My Experience with Subnautica as of the 3-In-1 Update
Join Date: 2017-02-09 Member: 227749Members

I had a lot of complaints with the older version of Subnautica on the Xbone, but I'm glad to see that most of my issues have been resolved.
However, I do have quite a few nitpicks, some more relevant and urgent than others.
- In the log Technical -> Welcome -> Readme, there is a typo for the word "alien", spelled "aline"
- Stars can be seen through the larger moon.
- The smaller moon disappears during the day because it is only part of the skybox.
- The floating boulders look hilariously out of place.
- The deconstruction tool says that you can use it on machines in the lifepod (press y to deconstruct), even though you can't.
- The game doesn't register keys that you press on skipped frames. Seeing as this game runs at 40-50 FPS, it's rather annoying that a fifth of the times I try to do something it doesn't work.
Also, after creating a new save, the game's performance gradually degraded until I was at a constant 20-25 FPS, which made it completely unplayable. It only took about three hours until it was at this point.
I have not tried playing my older saves for fear that they may become corrupted, but I haven't had any save issues with my new save. (despite what many people say)
However, I do have quite a few nitpicks, some more relevant and urgent than others.
- In the log Technical -> Welcome -> Readme, there is a typo for the word "alien", spelled "aline"
- Stars can be seen through the larger moon.
- The smaller moon disappears during the day because it is only part of the skybox.
- The floating boulders look hilariously out of place.
- The deconstruction tool says that you can use it on machines in the lifepod (press y to deconstruct), even though you can't.
- The game doesn't register keys that you press on skipped frames. Seeing as this game runs at 40-50 FPS, it's rather annoying that a fifth of the times I try to do something it doesn't work.
Also, after creating a new save, the game's performance gradually degraded until I was at a constant 20-25 FPS, which made it completely unplayable. It only took about three hours until it was at this point.
I have not tried playing my older saves for fear that they may become corrupted, but I haven't had any save issues with my new save. (despite what many people say)
Also, I have not had the saving problems that some folks have. Everything I've saved has come back just fine. Inconsistent bugs are butts, so people who are having the problem, report it when you do so they can gather data to fix it!
-It can take several minutes to actually finish the "saving" game process. If, during this time, I jump in my seamoth and zip away, I'll come to the edge of the terrain and it will take quite a while to eventually load. I can travel down through the unloaded terrain. Gradually, the resources (minerals, plants, etc. -even the stuff you can't interact with or scan) will load, but if they normally are not attached to the surface, they'll simply descend until the terrain loads above them.
-When floating rocks load, the floaters immediately float to the surface and the rocks descend to the sea floor.
-When entering my base, the computer voice now says, "Welcome aboard;" the word "captain" is cut off.
Super frustrating.
Im running on the new Xbox One X, so it shouldnt have these performance glitches.
Even high-end PCs have this. If you want to temporarily help with it, get an external USB 3 SSD, and move your Subnautica data to that. Or just wait for the performance optimizations to mature (the problem is that the resource data such as terrain, while better than it was, is still not completely optimized, causing huge data load on the HDD).