(Quote) Good in theory for pickup games or compet games, but not pubs. People constantly come and go from pubs, and after playing a number of rounds on 305 this mechanic is horrible.
Do games finish slightly quicker? Yes
Are the… -
Indeed. But for some reason there's always been resistance here, largely I think from the comp players.
Which is odd. NS2 tried to be an e-sport, and lets look at this -- what would people cheer for the most watching NS… -
We needs it back.
I do like how recent patches have been slowly introducing NS1 features back.
Have to try out the spores
No… -
(Quote) Or just list all the servers together as they were before -- problem solved. We've permanently lost players since that change. Fifty players, from the average (that is…
(Quote) You absolutely would, I think
You've said openly you prefer small and hate large, and have been campaigning against it …
(Quote) Again there's this weird perspective that NS2 players are mindless robots. That you can force them where you want them to go, rather than where they want to go.
in What is wrong with this community? Comment by Martigen May 2016 -
(Quote) Apparently you haven't learned. So here it is, again:
If it's no big deal, lets switch them.
Clearly pushing servers to a non-default tab doesn't mean anything. Therefore UWE should have no problem listing Large as… -
(Quote) Worth noting that if swapping them, being able to bile anywhere will take longer, be dependent on whether marines kill the Contamination spore first, and will cost more (Contam + Rupture)
TL;DR - Swap Contamination and Rupture… -
(Quote) That's misguided and you know it.
Large servers are not killing small servers. No one is saying Large is the only way to play, no one is forcing anyone to play Large. People play where they want to play. If small servers are d… -
Faded is fantastic. I seeded and spammed my Steam friends list for a number of weeks when Wooz first hosted it for Kat, we got some big games going and it was a ton of fun. It's a seriously addictive game mode, but like NS2 itself it t…
(Quote) Power surge is what occurs on unpowered structures, presumably Electrify would only work on powered structures. That said, it might further concentrate the value of the power node. That isn't inherently bad, you'd see comms electrifying t…
(Quote) I personally don't support negative reviews that have resulted due to recent patches, but there is one thing worth pointing out:
How much responsibility are you taking?
The negative reviews don't happen for n… -
(Quote) Does no one find this intriguing? Just me? Even as a starting point for something similar?
(Quote) You forgot Hamster Wheel, which has been dead since 294.
We are also 50 players down on average since 294. Hmmm... 1+1=?
That's 1/6 of our community.
The extensive analysis I gave in the previous thread… -
(Quote) And it's clear you'd rather have NS2 minus that subcommunity -- and less players for the whole game in the process. In which case, you are not interested in the future of NS2 dePara.
Look, at some point you have to get it in y… -
(Quote) That's a fair point. Perhaps a) add the electricity visuals coz, like, OVERCHARGE and b) make that 50 points be damage over time, over 5 seconds?
There is no shortage of small servers. If you want to play small, seed them.
There are limited large servers, which have to be seeded too btw. Except now they're made harder to find, despite the gameplay mode being extr… -
20 too many. -
(Quote) FWIW I only got two kills because both skulks were wounded. Also, the cool-down time prevented me from actually saving the node from the skulk's buddies. Although it's only been a few games, I don't think it needs adjusting yet. A damage …
My feedback:
- Corpse fade time -- not really noticed a difference... as others have stated (other thread?) still seems too short. I think the difference however may be that the increased delay is the time it takes the effect to …
(Quote) Yeah I've been kicked from that russian server too based on ping. Pity, I seem to remember playing on a few russian servers a while back and it was good fun despite the language barrier.
As a fellow aussie I feel you. It's why… -
(Quote) If this is the case then you won't mind if we swap them around, with large servers by default and small servers moved to a new tab.
If you agree, then lets do it.
If you disagree, then you've lost your own argument… -
PM sent. -Wyz
(Quote) That's a great idea.
And for once, sensible.
PM sent. -Wyz
(Quote) Apologies
On the Hive UI I love it too, reminds me of NS1.
Scale wise it's perfect at 2560x1600 res at least.
I think tech point name should remain top left, as it flows better with the design, but that's just me.