Thread Derailment Cleanup squad.
AKA JanAurOn2401
And it wasn't me playing it.
It was my dad.
Damn game was so scary i couldn't leave the room for fear of being eaten alive. (i was what, ten?)
Nothings given me nightmares since then, OH
Except for one thing.
Nothing is ever deleted, just put in an evidence chest.
The chest is very. very. veeery large.
it's also where we keep our Por--tfolio's.
So this thread is no longer needed, you can go in ns2_prison (Deleted) Comment by AurOn2 July 2016It also needs to be not valued too highly.
I'm addicted to my map, i have it out all the time.
Even when i die.
(in-fact, it's usually the cause of me dyingin Highlight the importance of map usage Comment by AurOn2 July 2016
Those workshop mods Replace ALL Characters (who are running the model in question)
So you still only have to render one character model. instead of 10 who are entirely different models.I'll put this in the correct forum for you. Ah, you already made another post. i'll just close this one then.(Quote)
Mua.. mua.. Muahaha...
I beat him to it.
TL;DR NS2Free2Play isn't happening any time so…Ns2 hasn't reached what one would call a "death spiral", so f2p isn't a necessarium for keeping the game alive, IMO.
I don't think it would bring in enough players to justify all the hackers that will come with.
Having another f2p …You made a new thread before a mod could move this one, so i'll just close it.
You're totally a robot though.(Quote)
Is it possible you had an account before - just cannot remember it/can't access it?I have build and map both bound to q, being my strength is positioning, not aim, so map knowledge is key for me to play well.
If you don't have an officemouse (i.e one with no special buttins on it) I suggest you put if nothing else, mic…Not anymore.
RIP Pogostick.
Now we have to walk, like normal plebs. *sigh*(Quote)
Skynet is real.
I agree that marines need a "the aliens control the map we're screwed" system. because, let's be honest here, when the marines have the map and the aliens are on 1 hive? They are doomed. always, except f…(Quote) FTFY
More screen clutter PLZ.The only way i can think of objectives being implemented is with a rewards system, or they'll be ignored after people realise there's no point to doing them.
new players, anyway. if the missions are of any importance they'll be done. by the gr…(Quote)
You'd be amazed how difficult it is to hear constructive criticism in a huge croud of wailing whining bi-- Adult babies.
You forgot a second /quote tag bro.
..unless you're on a heroic suicide mission for the good of humanity.
Heroes don't need welders.You're all forgetting one key thing:
Mapmode toggles.
All these ideas are well and good, but what if someone doesn't want them? (I.E they get a bit cluttery in say.. a 24v24 server?in (Mini)map improvements Comment by AurOn2 June 2016
And you say i don't read....
There is a button that says "it runs on linux".
"runs" is respective.
There is no button that says it runs well, nor does it advertise as such.
Also, i'm not painting your …On a typical QWERTY Keyboard (US standard)
Do you even know how long this would take? With The Potential Reward for EVERYONE being... Zero?
Anyone who is going to join doesn't give a Poop that a multiplayer dedicated game has a singleplayer experience or n…*sigh*
Let's not make a 50 page thread with 20 pages of derailment.
*grabs mop*
Jobs done.
<span style='color:orange'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Keep on topic Please. </span></spa…*grabs the holy book of bughunting*
Thou sayest the lord that you cannot ever hunt all the bugs,
No game, update, shall be devoid of bugs,
Especially on fucking linux.
*puts holy book away*
The Implementation of the Grenade-launcher Attachment was the problem, not the idea.
If you can come up with a Good implementation of it, it will most certainly be considered, if not Implemented outright.
Everyone is more powerful now, s…