Ah! Never used that page, probably why I got confused. My bad.
@0x6A7232 - I'm honestly not bothered by long loading times. I'm old, I stopped hurrying everywhere about 20 years ago, I can wait. All I really need is more or less shar…
They moved from Trello to Favro (which seems to be the exact same app with a different name), here:…
Without a dedicated forum giving detailed feedback and exchanging ideas for the new game is going to be... messy, to put it mildly.
Here's hoping we'll get that forum soon. -
Thank you so much for this idiot-friendly explanation, I really do appreciate that!I usually keep all bells and…
@0x6A7232 - thanks so much for advice but as I said: I can't invest even a cent into any upgrades for my rig, for many reasons I'd rather not discuss here. I will remembe…
Why in the world would they give you a full separate game for free? It's dirt cheap for the content and quality you get anyway, don't be a scrooge and buy it to support the devs. -
I do like what I see there, very much:
Take a look on the water surface in all areas where floaters should be. I had the same thing and the reason was that floaters multiplied into hundreds and all of them were on the surface killing my FPS everywhere. Clearing cache helped restore them …
As a fellow artist, I can only say: keep the watermarks as they are, no matter how much people complain. Removing a watermark - or even just reducing it to a small, unobtrusive size - pretty much equals giving the image away to thieves who will make…
Funny, been playing this game for over 2 years and I had no idea that all I needed to do to save Sunbeam was to ignore the radio. Thanks for the hint, looks like I have a new play-through in my future.
in Saved the Sunbeam Comment by Calarand77 February 2018
Ha ha, oh my gosh, yes. This SO MUCH.
Oh, but of course Kotaku jumped on the badwagon. Always giddy to publicize some dirty, sketchy drama, those.
My personal, probably unpopular, opinion is that for as long as an employee's moral values were kept out of the product h… -
Boy, do I have some epic examples for you! Admittedly, one is shamelessly mine, but hey, it would be wrong to not set an example myself if I am "so darn demanding" of others, right? Here:
in Time Capsule voting Comment by Calarand77 January 2018Excellent points all around, @Brechnor !
There is a way to at least remove capsule pictures form your databank: you can find them in your save's directory, th…(Quote)
And this actually got approved? Geez... I'd be absolutely pissed if I found such garbage in my game. If capsules like that are okay for UWE then I rest my case and just ask for a possibility to completely turn capsules off when sta…(Quote)
Thank you so much! I can only hope that whoever finds it in game will enjoy it.(Quote)
Not sure if serious or...
Just in case you're serious - the game had full release on the 23rd.Welp, saw your reply too late and shame on me for not thinking about that myself... I kept trying to manually get rid of the suckers, but they just kept multiplying. In the end, I could see the "pick up floater" prompt everywhere outside my base and…Here's mine... excuse lame editing.
Personally, I don't like advanced items in the capsules I find, I'd rather get to everyth…(Quote)
In that case - a humble request: do not allow photos to be added. Screenshots, edited screenshots, drawings are all perfect, but not actual real life photos of people who want to force their faces into someone else's game.It's not UWE giving out the codes, it's Steam. They give random codes to (usually) cheap games whenever you create a badge out of cards.I mentioned this in another thread about capsules a while ago but... players voting is not enough. We either need a list of things that should not be put in/written, something for people to acknowledge before they make their capsule, or we need a gr…Just spent half an hour voting and the quality of those capsules is... depressing, to be honest. Spoilers, swear words, real-life self-advertising, immersion breaking babble... and the worst thing is that those get some upvotes too.
Out …Viel is absolutely right. The very fact that we did not suffocate in the fire proves that the fire did not start immediately upon landing, but let's say a few minutes before we woke up (and thus it could have been the very reason we woke up at that …