Servers that request donations
Antarctica Join Date: 2006-09-19 Member: 58028Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter

I am actually not even sure why some of you are accepting of these terms, it's actually disgusting to say the least
I think we all know by now i don't have to play on servers i don't like, but that's not the point. We know the servers in this case.
you can get kicked from a server if you haven't donated because someone who has donated has a reserved slot, that means if you're playing your game you could randomly be chosen from the server to be booted automatically, you're not even told about this often enough, occasionally there's a popup which says "don't like being kicked, purchase a reserved slot", try telling that to someone who has only fairly recently got into the game, or even a vet who just wants to have a good time.
you can't join specific servers which are one of the only ones populated at specific periods of the day because you're higher then a specific skill level, but you can pay a donation to bypass this skill restriction and play in the game, thus defeating the purpose of a skill restriction (or just get randomised into the game)
This actually breeds narcissism, i don't know if any of you have played with people that think they're special because they donated $$$ then proceed to ruin games because they gave money to a server, ie:selling base, sitting in spectate to ruin games by giving info to the other team, what's more is that some of them are even given moderator rights by donating and just kick when ever they please. Had one guy the other night trying to tell me because he paid $2.50 which is less then what he donated to another server he gets the right to be a dick because it doesn't matter if he abuses people he gets to litterly be an armchair prick, jokes on him, It's funny because those same server ops who are asking for donations have modified there own servers to give themselves fake badges for developers/playtesters and they also have somewhat worse performance then some other servers, so what is your donation actually going towards?
Anyone wonder why these servers are even listed to begin with they're degrading the atmosphere in NS2
I think we all know by now i don't have to play on servers i don't like, but that's not the point. We know the servers in this case.
you can get kicked from a server if you haven't donated because someone who has donated has a reserved slot, that means if you're playing your game you could randomly be chosen from the server to be booted automatically, you're not even told about this often enough, occasionally there's a popup which says "don't like being kicked, purchase a reserved slot", try telling that to someone who has only fairly recently got into the game, or even a vet who just wants to have a good time.
you can't join specific servers which are one of the only ones populated at specific periods of the day because you're higher then a specific skill level, but you can pay a donation to bypass this skill restriction and play in the game, thus defeating the purpose of a skill restriction (or just get randomised into the game)
This actually breeds narcissism, i don't know if any of you have played with people that think they're special because they donated $$$ then proceed to ruin games because they gave money to a server, ie:selling base, sitting in spectate to ruin games by giving info to the other team, what's more is that some of them are even given moderator rights by donating and just kick when ever they please. Had one guy the other night trying to tell me because he paid $2.50 which is less then what he donated to another server he gets the right to be a dick because it doesn't matter if he abuses people he gets to litterly be an armchair prick, jokes on him, It's funny because those same server ops who are asking for donations have modified there own servers to give themselves fake badges for developers/playtesters and they also have somewhat worse performance then some other servers, so what is your donation actually going towards?
Anyone wonder why these servers are even listed to begin with they're degrading the atmosphere in NS2
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I dont know of any servers that provide paid for reserve slots, but I am sure they exist.
I agree regarding being booted because a donating member joins.. I sincerely dislike that. I have the ability to do it in two servers I frequent and I have never intentionally utilized it because I know how sour it can make people, understandably.
If they're classed as a rookie-only server, then I think UWE should step in and yell at them for allowing non-rookies to play there. Either way, they are shooting themselves in the foot by advertising a certain kind of environment, and then not providing it. So they will see how that plays out.
These subscriptions have enabled TGNS to provide a delicious Natural Selection server since 2002. And so, in addition to reserved slots which are attainable without purchase, TGNS has provided reserved slots to TG subscription holders. Never in that time have we solicited donations for our specific server, and our subscriptions have always been advertised as supporting the Tactical Gamer community at large, not just TGNS.
TGNS grants temporary admin rights to any server regulars meeting various requirements, none of which is monetary.
The TGNS mod grants no unauthorized badges to Natural Selection players. On the contrary, we've created 60+ custom badges for the game which any player may earn by playing on the game server. Not a single of these custom creations requires money to acquire.
My apologies to the MANY readers who feel this response too much dignifies this thread's complaint.
I don't mind servers that accept "donations" (payment) for a reserved slot. It's the ones that bump which are hypocritical cancer.
Then why the hell would you continue to seed it?
Good question. I ignore those servers because there are enough others.
What server is this? (PM me to avoid name/shame please, I'm very curious to know who runs such a system).
The problem is when its late night and there maybe 2 full server and both aren't the greatest, i usually just get off at that point
Like someone said, it's the nature of community owned servers.
Some people seed empty servers they like, some go and start their own server.
Closest thing would be ***** with their weird-ass reserved slot system.
I've been kicked because another player joined, but if i remember correctly they don't even need to be a donor, as long as they have read the primer thing, they essentially boot nonprimers when joining the server whilst its full.
Whilst this is probably the dumbest reserved system in existance, i never felt it was money making orientated.
As for badges, there is plugins/mods that contain some dev badges, but honestly, they are rarely used let alone misused.
Don't name and shame servers on the forums. As Beige said, if you don't like a server, don't play there.
you going start blocking all negative references to other servers?
@wooza good news, you won't have to deal with hate, or even mild criticisms pointed towards your server anymore.
Is there a forum rule list anywhere.
I feel like im being oppressed by overzealous moderators.
And you do realise you just make "the server that cannot by named" look even worse?
During peak time for the Oceanic region, and when I say peak time I really mean the only time there are 10+ people on a server, there are only ever about 4 or 5 servers populated. These are: *snip* No name and shame -Iron
On the Diamond Gamers servers, I've now noticed there was a new change to "ELO" restrictions on joining a team. If your skill level is too high, you are prevented from joining a team. When you ask why you can't join a team, you are told that you must purchase a monthly subscription to be able to play. What is the point of having a server which restricts you for having too high skill/KD but if you pay the server operator a monthly fee you can go in circumvent the main purpose the ELO restriction was put there in the first place? It really leaves a sour taste in your mouth having the server operator explain to you why you can't join the server and then go: "...but hey swing me some cash and I'll let you play but shhh don't tell anyone".
I believe the ELO restriction is there to intice people to pay monthly subscriptions.
The other Russian servers myself and others cannot play on because they have auto ping kicking, which is understandable. There is no longer population for any decent games on Australian servers. A sad state of the game when the only public servers we can play on are restricting us.
You will probably say: "If you don't like it, play somewhere else".
The problem is that there is nowhere else to play!
This really feels like the nail in the coffin for this game for me. What a sad end.
There is a diamonds rookie server, which unless you are a rookie you will be unable to play on, regardless of whether you donate or not.
The only ELO restriction on the normal servers is forced shuffle, where you are assigned a team based on your and everyone elses ELO.
But donator or not, you will never be stopped from playing if you are in the server.
Just today we had 2 high ELO players on (3500 and 2600) playing, they are not donators, and they had no issues playing.
donators get a reserved slot and access to some swaggy skins, we don't kick players
So i would assume this is either a miscommunication, or someone was unfortunately lying to you/hopefully just joking around.
If you have any questions you can add me on steam.
There is a diamonds rookie server, which unless you are a rookie you will be unable to play on, regardless of whether you donate or not.
The only ELO restriction on the normal servers is forced shuffle, where you are assigned a team based on your and everyone elses ELO.
But donator or not, you will never be stopped from playing if you are in the server.
Just today we had 2 high ELO players on (3500 and 2600) playing, they are not donators, and they had no issues playing.
donators get a reserved slot and access to some swaggy skins, we don't kick players
So i would assume this is either a miscommunication, or someone was unfortunately lying to you/hopefully just joking around.
If you have any questions you can add me on steam.
(this is towards foxy.
Does it? servers feel shame?
you going start blocking all negative references to other servers?
@wooza good news, you won't have to deal with hate, or even mild criticisms pointed towards your server anymore.)
As a fellow aussie I feel you. It's why I started playing on overseas servers in the first place, and found woozas. You actually get used to the ping, and it's a lot of fun now.
I was being quite sarcastic when I said I love seeding that server. I avoid this server as often as I'm able, beyond the bump, it's as close to a dictatorship as you can find in a server. I respect most of the players and admins who are a part of that community, but personally, I cant enjoy it very much at all. Not when I see a lifeform disappear mid-engagement in an uphill comeback attempt. I would not call this fair playing grounds. Plus, I am an adult. I dont need to be baby-sat on the internet.
@The_Welsh_Wizard I must not be trying to play at the same time as you because there are not enough others for me.
I cant join several due to hive skill restriction, the rest are full/empty/rookie. It's always a waiting game for a slot to open somewhere. Sometimes you gotta try to take what you can get.