Ability to add your own POIs and such is something i'd like to add when I find the time. I also have an idea for at least drawing your track when you move. More complex stuff might be tricky, and I have no idea if adding stuff like… -
AppVeyor doesn't need SN installed. You can force a CI build by setting the CI environment variable to.. well. …
That is my current thought and what I'm currently exploring. -
It's something I've been thinking on for a while, and it's a frequent request. Its implementation is outside my experience and therefore I'm having to research different ways of achieving it; I also have a lot less time nowadays th… -
I actually agree with the Devs; and in the end, this is their game and their view is paramount. Having played the gamed (and having played games from 80s where things like maps weren't available) I can see their point of view. I ex… -
Looks good. If you create a pull request in GitHub with your updated graphics, I'll be happy to update the mod to use these images/map. I've never been good at the graphics stuff.
Development has slowed down a bit, I needed to go back to workin Mod to add "live" mapping to Subnautica (v0.10) Comment by Xzanron January 2018
I use a 2nd monitor, but I did test it on my tablet as well. If you do want to do this, then make sure your fire…
@Annakin It also works on stable, as the two are pretty close nowadays. Of course I plan to make sure it works on the v1 release as well. -
You need to make sure Subnautica isn't running when you try to install/modify the mod. Subnautica locks files that the mod needs to change.
That should have worked, it correctly used the path you selected and started the checking for an existing patch. If the window closed at that point I'd expect an error, but I'm surprised that you didn't mention one. The only thing I can think of is …
@Junglist_ I think it's getting confused because the path "c:/program files (x86)/steam\steamapps\common\Subnautica" still exists from where you had it … -
I liked the eye candy update as well. I would make a point though that a lot of candy is personal preference. Some people like licorice some don't, after all.
I love most of the changes, but I love most of all that I can disable some of … -
@Hulkie2345 as of v0.7 is should handle that scenario. If the Subnautica directory doesn't exist in the default Steam Library, it should prompt you fo… -
I'm a bit confused as to what it actually does.
@0x6A7232 Thanks for reminding me. I've already added it to the readme's troubleshooting section. I'll also add a link to that from the OP. -
Should work in Opera (uses chrome under the hood), but I've not tested it outside Chrome, as the Steam overlay uses the chrome rendering engine. -
I had to turn it off as it was too strong for me; I kept thinking I needed new glasses. -
@Kouji_San That last post tipped me over. So I'm good now, thanks. -
Let's hope this tips me over ... -
There was immediately after I wrote the post.. but it's not there any more. -
If only I could figure out how to update my post... I'd not have to write this update in a comment.
as of v0.4 you now also have a day/night indicator. -
The only real issue I have is in VR. The PDA is too close to my eyes and causes me eyestrain and headaches.
Having an option to set the distance from face would be a real help. -
Full 3D map. But it needs to grow as you explore; so it' hidden until you uncover it.
Finding items, should stay in the scanner room. But I think a scanner room type map, that can be panned/zoomed on the PDA would be great. I'm not even … -
I want a map like the scanner room, that also shows ping locations, availble in the PDA, and only for those areas (maybe a 10m bubble) for where you've been).
I used it once. I was expecting it to wind me back in, i.e. I unwind it as a I travel.. press a switch, and it pulls me back to where I placed it. That didn't happen. So after that I basically never built it again.
I can confirm that I also never got a sunbeam message, nor the disease control beacons. Nor a beacon for lifepod 7 and I'm about 20 hours into the latest playthrough on Stable (Oct-2017)
Not found the cuddlefish ye… -
SN is a bit of an odd game for me. It's not really a game I'd ever pick up as it doesn't match my normal genres.
When I finally decided to give it a try, I was really pleasantly surprised and I have to admit that I'm now hooked. I think …