Subnautica and Below Zero Launch Week Development Priorities - Subnautica
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Hi Subnauts! We are overwhelmed by the reception to Below Zero’s launch on Friday, and the team is immensely proud that we were able to simultaneously bring the game to...
Only asked a thousand times before...
No. Though there's an interview online somewhere with a dev saying if there's a S3, then that might have multiplayer.
Lost my save, 50/60h of play. I'm so pissed off that I uninstalled the game and will take some distance with in, maybe I'll give it another try in a few months after a few patches.
Just WHY do you still propose only ONE slot for the saves?? What game in 2021 still do that AND disable the cloud saves in the mean time????
At least we should have 4/5 slots to save, or like a ton of other games, or the possibility to just check 'new save" and have as much as we want (I have more than 300 saves in games like RDR2, Witcher, Cyberpunk).
In Subnautica if you have only one issue with the game, you lose everything forever, it's impossible to use an old save.
That sucks at a max level.
If I remember correctly, it was removed due to it being too taxing to fully load terrain, creatures, and other things in two different directions.
I put 30 to 40 hours in. My game has crashed twice. Now I get the following message when loading my game: “save data loading fail”! Dear god please help or let me know y’all are working on a fix!
Not game breaking but still a bug: I have also noticed the laser cutter not working on at least the wreck in the grassy plateaus and some general frame rate issues, but seems to be mainly when loading in biomes. Not sure if it matters but these have happened when the switch is docked.
Thank you for bringing the games to the switch!!!
After the full release I started the game again, I had held off, excited for the final release.
However, I am finding that boxes are already open, doors are already cut open, items are missing so I am not getting the blueprints. I AM still playing it and seeing if I can finished without all the bits but it is hard going.
Could there be a file still on the C drive that the game looks at even though it is stored on the D drive? If so, can you tell me what it is and I will delete it.
Thank you.
Love your games, have been a Subnautica fan for years.
Machine: MSI Raider GE76-231 notebook
CPU: Intel 10870H 8-Core 16-thread
RAM: 32GB Samsung DDR4 3200MHZ
GPU: Nvidia 3080 With 16GB VRAM
OS: POP OS 20.10 Linux
GPU DRIVER: Nvidia 460.73
Steam: Using Proton 5.13 API
GPU MODE: Using discreet Nvidia GPU only, high performance, full turbo clocks.
GAME INTEGRITY: Game integrity verified
(1) I have deleted the cell cache folder in my game save directory, which appears to have sped the game up a bit, making it a bit smoother experience.
(2) I seem to have the greatest success in launching the game if I forced my computer to run at stock clocks in quiet mode 2.2GHZ, however, still fails most of the time.
I can play this game in 4K with almost everything completely maxed out, with average FPS around 58FPS, 48FPS minimum, 60FPS MAX. Yes I have VSYNC on, cause I am using a 60-hertz TV, and the game runs smoother with VSYNC on.
Hopefully this is enough information, I have also already submitted an official bug report via the game UI.
i have a PS5 but didn't recieve the update. i even tried deleting the game and downloading it again but it didn't work.