Someone should make a NS1 mod in Black Mesa http://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/Black_Mesa/
Super Meta -
XP awarded for damage/repairing (not frags) is how combat SA works. Also have random xp drops and an auto catch up system. Highest/lowest level gap never gets more then 4 or 5 levels apart.
Hmm, that looks familiar, I just can't put my finger on it....
There was a badass HMG model being worked on, but I think it turned into vaporware.
@Nominous Any updates? ns desperately needs some new content. -
I see non-microtransaction free indie games on steam all the time, but you may be right. It was just an idea, a shot in the dark. Plus, it's on steam now and making 0 money for valve anyway.
I think you guys are misunderstanding me. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I've seen games change their prices. Not like a sale, but the base price. Now what I'm suggesting, stay with me here, is that however the price is changed,… -
While it would be nice to see combat re-integrated, even as a DLC, I doubt FLG cares to put that much effort in, and (this might just be my take on it) I think UWE cares even less about combat (PDT, Subnautica, etc).
So in the realm of p… -
What should really happen is ns2: combat should got F2P. What would it take for this to happen? Does both FLG and UWE have to agree to this?
If you're talking about the steam mod, steam's workshop copyright rules are pretty straight forward. If you're talking about the stand alone, I'm not sure there was ever really a straight answer. I'd ask a uwe higher up or flg (if you can get a resp…
I have to agree with Bof. Combat is no more. The mod is gone and the SA is dead. Why do people want to keep trying to revive it? Short of hell freezing over, I doubt combat will ever return, at least to ns2. It's sad, but that's life.
In… -
This is the most meta of necros ever!
@Mephilles There was an idea floating around for a burst fire rifle https…
That really has nothing to do with it. It's more to do with copyright laws. The least you should do is ask the original map creators.
Also IBIS is running a combat server -
Um, did you get permission from FLG/UWE? I'd be careful. You could get a copyright strike against you if they find out/care about this.
Found them! Thanks for the heads up
If you're right about not being able to own gameplay, I'd love to see a NS clone in the UE4/5 engine
Then by that logic, I guess we'd have to know the details of the contract pertaining to combat to know who really does own the gameplay of combat
An honest question, but if this is the case, does UWE own the gameplay around NS2? Could someone just rename all the alien names, make them look different enough and pretty much make the same game under a different name? -
That comparison is laughable. *snip* who can't see past your own jaded views.
If I had no other choice but to play on a 6v6, then I'd uninstall ns2.
Entitled much? God forbid somebody gets paid for the work that they do. Oh and the mod was gonig to die regardless. The mod copyright was owned by flg and they weren't going to update it anyway since they had moved on from n… -
Make it blow up and catch everything around it on fire when destroyed - friend or foe
Looks great! Those spinning death clogs are INSANE btw
Um, I think there were other issues that impacted the success/failure of combat far more than the "splitting the community" argument, say like, 0 advertising so nobody knew that it even existed? Just say'n
I love the idea of a hand held motion tracker. Reminds me of my AvP 2 days. Alternatively there could also be some sort of scan beacon/grenade you could throw.
Soooooo NS2: Combat and NS2?
The combat guys had been working on a type of dynamic "class" system. Since combat got cancelled, no harm in posting a few of the docs here right? Maybe it'll spark some new ideas in ns2?
in Class-Based Marines Comment by _Grendel_ July 2016 -
I'm not sure if the combat devs ever come by the forums any more, but if they do HEAR MY PLEA! Make combat f2p! It makes so much more sense for combat to be f2p than it does ns2.