger a manual check with the console command mm_checkversion
Removed ColoredBuildGhosts mod since it now redundant and was causing client diff errors. If you updating by extracting on top of the previous version you should delete the ColoredBuildGhosts folder
Fixed connecting to the wrong server when in master server offline mode because a off-by-one error
Fixed lua hot reloading not automaticly recreating the currently visible menu pages
Added events for menu page creation that autoexec lua scripts can use. "PrePageCreated" and "PageCreated" both get passed the pagename as the first argument with post also being passed the page object</li></ul>
3/05/2012 HotFix
<ul>Fixed chat not getting sent because its no longer sent using a console command</li></ul>
1/05/2012 Update
<ul>Fixed Drop, PrevWeapon, NextWeapon, ToggleVoteMenu, ToggleSayings1, ToggleSayings2, Taunt keybinds triggering more than once for a single key press
Added Gorge Clog keybind that automatically switches you back into clog placing mode after placing a clog until you switch to weapon 1 or use secondary fire
Fixed Alien Commander mist keybind not switching the page correctly
Changed Fullscreen windowed mode to not start enabled on first use if the game is set to fullscreen mode</li></ul>
26/04/2012 HotFix
<ul>Updated code for the changed SetCursor api
Updated Cyst and Mist keybinds for the new alien commander menu layout
Fixed keybinds not working for the neutral spectator</li></ul>
20/04/2012 Update
<ul>Fixed ColoredBuildGhosts causing client diff errors because some functions were renamed in build 205
Updated Catalyze keybind to Nutrient Mist</li></ul>
12/04/2012 Update
<ul>Added colour tinting of the build ghost model when placing a structure(gorge and commander mode)/mines based on whether the build spot is valid
Added a fallback query system to the ServerBrowser that will do direct queries to all the server from the last known good server list response. This will be used if the steam master server fails to respond within 8 seconds for a server list request
Added keybinds for NanoShield and Catalyze
Fixed VoiceChat keybind changes not taking effect until after a reload of the game</li></ul>
2/04/2012 Update
<ul>Changed textboxs and the chat frame to also treat the number pad enter key as a Return key press
Fixed the ArchiveReaderAndSavedVariables lua dll module failing to load on xp because it was using vista or higher api
Removed a left over ColorPicker testing control on the main menu</li></ul>
31/03/2012 Update
<ul>Fixed the chat frame spamming the console with errors because kChatTextColor changed to a array
Tweaked how input events are handled
Added ChatFrame options for chat colour and commander chat colour
Switched over to the new ns2 logo
Fixed the marine Taunt saying menu entry keybind having the same internal keybind name as another keybind</li></ul>
24/03/2012 HotFix
<ul>Update the chatframe for changes in build 201. Should fix chat not showing up</li></ul>
<ul>Added Gametag column to the server browser
Fixed UpDownControl not triggering its config binding
Update hot reloading behaviour to Max's changes <a href="http://twitter.com/max_mcguire/statuses/179610640187535360" target="_blank">http://twitter.com/max_mcguire/statuses/179610640187535360</a>
Changed controls __towatch metamethord to also return the class name that the games stacktrace printer expects and crashs without it
Removed old control class testing code, that single white pixel in the top left corner shall mock me no more
Added a fallback pure lua implementation of SavedVaribles
Fixed UIHelper getting unloaded when connecting and losing track of the value of StartUpVM and breaking connected server auto selecting</li></ul>
<ul>Fixed crashing when some windows are closed and destroyed
Fixed broken commander chat label
Fixed auto selecting the connected server in the server browser
Removed some left over debug messages</li></ul>
25/02/2012 Update
<ul>Added smart lua directory detection for unpacked FullMods
Updated input handling for the Gorge build 198 changes
Fixed setting the window borderless when starting in fullscreen mode, should fix mouse position being off</li></ul>
19/02/2012 Update
<ul>Added Drop Cyst commander keybind
Fixed a missing config check in Fullscreen windowed mode causing mouse position scaling tobe incorrectly enabled
Fixed a missed MenuButton rename in PagedMenu
Fixed broken Atmospheric Lights option
Fixed showing the other team members location in there chat messages</li></ul>
9/02/2012 Update
<ul>Added some extra options to the options page and revamped how fullscreen windowed mode is enabled
Added support for non native res windowed fullscreen mode
Changed Autoexec "connected" scripts to be run after the Client library is loaded
Added "startup" Autoexec event which is triggered for the engines LoadComplete event and is only run once and only in the first client VM ns2 creates</li></ul>
3/02/2012 Update
<ul>Updated mouse state handling for build 194 changes
The map list on the create listen server page is now sorted
Updated the lua directory layout detection for the FullMods archive loader for the layout Onos Ate Me uses
Tweaked the background color of dropdown lists</li></ul>
21/01/2012 Update
<ul>Reimplemented how mousewheel up/down triggers keybind actions
Fixed ServerQueryHelper crashing the game if there were active querys when the lua vm is shutdown
Updated disconnected message handling for build 192 changes
Fixed broken connected server name on the scoreboard
Fixed sliders not always calling there config binding
Fixed mouse functions not getting hooked and causing the mouse to sometimes be stuck visible</li></ul>
14/01/2012 Update
<ul>Refactored several systems for build 190 changes of the client VM being recreated on connect/disconnect and the Client lua library not be fully available during early loading there may still be some stuff i missed
Added support for starting the listen server with a custom list of full mods(mods that directly replace ns2 lua files) just drop archive(rar,zip,7z) containing the mod into the FullMods folder and refresh the full mods list on the create server page this system only works for mods that are purely lua files and have a sane file layout
Added a custom config system thats used for Full Mods system and saving the list the of disabled mods
Added support for mouse wheel scrolling controls without UIHelper being loaded</li></ul>
Keybinds Mod
<ul>Added Last used weapon keybind
Added a keybind to exit the Hive/CC
Added direct keybinds for all the sayings menu entrys
Mouse wheel up and down are now bindable</li></ul>
1/12 Update
<ul>Added the ability to turn off Anti-aliasing and Atmospheric Lights to the option page
Updated menu camera to the new system in build 188
Removed changing the feedback overlay text that got removed</li></ul>
20/11 Update
<ul>Added copy paste support for textboxs using the normal shortcut keys ctl-c and ctl-v
Fixed the password prompt not showing when connecting to passworded servers also made it show when connecting using the ServerInfo window
Changed Escape to return to game instead of closing windows first when connected
Greatly reduced the transparency of the menu pages
Added a port option to the create server page
Fixed setting more than 1 console command bind in a session breaking other console command binds
Fixed the connected menu links not being offset correctly</li></ul>
13/11 Update
<ul>Added the name the server to the scoreboard
Made the Server Browser auto select the server that your connected to in the server list
Added dynamic(none of that GUIScale silliness) ui scaling of the menu and chatframe when running in low resolutions.
Added an option to make the ns2 window borderless. Requires UIHelper module
Added mouse wheel scrolling for sliders/scrollbars, list, stepper controls. Requires UIHelper module
Added a lua auto execute directory/system see autoexec\readme.txt for useage
Added a editable value textbox for the mouse sensitivity slider
Fixed newly created console command keybinds only becoming active after being bound twice or restarting ns2
Fixed keybind changes not always taking effect when using the classic menu
Tweaked the layout and spacing of some of things</li></ul>
12/10 Update
<ul>Added a workaround for broken Armory:OnUse mouse visibility check
Fixed broken alien spawning
Fixed the pickup key gui showing the wrong key when using the keybind mod</li></ul>
4/10 Update
<ul>Added auto retry connect button to the ServerInfo window when the server is full which will connect to the server when a slot opens up
Fixed losing the cursor in the buy menus when another player closed there armory menu
Fixed loading lua dll modules when the mod is installed using the second installation method
Removed a leftover armory debug message</li></ul>
30/9 Update
<ul>Added support for window frames in the GUI system
Added a brand new windowed style main menu The old paged main menu can still be switched to by clicking on "switch to paged menu" text
Added the ability to filter servers in the Server Browser by map name
Added a ServerInfo popup window similar to steams when you right click on a server in the server browser that shows connected players and server info. ServerQueryHelper mod/lua dll module that I made to provide the missing server query api is needed for the ServerInfo window to work</li></ul><ul>Added a voice volume slider to the options page
Made the chat frame separately save the position its moved to when commanding
Made lua code loading a 2 stage process this might slightly reduce startup time but was added for other purposes
Changed the Server Browser text to be clipped
Redesigned the internal logic for dragging frames</li></ul>
6/8 Update
<ul>Fixed the windowed mode check box not correctly saving its value</li></ul>
29/7 Update
<ul>Refactored the ui backend and made it less fragile to errors
Added support for setting NextWeapon and PrevWeapon in the keybinds page
The CheckBox now play the games built in sounds for checking and unchecking
Esc will now close an open combobox
Fixed keybinds still being activated while typing chat
Fixed arrow keys not adjusting the carret correctly in textboxs
Fixed a rare stack overflow when pressing escape while chat box is open</li></ul>
11/7 Update
<ul>Fixed Escape closing the keybind page when canceling a keybind edit
Fixed the 64 bit registry path in the launching bat
Made keybind entrys on the keybind page selectable again</li></ul>
<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Keybinds Mod:<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><ul>Made weapon number keybinds input bits pulsed this should fix Say menus and commander hotkey groups
Fixed mic keybind not doing anything
Fixed importing of existing keybinds
Fixed loading of console command binds</li></ul>
10/7 Update
<ul><li>Updated for build 180</li><li>Greatly improved the escape key behavior for the keybind system mod</li><li>Readded the mic active icon</li><li>improved the launcher bat should work on 64 bit windows as well now</li><li>Added support for sub mods to run in the listen server vm</li></ul>
28/6 Update
<ul>Added a new awesome configurable ChatFrame
Added my replacement <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=111032" target="_blank"> keybind system mod</a>, its disabled by default it can be enabled in the mods option page. the game will be need to restarted after it been enabled
Added a password prompt when connecting to a passworded server in the server browser
Esc now returns you to the main menu page if pressed while in a sub page and it will also close the menu if at the main page while ingame</li></ul>
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Change Log</b><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
0.40 13/09/2012
<ul>Added keybinds to buy items from the armory/proto lab you don't need the buy menu open or tobe looking at the armory/proto, just be within the normal buy menu range
Added keybinds to buy alien lifeforms and upgrades
Added Mousewheel scrolling for ComboBox's when there closed
Removed hardcoding of the keybind group names when activating override keybind groups
Fixed the mouse not showing when clicking with the scoreboard shown
Fixed some of the keys for the spectator Pen tool not working
Fixed keybind group labels on keybind page using the wrong text</li></ul>
0.39 6/09/2012
<ul>Fixed GUI text not using true type font because the font system now defaults to a bitmap font
Added some more missing options to the options page
Fixed the minimap drawing on top of the chat frame</li></ul>
Server Browser and Server Info
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/NvuaG.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Chat Frame with its option frame open
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/l6z8l.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Keybind Editor
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/93IMz.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/z66va.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Current extra features over normal flash menu
<ul><li> Ability to have NS2 auto connect to a server when a spot opens up if its full using the auto retry button on a ServerInfo window</li><li> The server your connected to is auto selected in the server browser </li><li> A draggable custom chat frame with scrollable history, it also separately saves the different position you move it to when commanding</li><li> Configurable filters for the server browser this includes ping, not empty and full, mapname</li></ul>
Custom Keybind system features
<ul><li> A Last weapon keybind that selects previous weapon you selected</li><li> Keybinds for Joining teams Marines(F1), Aliens(F2), RandomTeam(F3), ReturnToReadRoom(F4)</li><li> Secondary keys for keybinds</li><li> Modifier+key keybinds like Ctl-Q</li><li> Keybinds for all the voice sayings menu entry's(e.g. need medpack)</li><li> Keybinds for commander Drop Ammo, Drop MedPack, Drop Cyst, Exit CC/Hive, First Idle MAC/Drifter. These can be bound to the same keys as your non commander keybinds without conflicts</li><li> Keybinds to buy items from the armory/proto and alien lifeforms/upgrades</li><li> MouseWheel Up and Down can be bound</li><li> The commander button keybind grid can be rebound to any keys you like</li><li> The ability to bind a console command to a key using the console command bind KEYNAME CONSOLECMD</li><li> Ability to clear the key of a keybind</li><li> Auto unbinding of a keybind when you set another bind to the same key with a warning listing what was unbound</li></ul>
Installing and Using
Subscribe to the mod in the steam workshop then goto the mods page in ns 2 and click on the menumod entry in the mod list so its Active state is set to YES then click restart and the menumod should be loaded
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Old Changes<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
0.38 19/08/2012
<ul>Switched to using the games own system for fullscreen windowed
Added a bunch of the new options to the option page
Updated the create server page support to the new way of running steam workshop maps
Fixed the keybind page setting the wrong key name for some keys that are engine processed keybinds like voice chat</li></ul>
0.37 6/08/2012
<ul>Changed auto retry connect keep refreshing while the menu is closed and connected to a game
Fixed commander control hot key setting/selection
Fixed commander shift click ping not working
Fixed Last used weapon trying to select the builder tool and made it much more robust against selecting invalid weapons</li></ul>
0.36 26/07/2012
<ul>Updated the range of MouseSensitivity slider to the new values used by the engine
Fixed chatframe not functioning because SetParentRenders was removed
Fixed VersionChecker using an api before it usable for the client
Fixed engined processed keybinds like VoiceChat not getting saved when changed</li></ul>
0.34 24/06/2012
<ul>Added support for setting secondary keys for keybinds
Added support for modifier+key keybinds like Ctl-Q
Switched to a new storage system for keybinds to support secondary keys
Added keybinds for Scan and Nano Construct
Added a link to menu to open the NS2's Steam Workshop webpage
The Steam Workshop mod list tab of the mod page is now functional
Added all the extra options the original menu got this build to the option page
Fixed the text of buttons getting downscaled twice when ui scaling is active for low resolutions</li></ul>
0.33 Update 5/06/2012
<ul>Fixed the listen server getting stuck when starting up because the engines new map auto download code fails to handle .level in map name
Fixed bot count handling in the server browser
Change MouseStateTracker to play nice with its evil twin so the games own mouse events work correctly for its own ui
Changed the keybind mod to always pass through mouse click events when the mouse is visible
Fixed the mouse cursor not being visible when in overhead spectator mode
Fixed the scrollbar of list controls not resetting when a new datalist was set also made the the player list of the ServerInfo window not reset its current scroll position when refreshing
Fixed some of the game ui being on top of the menu</li></ul>
0.32 Update 31/05/2012
<ul>Replaced the header labels of the server list with a proper header control you can reorder the tabs by dragging them around and they can also be resized. There layout/order is persisted across restarts
Tweaked the size and layout of the server browser a bit
Server browser sorting is now saved
Switched to a new data driven control creation system. Modding pages will be much simpler now
Added a basic a Steam Workshop modlist tab to the mods page it may not be fully functional this build
Improved the mouse Enter/Leave event behaviour for controls
Fixed incorrect coloring of servers with 100 ping
Fixed MouseStateTracker causing an error if the client failed to connect to a server</li></ul>
0.31 Update 19/05/2012
<ul>Added a very simple version check system that will tell you when there's a new update for this mod. It will normally check once a day you can trigger a manual check with the console command mm_checkversion
Removed ColoredBuildGhosts mod since it now redundant and was causing client diff errors. If you updating by extracting on top of the previous version you should delete the ColoredBuildGhosts folder
Fixed connecting to the wrong server when in master server offline mode because a off-by-one error
Fixed lua hot reloading not automaticly recreating the currently visible menu pages
Added events for menu page creation that autoexec lua scripts can use. "PrePageCreated" and "PageCreated" both get passed the pagename as the first argument with post also being passed the page object</li></ul>
3/05/2012 HotFix
<ul>Fixed chat not getting sent because its no longer sent using a console command</li></ul>
1/05/2012 Update
<ul>Fixed Drop, PrevWeapon, NextWeapon, ToggleVoteMenu, ToggleSayings1, ToggleSayings2, Taunt keybinds triggering more than once for a single key press
Added Gorge Clog keybind that automatically switches you back into clog placing mode after placing a clog until you switch to weapon 1 or use secondary fire
Fixed Alien Commander mist keybind not switching the page correctly
Changed Fullscreen windowed mode to not start enabled on first use if the game is set to fullscreen mode</li></ul>
26/04/2012 HotFix
<ul>Updated code for the changed SetCursor api
Updated Cyst and Mist keybinds for the new alien commander menu layout
Fixed keybinds not working for the neutral spectator</li></ul>
20/04/2012 Update
<ul>Fixed ColoredBuildGhosts causing client diff errors because some functions were renamed in build 205
Updated Catalyze keybind to Nutrient Mist</li></ul>
12/04/2012 Update
<ul>Added colour tinting of the build ghost model when placing a structure(gorge and commander mode)/mines based on whether the build spot is valid
Added a fallback query system to the ServerBrowser that will do direct queries to all the server from the last known good server list response. This will be used if the steam master server fails to respond within 8 seconds for a server list request
Added keybinds for NanoShield and Catalyze
Fixed VoiceChat keybind changes not taking effect until after a reload of the game</li></ul>
2/04/2012 Update
<ul>Changed textboxs and the chat frame to also treat the number pad enter key as a Return key press
Fixed the ArchiveReaderAndSavedVariables lua dll module failing to load on xp because it was using vista or higher api
Removed a left over ColorPicker testing control on the main menu</li></ul>
31/03/2012 Update
<ul>Fixed the chat frame spamming the console with errors because kChatTextColor changed to a array
Tweaked how input events are handled
Added ChatFrame options for chat colour and commander chat colour
Switched over to the new ns2 logo
Fixed the marine Taunt saying menu entry keybind having the same internal keybind name as another keybind</li></ul>
24/03/2012 HotFix
<ul>Update the chatframe for changes in build 201. Should fix chat not showing up</li></ul>
<ul>Added Gametag column to the server browser
Fixed UpDownControl not triggering its config binding
Update hot reloading behaviour to Max's changes <a href="http://twitter.com/max_mcguire/statuses/179610640187535360" target="_blank">http://twitter.com/max_mcguire/statuses/179610640187535360</a>
Changed controls __towatch metamethord to also return the class name that the games stacktrace printer expects and crashs without it
Removed old control class testing code, that single white pixel in the top left corner shall mock me no more
Added a fallback pure lua implementation of SavedVaribles
Fixed UIHelper getting unloaded when connecting and losing track of the value of StartUpVM and breaking connected server auto selecting</li></ul>
<ul>Fixed crashing when some windows are closed and destroyed
Fixed broken commander chat label
Fixed auto selecting the connected server in the server browser
Removed some left over debug messages</li></ul>
25/02/2012 Update
<ul>Added smart lua directory detection for unpacked FullMods
Updated input handling for the Gorge build 198 changes
Fixed setting the window borderless when starting in fullscreen mode, should fix mouse position being off</li></ul>
19/02/2012 Update
<ul>Added Drop Cyst commander keybind
Fixed a missing config check in Fullscreen windowed mode causing mouse position scaling tobe incorrectly enabled
Fixed a missed MenuButton rename in PagedMenu
Fixed broken Atmospheric Lights option
Fixed showing the other team members location in there chat messages</li></ul>
9/02/2012 Update
<ul>Added some extra options to the options page and revamped how fullscreen windowed mode is enabled
Added support for non native res windowed fullscreen mode
Changed Autoexec "connected" scripts to be run after the Client library is loaded
Added "startup" Autoexec event which is triggered for the engines LoadComplete event and is only run once and only in the first client VM ns2 creates</li></ul>
3/02/2012 Update
<ul>Updated mouse state handling for build 194 changes
The map list on the create listen server page is now sorted
Updated the lua directory layout detection for the FullMods archive loader for the layout Onos Ate Me uses
Tweaked the background color of dropdown lists</li></ul>
21/01/2012 Update
<ul>Reimplemented how mousewheel up/down triggers keybind actions
Fixed ServerQueryHelper crashing the game if there were active querys when the lua vm is shutdown
Updated disconnected message handling for build 192 changes
Fixed broken connected server name on the scoreboard
Fixed sliders not always calling there config binding
Fixed mouse functions not getting hooked and causing the mouse to sometimes be stuck visible</li></ul>
14/01/2012 Update
<ul>Refactored several systems for build 190 changes of the client VM being recreated on connect/disconnect and the Client lua library not be fully available during early loading there may still be some stuff i missed
Added support for starting the listen server with a custom list of full mods(mods that directly replace ns2 lua files) just drop archive(rar,zip,7z) containing the mod into the FullMods folder and refresh the full mods list on the create server page this system only works for mods that are purely lua files and have a sane file layout
Added a custom config system thats used for Full Mods system and saving the list the of disabled mods
Added support for mouse wheel scrolling controls without UIHelper being loaded</li></ul>
Keybinds Mod
<ul>Added Last used weapon keybind
Added a keybind to exit the Hive/CC
Added direct keybinds for all the sayings menu entrys
Mouse wheel up and down are now bindable</li></ul>
1/12 Update
<ul>Added the ability to turn off Anti-aliasing and Atmospheric Lights to the option page
Updated menu camera to the new system in build 188
Removed changing the feedback overlay text that got removed</li></ul>
20/11 Update
<ul>Added copy paste support for textboxs using the normal shortcut keys ctl-c and ctl-v
Fixed the password prompt not showing when connecting to passworded servers also made it show when connecting using the ServerInfo window
Changed Escape to return to game instead of closing windows first when connected
Greatly reduced the transparency of the menu pages
Added a port option to the create server page
Fixed setting more than 1 console command bind in a session breaking other console command binds
Fixed the connected menu links not being offset correctly</li></ul>
13/11 Update
<ul>Added the name the server to the scoreboard
Made the Server Browser auto select the server that your connected to in the server list
Added dynamic(none of that GUIScale silliness) ui scaling of the menu and chatframe when running in low resolutions.
Added an option to make the ns2 window borderless. Requires UIHelper module
Added mouse wheel scrolling for sliders/scrollbars, list, stepper controls. Requires UIHelper module
Added a lua auto execute directory/system see autoexec\readme.txt for useage
Added a editable value textbox for the mouse sensitivity slider
Fixed newly created console command keybinds only becoming active after being bound twice or restarting ns2
Fixed keybind changes not always taking effect when using the classic menu
Tweaked the layout and spacing of some of things</li></ul>
12/10 Update
<ul>Added a workaround for broken Armory:OnUse mouse visibility check
Fixed broken alien spawning
Fixed the pickup key gui showing the wrong key when using the keybind mod</li></ul>
4/10 Update
<ul>Added auto retry connect button to the ServerInfo window when the server is full which will connect to the server when a slot opens up
Fixed losing the cursor in the buy menus when another player closed there armory menu
Fixed loading lua dll modules when the mod is installed using the second installation method
Removed a leftover armory debug message</li></ul>
30/9 Update
<ul>Added support for window frames in the GUI system
Added a brand new windowed style main menu The old paged main menu can still be switched to by clicking on "switch to paged menu" text
Added the ability to filter servers in the Server Browser by map name
Added a ServerInfo popup window similar to steams when you right click on a server in the server browser that shows connected players and server info. ServerQueryHelper mod/lua dll module that I made to provide the missing server query api is needed for the ServerInfo window to work</li></ul><ul>Added a voice volume slider to the options page
Made the chat frame separately save the position its moved to when commanding
Made lua code loading a 2 stage process this might slightly reduce startup time but was added for other purposes
Changed the Server Browser text to be clipped
Redesigned the internal logic for dragging frames</li></ul>
6/8 Update
<ul>Fixed the windowed mode check box not correctly saving its value</li></ul>
29/7 Update
<ul>Refactored the ui backend and made it less fragile to errors
Added support for setting NextWeapon and PrevWeapon in the keybinds page
The CheckBox now play the games built in sounds for checking and unchecking
Esc will now close an open combobox
Fixed keybinds still being activated while typing chat
Fixed arrow keys not adjusting the carret correctly in textboxs
Fixed a rare stack overflow when pressing escape while chat box is open</li></ul>
11/7 Update
<ul>Fixed Escape closing the keybind page when canceling a keybind edit
Fixed the 64 bit registry path in the launching bat
Made keybind entrys on the keybind page selectable again</li></ul>
<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Keybinds Mod:<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><ul>Made weapon number keybinds input bits pulsed this should fix Say menus and commander hotkey groups
Fixed mic keybind not doing anything
Fixed importing of existing keybinds
Fixed loading of console command binds</li></ul>
10/7 Update
<ul><li>Updated for build 180</li><li>Greatly improved the escape key behavior for the keybind system mod</li><li>Readded the mic active icon</li><li>improved the launcher bat should work on 64 bit windows as well now</li><li>Added support for sub mods to run in the listen server vm</li></ul>
28/6 Update
<ul>Added a new awesome configurable ChatFrame
Added my replacement <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=111032" target="_blank"> keybind system mod</a>, its disabled by default it can be enabled in the mods option page. the game will be need to restarted after it been enabled
Added a password prompt when connecting to a passworded server in the server browser
Esc now returns you to the main menu page if pressed while in a sub page and it will also close the menu if at the main page while ingame</li></ul>
Ok trying it out now, first I must say that its awesome, but, you lack the options and create part of the menu. I assume you already know that, but you didnt mention it in your post so other ppl dont.
Not sure if its your mod, but the scoreboard seems to have been positioned lower down on my screen :S
The only thing that i think you could improve (rather than simply add), is the filter. Could you make it somewht like in steams server browser, where you press a button to open the filter menu.
Also, instead of empty and full filters, do you think you could implement a min/max player count range? So, I would specify the min and max playercounts and it would only sure servers with those number of players?
These improvements are needed as standard, it's often the simple things that make all the difference.
Added keybind page currently the options button takes you to it
Added the ability to filter empty and full servers in the server browser
I'm not sure which grapevine you've heard this through, but I wasn't aware of it. Obviously they'll replace these flash-components at some point before release, but with the poor performance and outright crashes going on right now, I'm sure it's not a top-priority.
As for the mod, it goes like hell. I've set it up as the default start-up, as it's a lot better (and more functional) than the sluggish flash-menu. If they haven't started on reworking the main-menu yet, assimilating fsfod's work is a pretty good idea.
Added Options and Create Server pages
The Server Browser now remembers what filters you set before
Keybind changes now take effect without having to restart the game
Added Options and Create Server pages
The Server Browser now remembers what filters you set before
Keybind changes now take effect without having to restart the game<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
By chance have you sent to/heard back from UWE about making your mod a temporary patch of the main menu?
Make sure the zip has the correct name and is placed in \Steam\steamapps\common\natural selection 2\
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/2ddWJ.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/G12UP.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
A few changes i thought the game could use to the hud are a bigger map and a new optional minimap, also larger text and a nicer looking scoreboard for higher resolutions.
The chatbox is epic as well, but I think that it should be smaller and positioned more like in source.
Looking at that "locked" checkbox, should I take it that you can scale it while typing?
Would be good if you had a section in options for it (even if you can scale it with the mouse), where you define stuff like size, position, text size and maybe some color stuff. A checkbox could be used to let people choose if they set values in % of game resolution, or as an absolute position.
Also, make the locations printed before the ":" sign.
The chatbox is epic as well, but I think that it should be smaller and positioned more like in source.
Looking at that "locked" checkbox, should I take it that you can scale it while typing?
Would be good if you had a section in options for it (even if you can scale it with the mouse), where you define stuff like size, position, text size and maybe some color stuff. A checkbox could be used to let people choose if they set values in % of game resolution, or as an absolute position.
Also, make the locations printed before the ":" sign.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Locked is because you can drag the frame to a different spot but I am toying with dragging on the edges to resize and yeah an option page for it is planned
If not then send me an email at brianc@unknownworlds.com.