Goliath Vietnam, you are by far one of the most stupid people I've seen on these forums. Stop spamming my posts with nonsense.
How is that relevant? I paid for a game to work in Linux, both parties must uphold their end of the bargain regardless of their financial circumstances.
Would it be OK for me to buy the game and not pay clamining "but I'm not Donald Trum… -
Every build seems to be one step forward, two steps back.
This is a game set on colonies in space and you fight against an alien race, it's not a reality sim nor should it try to be.
That said, I find that a lot of grenades from the grenade launcher will actually BOUNCE ON ENEMIES. That is not … -
The issue has been resolved for me since 261, I think. Can't remember. There has been many issues and many builds of NS2 since I bought it at 250'ish.I'd like to chime in at this point and say, I have been holding back my kernel upgrade since 3.12.2 just because of NS2. Today I could do so no longer, because although the need to play NS2 is strong, other things have presedence at the moment.
Update: game also crashes a few minutes in to the normal game. That means unplayable at the moment, so I would consider it urgent because I'm not getting my daily NS2 fix!!!in Segfault when running sandbox and "fatal error" when running tutorial. Comment by spongeboburu December 2013
Warped, I have the similar issues with the 3.12.3 kernel and nvidia 331.20 where I cant play tutorial or sandbox.
I'm using the proprietary nvidia drivers through optirun to run the game on a GTX 675M.
I haven't even bothered checking the FPS because it seems "smooth enough". Previous to 259 the game studdered quite a bit, but it was possibly connec…Right. Although I have tried deleting Workshop (and shine) directory it does not work after the first connect (where you download everything). As of 261, I tried again to delete everything and behold, it seems to work. Not sure if it was the 261 or …Indeed. I'm not sure how the consistency/version check is performed (date comparison? version number? checksum?), but obviously the check fails. What are the criteria for having a compatible mod? If I know what the game is looking for maybe I can sp…In all servers with shine or ns2stats. I posted a response here with log:
http://forums.unknownworlds.com/discussion/comment/2169783/#Comment_2…I'm still getting this after the patch. No mods are active.
Date: 11/29/2013
Time: 05:50:40 PM:
Build 260
Arch Linux x86_64
Steam initialized
Num displays: 2
OpenGL 4.3.0 NVIDIA 3…EDIT: my fav servers are now using Shine, de facto perm banning me from playing on them. When can we see a fully working version of NS2 on Linux?This issue does NOT resolve itself after server restart or map update. I've had "server mod is out of date" error for every Shine Administration and NS2Stat server since I bought the game, many weeks ago.Sweet. Looking forward to 259, I just crashed from a fun game going into a gorge tunnel.I too experience this. I'm using nvidia 325.15-10. Although I have not made any connection to evolving, it sometimes is completely random, but most of the time when entering gorge tunnels.I don't know why this is a problem, there has been games since the early 90's solving this relatively well already, it's not a big secret how to do it right.My friends who play on Windows do not have this problem. I have not confirmed that any other Linux users have this problem so, I'm not sure if it's OS related.Adding my two cents: this is still a big problem in 258.
I think the game might have had a memory leak that was fixed with 258, but the random crashes are more akin of erronous programming, trying to access memory they have no business a…Subscribed, unsubscribed, removed, redownloaded, etc. It's not helping.The whole "buy more RAM" argument is nonsense, more RAM will delay memory leak problems at best, not fix them.
The 257 build crashes quite often in-game for me on my 16G system, so I should get 32G to play a game that has 4G recommended?…I can confirm these crashes on an nvidia GTX675M (optimus), nvidia driver 325.15-7, so it's absolutely not an ATI specific problem.
The Fade blink still renders black screen randomly, some mods dont download properly (thusly making half …I experience both the game crashing and blink problem, haven't experimented with mouse buttons.
Add to this the problem with the mod consistency check fail (can't join servers with certain mods because of "server mod is out of date", rei…