There's also creepvines and creepvine seed clusters for the time being. I've found that if you're running out of water that badly you've probably had more than enough time to explore and see everything in the game so far. If it s… -
That biome is the Deep Twisty Bridges biome. Yyyyyyyup.
Other than that I believe it goes down to around 350-400m and is currently completely undetailed aside from some spooky ambient music/sounds. Far as I know that's all there … -
I would suggest;
- Creepvine seed clusters - These can be consumed in Below Zero to replenish 10 thirst. Dunno if they're renewable but there's plenty of Arctic Kelp biomes around to make this a valid method of replenishing thirst on the go f…
I'm pretty certain that whenever you buy Below Zero you own it completely and it will get updated until release. That's how I remember early access worked for the base game and my assumption is that they would do the same thing ag… -
Sounds like a LERP(linear interpolation) or SLERP(spherical linear interpolation) could be involved somewhere, I'd suggest looking them up if you aren't already familiar. If Unity doesn't have them by default they're not hard functions to create yo…
The thing that struck me as odd about the ending was the metal panel breaking loose inside the cockpit. Not sure if it was some reference to the panel smacking you in the beginning or if it was just there to justify the shield you had to craft for …
Some players (including me) couldn't get used to the performance hell and are waiting for an update that smooths it out. It's been a long wait...
As for OP's topic- I haven't played Subnautica as long as you have but the big difference … -
Following the instructions from this link; http://forum.world-machine.com/index.php?topic=3011.0 (Quote)
I got the following result;I don't see anything wrong here. All glory to the hypno toad!I remember when the tentative release date was in August... Last year's August, mind you. Seems there was always something exciting showing up, will be both happy and sad when this crazy ride is over.Getting a game to work on most hardware configurations (speaking on PCs here) is difficult. Making a game engine that needs to support whatever game developers come up with and also on most hardware configurations? Certainly a lot tougher.
Would probably fix it. Would probably also drop the frame rate to something like 4fps.Well I got it for $20 so I supported the game more than you all.(Quote)
Unless that's just one specially developed eye that can look in two directions at the same time, with all the rods and back-of-the-eye stuff just hanging out in the middle.Pretty sure last job I used a computer at was running '98 so XP looks pretty new and shiny far as workplaces go. They have different needs than home computers and so this is fairly typical if you ask me.First too many creatures attack the Cyclops. "Too many creatures attack the Cyclops!", they said. Now too few creatures attack the Cyclops. "Too few creatures attack the Cyclops!", they say.(Quote)
A quick google search has informed me that the average tank allows for an hour of air at 10m and a few minutes at 40m. We're talking roughly a 10-20 times difference before we even reach the average depth of the kelp forest. By d…(Quote)
Typically depends on what you learn first and how much practice you put into the other handedness. I'm left-handed and wouldn't be able to use a mouse with my left hand to save my life. Then again all of my mouse movements will a…Making a good map system in Subnautica is tricky due to how much verticality the terrain has and how it plays with vertical spaces. Due to these reasons I fail to see the need for a 2D map. You would want details on cave systems from the very star…Took a gander a few of your vids Phoenix, and I have a small piece of feedback I'd like to offer. I had a hard time hearing you during gameplay due to the game volume sounding as loud as your voice. Dunno if it would bother anyone else, just somet…Would be kinda awkward but you could put the numbers in the center and they periodically fade to the icon and back over time. Or, as was mentioned somewhere before the fade occurs when opening/closing the PDA so that you have numbers while open and…(Quote)
It's been a while since I've used Unity so I must have forgotten the proper spelling and went with my local spelling ^^;(Quote) If I would hazard a guess referring to the base by name of the object would mean having a check for "sub type is corridor, sub type is intersection, sub type is observatory, etc." That would certainly be messy and restrictive when it com…Anything to help performance.(Quote)
I was like 12 at the time so it was probably pretty terrible lol.(Quote)
Wow I did almost the same thing- it was a campaign that was basically a Zerg perspective of the original Terran campaign. Then the hard drive it was on got wiped =((Quote) *snickers* I was actually poking around on the runescape website the other day and found there's a metric for time played and I had around 1200 hours put into it.
As for listing favorites, I usually have around four or five I…(Quote)
I agree and would find it interesting to consider certain areas as safe or dangerous for the Cyclops based upon nearby flora, fauna, and terrain.(Quote)
The expansion should put you in control of a reaper swimming in an ocean that keeps getting pelted by these weird metal pods that have the most tasty treats inside.Sounds related to seeing objects inside your base while inside your cyclops, unless that got fixed in the last couple months.