Chubby Chu
I think with ample practice together in those roles that would not be an issue. It's a matter of learning what the caster wants to see I think. I experience similar things to this at work. Sometimes I have to scribe a meeting while… -
I think a combination of these 2 ideas would be the most feasible and should be possible even now.
Use 2 casters (as I think is a common practice), 1 caster is considered the main caster and is in charge of the overhead… -
@Sewlek I think it's a good idea if you don't want hard counters in the game. And it should lead to easier adjustment of all the marine weapons vs onos (and others). It see…
Maybe this is also in a bid to get rid of "hidden numbers."
I think it could reduce the complexity of the weapons system a lot if all attacks always did the amount of damage listed. Though there will be a pretty big ove… -
I havn't played it yet, but I think it would be cool if tumor did a little bit of AoE damage as well, like say 50 dmg.
Make it xenocide-lite -
(Quote)I pity the bun that comments in this thread!
I do agree that my suggestion could be a big patch, mainly because there needs to be a way to visually communicate to everyone that a unit is immature vs mature (maybe as simple as a pallet change or a size change?), and also a new entity created fo…
So just summing up some reasons I think that NS2 is less balanced than NS1:
For aliens - the biggest change from NS1 to 2 was the introduction of the TRes commander taking away the PRes sinks required by gorges to delay lifeform explosio… -
And I agree with most all you said, and if an HMG was dumped into the game as is, then you would absolutely have HMG balls running around that the aliens would not be able to kill (but that's only if the fade ball doesn't destroy t… -
Our ideas are basically the same, but why bother letting the commander funnel money to individual players when he can just drop them items / lifeforms?
Is it just to prevent another player from stealing the item 1st?
I … -
Rather than suggest a complete removal of PRes, how about instead try a severe lowering of PRes income rates, to where a player can only hope to buy the lower tech/ lifeforms, but the commander would need to buy a majority of the higher tech/ lifefo…
I really don't like the idea of making the Gorge into the Alien Comms build slave, it sounds rather boring for both players if you want my honest opinion. Why punish 2 players now with a dull commander position rather than let them get more creative…
I like the idea of more features added to make sitting and waiting for life form explosions less useful and far more risky.
Now, another idea. Assuming we don’t get new weapons or life forms added in the near future to make this a … -
Sorry if this is the wrong place to suggest, but would a rock paper scissors rework of the game ever be considered?
I’m thinking it could reduce the prevalence of life form / equipment explosions.
Just as a rough idea.
… -
This is a great idea imo.
It could be implemented like the current rookie mode, only it's automatic. You could progress through 10 different rankings or something.
To borrow some rankings from the US marines go:(Quote)
I like this idea, though it's probably far too late to change NS2 to follow this formula. I do hope they table the idea for their next RTS/FPS game though; because I think it's a good compromise to get RTS and FPS to work together …Option B is nice for "no upgrade left behind,” but if you make it to where Option A fulfills the same principal, the Option A all the way.
I guess my other question if you go with option A though, what exactly is the point in biomass any…(Quote)
I've been thinking for awhile that fade has kinda a big problem when it comes to balance. In the hands of average players & newbs, he just kinda sucks compared to saving up for Onos. But in the hands of good players he destroys…A few questions about drifters
1. I assume this means the drifters cast all of those unlocked trigger abilities themselves. Do the abilities cost res still (and the same amount as in vanilla)? And does each drifter get all 4 ab…(Quote)
I suppose I agree with those and didn't take that into account. However I sort of would have liked to see the attack rate reduced instead of the damage reduced.
Actually I'd like the damage type to remain structural, at…imo, Claw should be left alone, but the rate of fire slowed down. That way he is still effective in a 1v1, but if a group of skulks swarm him he will die and maybe take 1~2 down with him.
The current claw is a bit spammy I would agree.(Quote)
I thought it was damage type structural before? This seems like a huge fist nerf across the board to the point it is useless again and not fun, just like it was pre-Gorgeous.
This is all taken from v…Thought I'd copy the post from the other thread cause opening 2 windows is kinda annoying
(Quote)In regards to skulk movement, has a system like the following been tired before? And if not, could it be considered, or is it even possible?
My suggestion, rework the entire movement and jumping system for skulks and other wall clingers …Sewlek, at one point in the past, you had another balance mod that introduced another gun to the marines side that was basically an in-between of the standard Rifle and the shotgun. I think it might have cost 10 pres and been available with no rease…(Quote)
What if the Robotics Factory came with 1 free MAC?Oh, and if a change like this goes in, would it be beneficial to change up the functionality of Nano Shield? I know it was being complained about before Gorgeous came out.
Perhaps leave it's use the same on buildings, but for marines, al…I like the change of no armor healing from the armory.
If the welder is made free, you might as well just auto spawn with it.
If there needs to be a resource sink, make the comm have to research it again (like in current vani…What if you dropped welders costs to 0~2 pres
Keep the "no armor healing" on any armory or structure
Change Nano Shield from providing 50% damage reduction to now instead increase a marine's armor to either:
(1) Maximum value allow…I think they should make silence and camo combined, but have 2 versions to pick from.
1. The new camo with a partial 50% silence effect.
2. Silence with a 25% camo effect. 25% since silence is already pretty good.
I think hav…