Hi everyone, we're still very much working on Subnautica, fixing bugs, making it run faster, etc.
If you own the game on Steam, you will see that the "experimental" beta still gets updates almost every day. As always, we would like to bu… -
Der "experimental" Branch ist immer einen Tag hinterher mit dem integrieren von Uebersetzungen. Der Hauptbranch hat natuerlich immer nur den Stand der Uebersetzungen vom jeweiligen Datum des Updates und ist daher gerne mal einen Mo… -
We now have a new entry on the translation website dedicated for fixes to the original English. Select "English (community)" from the dropdown menu to access it. Just put the fixes in there and make sure to upvote them and we'll see them.
Over time we have removed a bunch of entries from the game. We still need to keep them around for old savegames though, that's why we replaced the text with something mysterious like "CORRUPTED" or "REMOVED". It's not important to translate them, th…
Hey guys, first of all many thanks for translating the game to Spanish. I see you're already discussing the finer details of how to translated "flavored" words. I'd like to add my two cents.
Generally speaking I believe that the game exp… -
For technical reasons we won't be able to include non-English audio. Sorry!
I've been reading through the translations a bit and I noticed that for French the Seamoth and Prawn suit are using their English names. While not wrong, I belie… -
Sorry for reviving an old thread. I've been reading through the Spanish translation and I've noticed that the Seamoth and Prawn suit don't have a Spanish name. While there's nothing wrong with keeping the English names, I'd like to suggest replacing…
That said, of course the game runs on the Xbox One X, and of course it runs much faster than on the regular Xbox One. You can look forward to playing it on the X.
Zugegebenermassen habe ich nicht alles gelesen, aber wurde "Sichelhai / Sichelaal / Riesensichelaal" fuer den Reaper in Anbetracht gezogen? Es besteht fuer mich kein Grund die Leviathan-Klassifizierung im Namen zu behalten.
Bezueglich Mo… -
Please let me know about any grammar issues where translating from English to Japanese is not feasible. I just fixed a few instances where we had hardcoded whitespaces, parentheses, dashes, slashes, and other characters that only work in western lan…
Unfortunately I don't think there will ever be a feature lock on translation strings. I know it's super cumbersome to fix things that break over and over again. It happens not only in translations but everywhere in game development… -
Thanks everyone! The fixes are now in (CS#56603) and the priority on the missing strings card …
(Quote) Yes, the proper fix ended up being more complicated, because I found some other lava related issues in the process, but your thorough investigation helped identify the relevant pieces of code quickly. Thank you for your help.
Stimmt, es ist ein unbekannter Planet. In meiner Vorstellung war es immer die Spielfigur selbst, der die Namen fuer alle Tiere und Pflanzen vergibt und die Tooltips die den Namen anzeigen, wenn das Handsymbol erscheint, sind nur ei… -
(Quote) Wie waere es mit Tauchdock?
Mich erinnern englische Begriffe immer an World of Warcraft Zeiten, wo im deutschen voice chat so Woerter wie "taunt" hart eingedeutscht wurden. Die Aussprache war dabei [taʊnt] und nicht [ˈtɔ… -
(Quote) Vielen Dank an alle Mithelfer! Höre ich da erhöhten Moderationsbedarf raus? Lukas (Acedude), unser Administrator, kann das einrichten. Am besten einfach mal in unserem öffentlichen Discord Chat anpingen.
Please use the F8 menu in game to report these bugs. F8 will include a screenshot of the game, so make sure to look at the egg shells, the black objects, and the orange artifact respectively when you report each one of them. Thanks.
A video showing the fabricator being slow while the game is running at normal speed would help. Also: log files please!
in Fabricator Slowdown - killing my game! Comment by LumpN September 2016 -
(Quote) Der Witz ist natuerlich, dass PRAWN ein backronym ist, was sowohl mit Wasser (Subnautica), als auch mit krebsartigen Scherenhaenden (Exosuit-Arme) zu tun hat. Das geht bei DAWN verloren. Idealerweise wuerde ich eine Uebersetzung bevorzuge…
What if the nutrients for the hydroponics and the food for the fish tank are basically provided by krill being pumped in with the water from outside the base? Then the only power you need is for keeping lights and pumps running, wh… -
By the way, verifying the cache integrity would have fixed the issue as well. See our troubleshooting guide…
Hi, please run through our troubleshooting guide here: . Verifying the Cache Integrity shoul…
(Quote) Precisely. Very good suggestions in here.
(Quote) I understand your point and might even second it. However I'm not the only one on the team and my opinion on what Subnautica should be like is solely my own and does not represent the opinion of the company, the team, or anyone else reall…
This is why I love our community. Thank you for these great suggestions. -
That's very weird indeed. I wonder whether it's something we messed up, or a Unity thing, or a driver issue. Please keep me informed with as much information about this as possible.
It's strange that the FPS don't return to normal once everything got deconstructed again. I'll investigate it when the time allows, which is to say "within weeks", but that won't help you fix the problem right now. There is something you can try how…
I would love to try one out myself. Do you sell them?
I'm a bit late for the party but I can basically confirm everything you said. The log file shows a corrupted savegame where some parts of the terrain could not be saved to disk because the process crashed while saving. Some other parts of the savega…