Frame rate
Join Date: 2016-12-02 Member: 224443Members

When I purchased Subnautica on the Xbox I was expecting 60FPS. And man my dreams were shattered.
Intro cutseen: 30FPS
10 minutes: 20-30FPS
30 minutes: 17-28FPS With the occasional massive frame drop that lasts for about 8 seconds.
45 minutes: 12-17FPS I've noticed that the frame rate gets worse when you progress in the game.
1 Hour: 7-12FPS Catching fish is nearly impossible, useing the seaglide to catch fish just makes it worse.
2 Hours: 5-8FPS I've given up on catching fish and was forced to use game exploits, just to progress in Subnautica.
3 Hours: >1FPS I've quit the game and decided to create a account, just so I can write this post here.
Intro cutseen: 30FPS
10 minutes: 20-30FPS
30 minutes: 17-28FPS With the occasional massive frame drop that lasts for about 8 seconds.
45 minutes: 12-17FPS I've noticed that the frame rate gets worse when you progress in the game.
1 Hour: 7-12FPS Catching fish is nearly impossible, useing the seaglide to catch fish just makes it worse.
2 Hours: 5-8FPS I've given up on catching fish and was forced to use game exploits, just to progress in Subnautica.
3 Hours: >1FPS I've quit the game and decided to create a account, just so I can write this post here.
Hold the power button down from the main screen until the power pack light goes yellow. Someone said it helped to do this multiple times.
Myself, I've only done it twice in a row and it helped, but they said like 8 times.
Give it a shot, let us know.
My Xbox is not causing the lag. There are hundreds of people who have experience the same thing that I am.
If you look under my #make SubnauticaXbox great again, you will find links to the people who I am listing that are experiencing the same problem that I am.
EDIT: when I stand in one place for about 5 minutes, it increases the frame rate by 3FPS.
I've tried that but it didn't work for me, I still think it's the games fault and this post I found convinced me
As for expecting 60fps, the game IS in development. Expecting 60fps is a bit much. Most games don't even run at 60fps and they've been optimized. Although, I do expect the game to run well enough to be PLAYED.
Edit for a quick amendment: Technically, TECHNICALLY, there is a disclaimer that clearly states that the game may even be, or become unplayable. So even my expectations are unwarranted. Though, let's be honest, if a dev puts out a preview game, it would only hurt their rep and sales if the game frustrated players to no end. It would be better to just wait until development finishes... unless you're UBI or Hello Games... lol, I have no horse in either of those races, mind you.
When I could just use Subnautica on my PC as I have both.
Or, you know, since you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, you could do all that ^ and confirm one way or the other.
I hard reset my console here and there, mainly to help with updates, mods, or to stop the XB1 from being "always on". SN remains choppy.
The game needs a little optimization, not a hard reset.
This is an Xbox related thread, on an Xbox sub forum, PC is irrelevant here. "I'm sure it will..." isn't proof. Anyhow, I'm sure I'm coming off very persnickety and pendantic, and a bit snarky, which is not my intention.
At best, I'm just trying to stifle any misinformation. At worst, I'm wasting my time.
On that note, I'm going to stop responding (last word or not), as it isn't my intention to be a DB. It's all good.
P.S. The reason I won't do all that, is the same reason I wouldn't throw salt over my shoulder for 30 minutes because someone said it would fix the problem. "But why wouldn't you try?" one may ask. I wouldn't for obvious reasons.
If a company can't afford to make, or finish a game, perhaps they shouldn't? I hear all the boo-hooing from the game industry (or AAA companies) about having huge budgets and teams; to that, I can only respond: so scale it back. No one is forcing them to spend so much, or even make games. Either a game is good and will sell well regardless of how "big budget" it is, or it won't.
Not sure what my point is, just the way your thoughts influenced my own train of thought. I love games.
That's nonsense and you know it. So many great games do not (timely) reach their audience. Almost every game by Love-de-Lic and its descendent companies qualifies for this (one magazine in my country had a shining moment when it insulted its readership for the ridiculously poor sales of Little King's Story), Beyond Good & Evil sold terribly, Daedelic can't be bothered to hire anyone to fix the lag issue Zanzarrah: The Hidden Portal has on modern systems even though the game is amazing and deserves its second chance, nearly all my favorite horror games had to cancel intended sequels due to poor sales, etc.
The game industry is vicious and if any modern income-development system can help make good games become a reality, even if development has some ugly stages, then that's to be promoted, not derided.
I feel like I'm becoming a broken record at this point, but the devs have been vocal and are very aware of frame rate and other issues. I'm not sure how helpful constant posts about it are at this point. They've replied about it before and have stated they are working on it, there's not much more anyone can do. We're all in the same boat and just have to wait until they are able to roll out the fixes.
Loaded my game before the reset and dealt with mediocre FPS. Played a bit, then quit.
Hard reset my console, booted up the game, and swam over to the Aurora from Lifepod 17. Way better with only some hiccups.
@Greybeard says thanks - *elbows Greybeard*
I have attempted the hard reset... I do not have the video to go with it, but it does help!!!! for about 5 minutes!!!!
This is not a fix... this isn't even a freaking work around!
My game is currently unplayable if I want to play for more than 5 minutes at a time. I noticed the Devs saying they were working on trying to push an update through Microsoft, but they wanted to make sure it would pass before they tried..... that was posted 8 days ago. I noticed in another thread the devs replied on the 9th. That is awesome that they replied, but they replied with the exact same crap instead of giving an honest ETA as to win they were actually going to attempt to push the update to Microsoft.
I have worked on 4 different games in the past 2 years. I no longer work that company so I am not going to say which games or which company, but I will say that my previous employer always had a target date for everything and we RARELY missed those dates. If we were within 2 weeks of the dates we made sure to inform the consumers of the time frame. My team NEVER missed a date, but as a company I think they missed a total of 3 target dates in the 2 years I worked there. It is not hard to predict when you will be pushing out an update to Microsoft.
It is if you're not satisfied with the game's performance, and need to further optimize it, and are not sure how far you will have to continue that process to get a satisfactory result.
So you'd rather just slap an artificial time stamp on that, and push the update no matter what state the game is in? The results of that can be seen with the last update, and they weren't pretty. This is this team's first Xbox release, and ... I think, their second major game release? Not really sure. Point being, small indie teams should not be held to the same standards (time-wise) as AAA studios that can dump money on a problem until it goes away (when they want to, heh).
...oh, the puns. Sorry. I was originally waiting for an official/ physical release of this game, but I just had to try it out.
I regret nothing.
The textures and frames could be better, yes. But the awful rendering of the terrain is what kills the game for me.
I am not really disappointed in buying the game preview. You have to take a risk once in a while.
But i do get the feeling this game will never run smooth on my xbox. Something about the programming and the rendering is very wrong here. And it has nothing to do with it being an indie game imo.
Subnautica is the first game I played that can't handle 60FPS
If you expect 60 FPS for a game @1080p+ that is STILL IN DEVELOPMENT on an Xbox, you're going to have a bad time lol.
Im going to assume you havent played many titles then. After some research the titles listed below are the only xbox one titles to run at 60fps
Battlefield 4
Battlefield Hardline
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
DmC Devil May Cry: Definitive Edition
F1 2015
Forza Motorsport 5
Forza Motorsport 6
Halo 5: Guardians
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metro: Redux
Mortal Kombat X
Ori and the Blind Forest
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Shadow Warrior
Soulcalibur II HD Online
Star Wars: Battlefront
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
Tower of Guns
Trials Fusion
Wolfenstein: The New Order
I've got halo MC collection, battlefield 1, forza 6 and subnautica.
As I posted in another thread:
Play Creative mode, and you shouldn't have any problems.