So I was just meandering my way through the western Kelp Forest when I spotted a few interesting (to me) things.
One was a cave that led to a dead-end, much like the "not yet implemented" entrances to the LR and ILZ in the Deep Grand Reef; except it had an incorrect texture on it. Given its location, I doubted there'd be anything fascinating behind it if it was intended to lead somewhere. The Grassy Plataeus biome wasn't too far behind it either.
The second thing was a nearby wreck. As far as I know, monsters are pre-placed and so don't have "random spawns". They'll wander around their spawn location, but won't stray too far from it. Unless you build a base nearby, in which case they GTFO and make the place boring. Leaving that aside, I was exploring the wreck when I came to a sealed door. As we all know, there are truly fascinating things behind sealed doors. Like useless cargo crates, as well as chairs and desks we've already scanned elsewhere. So I cut through it and was welcomed with something I wasn't expecting at all.
I checked. I double checked, and triple checked. There was no other way inside this room. There was no way this Stalker could have gotten in here.
The last thing I stumbled upon shortly after leaving the Kelp Forest and on my way to the "Why would you even want to go here" Dunes........
Coranth, is there anything in the Trello / checkin pages about this?
Rezca, that is a greybox/placeholder for something, I know it... but for what? There doesn't seem to be anything on the Trello about this... Perhaps they're going to be optional story areas? Part of the main story?
Rezca, that is a greybox/placeholder for something, I know it... but for what? There doesn't seem to be anything on the Trello about this... Perhaps they're going to be optional story areas? Part of the main story?
Well this I wasn't expecting to see in the Mobile Vehicle Bay. (No, I didn't try building it. Not yet anyway.)
So far, it only lists the "Rocket base" as the only buildable option. Aluminum Oxide Crystals, Plasteel Ingots, some luuuubricant.... And I'm already forgetting what the last few items were. Sounds easy enough, so it's probably a placeholder recipe - unless the base itself is the easy part.
So I tried building that thing I found in the Mobile Bay. All it gave me was an exosuit. Guess it's not implemented properly yet.
On an unrelated note.... I was playing the XboxOne version earlier and found some interesting things in the recipes/blueprints section..... Things like cargo crates and computer monitors... The ones that you find in wrecks saying "No Signal"? I wonder if we'll actually get these in the PC version and be able to stick them in our base for additional decorating. I wasn't able to craft them though, they were like the Cyclops blueprints in that they were there just to show you had them.
Meanwhile, hundreds of meters below the border between the western Mushroom forest and the Grassy plateaus... I found a giant hollow cube with freecam. I wonder if they're planning on sticking a cave system or something down there in the future.
Wow, I came back home to a 167mb update to Subnautica. Wonder what it's added?
I didn't do a thorough search, but some things I found:
In the blueprints: "Hatching Enzymes". Placeholder recipe (i'm assuming it's a placeholder) is three creepvine samples. The ILZ and ALZ have been fleshed out firther, and BOY IS IT HOT DOWN THERE NOW. The Precursor thermal plant is put in, and that greybox placeholder thing? Yeah, there's one in the Emperor Facility now. I think the "Cyclops Docking Bay" blueprint has been there for a while... Still can't do anuthing with it though it seems.
Wow, I came back home to a 167mb update to Subnautica. Wonder what it's added?
I didn't do a thorough search, but some things I found:
In the blueprints: "Hatching Enzymes". Placeholder recipe (i'm assuming it's a placeholder) is three creepvine samples. The ILZ and ALZ have been fleshed out firther, and BOY IS IT HOT DOWN THERE NOW. The Precursor thermal plant is put in, and that greybox placeholder thing? Yeah, there's one in the Emperor Facility now. I think the "Cyclops Docking Bay" blueprint has been there for a while... Still can't do anuthing with it though it seems.
Wow, I came back home to a 167mb update to Subnautica. Wonder what it's added?
I didn't do a thorough search, but some things I found:
In the blueprints: "Hatching Enzymes". Placeholder recipe (i'm assuming it's a placeholder) is three creepvine samples. The ILZ and ALZ have been fleshed out firther, and BOY IS IT HOT DOWN THERE NOW. The Precursor thermal plant is put in, and that greybox placeholder thing? Yeah, there's one in the Emperor Facility now. I think the "Cyclops Docking Bay" blueprint has been there for a while... Still can't do anuthing with it though it seems.
Cyclops docking bay you say? Soon...
That's been on the Xbox version for a while, the blueprint anyway. Along with a number of "blueprints" that seemingly have no use (Cargo Boxes, Computer Monitors, etc...) so I'm wondering if we'll get various other aesthetic stuff to place around our bases in the future...
Directly southwest of the Aurora, when you follow the skid mark it left, there is an unassigned biome with some modeling work done, but without textures. The way it looks reminded me of Twisty Bridges.
Directly southwest of the Aurora, when you follow the skid mark it left, there is an unassigned biome with some modeling work done, but without textures. The way it looks reminded me of Twisty Bridges.
Directly southwest of the Aurora, when you follow the skid mark it left, there is an unassigned biome with some modeling work done, but without textures. The way it looks reminded me of Twisty Bridges.
Think you could spare a screenie?
Some part looks like this, though now that I look at the area, it doesn't seem like it's going to be that biome.
There's still a few sandy unassigned biomes on the map. I wonder if they'll all just be assigned to one of their neighboring biomes and loosely decorated, or be given a unique biome.
Aaaaaaaah... Definitely one of my favorite biomes.
I wonder how dangerous it will be when it's finished? I know there's going to be a few hostile fauna dwelling within, but will there be anything else? I'm a fan of environmental hazards that aren't just fish and stuff, so maybe the frigid temperature might work against you.... Acidic and/or toxic areas.... Strong currents?
Come to think of it, that's one thing that Subnautica doesn't have that I'm surprised isn't a thing. Strong currents in the ocean. Without the submarines they'd push you away or something? Maybe only the cyclops can truly push past them, while the seamoth and exosuit would struggle to pass (But still can), so if you wanted a quick way of getting through a current you'd either go around or - if possible - use the cyclops...
Aaaaaaaah... Definitely one of my favorite biomes.
I wonder how dangerous it will be when it's finished? I know there's going to be a few hostile fauna dwelling within, but will there be anything else? I'm a fan of environmental hazards that aren't just fish and stuff, so maybe the frigid temperature might work against you.... Acidic and/or toxic areas.... Strong currents?
Come to think of it, that's one thing that Subnautica doesn't have that I'm surprised isn't a thing. Strong currents in the ocean. Without the submarines they'd push you away or something? Maybe only the cyclops can truly push past them, while the seamoth and exosuit would struggle to pass (But still can), so if you wanted a quick way of getting through a current you'd either go around or - if possible - use the cyclops...
Aaaaaaaah... Definitely one of my favorite biomes.
I wonder how dangerous it will be when it's finished? I know there's going to be a few hostile fauna dwelling within, but will there be anything else? I'm a fan of environmental hazards that aren't just fish and stuff, so maybe the frigid temperature might work against you.... Acidic and/or toxic areas.... Strong currents?
Come to think of it, that's one thing that Subnautica doesn't have that I'm surprised isn't a thing. Strong currents in the ocean. Without the submarines they'd push you away or something? Maybe only the cyclops can truly push past them, while the seamoth and exosuit would struggle to pass (But still can), so if you wanted a quick way of getting through a current you'd either go around or - if possible - use the cyclops...
I seem to recall that the devs had talked about adding tidal currents to the game at some point, along with weather. Who knows if and when that will actually be a thing.
I only play stable build and I am so excited about the coming update so I can finally explore precursor bases and the lost river. I checked Trello and read that the update is on the 22nd september so... TODAY?!?!?! Is this true?
I only play stable build and I am so excited about the coming update so I can finally explore precursor bases and the lost river. I checked Trello and read that the update is on the 22nd september so... TODAY?!?!?! Is this true?
I believe it's coming out somewhere in the near 24 hours. Oh and, never take Trello as a confirmation - the Devs have stated that it's rare for things not to change on there. Just a heads up
Side not (irrelevant if you are not 'Kisu'): If (which I'm pretty sure you are, judging by the Reaper's eyes...), your name is the Japanese/English word (well, an attempt) for 'Kiss,' I want to correct it; bugging me, it is.
In Japanese Katakana, 'kiss,' is 'kiisu,' in Romaji. In Katakana, it's this: キース. So yeah, fix it if you want. If it's not an attempt of that, then I look like an idiot. Also, Germany is cool.
I only play stable build and I am so excited about the coming update so I can finally explore precursor bases and the lost river. I checked Trello and read that the update is on the 22nd september so... TODAY?!?!?! Is this true?
Everything on Trello is just "our best guess" as far as the developers are concerned, so consider the 22nd a rough estimate and not a hard set-in-stone date. Thinking of things on Trello like a set date will result in a lot of disappointment. Might come earlier, might come on time, might be set back a month or three.
I only play stable build and I am so excited about the coming update so I can finally explore precursor bases and the lost river. I checked Trello and read that the update is on the 22nd september so... TODAY?!?!?! Is this true?
I believe it's coming out somewhere in the near 24 hours. Oh and, never take Trello as a confirmation - the Devs have stated that it's rare for things not to change on there. Just a heads up
Side not (irrelevant if you are not 'Kisu'): If (which I'm pretty sure you are, judging by the Reaper's eyes...), your name is the Japanese/English word (well, an attempt) for 'Kiss,' I want to correct it; bugging me, it is.
In Japanese Katakana, 'kiss,' is 'kiisu,' in Romaji. In Katakana, it's this: キース. So yeah, fix it if you want. If it's not an attempt of that, then I look like an idiot. Also, Germany is cool.
Thank you for the information!
About the name: Since my first game I always named my character "Kisury" and when I was in teamspeak with raid members or friends they just called me "Kisu" and over the time this has become my official nickname. I did not knew about the japanese translation that's very interesting thanks for sharing!
One was a cave that led to a dead-end, much like the "not yet implemented" entrances to the LR and ILZ in the Deep Grand Reef; except it had an incorrect texture on it. Given its location, I doubted there'd be anything fascinating behind it if it was intended to lead somewhere. The Grassy Plataeus biome wasn't too far behind it either.
The second thing was a nearby wreck. As far as I know, monsters are pre-placed and so don't have "random spawns". They'll wander around their spawn location, but won't stray too far from it. Unless you build a base nearby, in which case they GTFO and make the place boring. Leaving that aside, I was exploring the wreck when I came to a sealed door. As we all know, there are truly fascinating things behind sealed doors. Like useless cargo crates, as well as chairs and desks we've already scanned elsewhere. So I cut through it and was welcomed with something I wasn't expecting at all.
I checked. I double checked, and triple checked. There was no other way inside this room. There was no way this Stalker could have gotten in here.
The last thing I stumbled upon shortly after leaving the Kelp Forest and on my way to the "Why would you even want to go here" Dunes........
Curious indeed. We'll just have to wait and see then, what gets put there.
They might be placeholders for the teleporters, Or just as a location marker for where precursor structures are gonna be placed.
That's what I was thinking.... Wonder what's up with the Sealed Stalker though. Misplaced spawn perhaps?
So far, it only lists the "Rocket base" as the only buildable option. Aluminum Oxide Crystals, Plasteel Ingots, some luuuubricant.... And I'm already forgetting what the last few items were. Sounds easy enough, so it's probably a placeholder recipe - unless the base itself is the easy part.
On an unrelated note.... I was playing the XboxOne version earlier and found some interesting things in the recipes/blueprints section..... Things like cargo crates and computer monitors... The ones that you find in wrecks saying "No Signal"? I wonder if we'll actually get these in the PC version and be able to stick them in our base for additional decorating. I wasn't able to craft them though, they were like the Cyclops blueprints in that they were there just to show you had them.
Meanwhile, hundreds of meters below the border between the western Mushroom forest and the Grassy plateaus... I found a giant hollow cube with freecam. I wonder if they're planning on sticking a cave system or something down there in the future.
I didn't do a thorough search, but some things I found:
That's been on the Xbox version for a while, the blueprint anyway. Along with a number of "blueprints" that seemingly have no use (Cargo Boxes, Computer Monitors, etc...) so I'm wondering if we'll get various other aesthetic stuff to place around our bases in the future...
Why is that a bad thing?
.... Oh right, because they want to bite us and our submarines even though I love them to bits ;v;
So there is going to be another Biome...
Cool stuff
Think you could spare a screenie?
Aaaaaaaah... Definitely one of my favorite biomes.
I wonder how dangerous it will be when it's finished? I know there's going to be a few hostile fauna dwelling within, but will there be anything else? I'm a fan of environmental hazards that aren't just fish and stuff, so maybe the frigid temperature might work against you.... Acidic and/or toxic areas.... Strong currents?
Come to think of it, that's one thing that Subnautica doesn't have that I'm surprised isn't a thing. Strong currents in the ocean. Without the submarines they'd push you away or something? Maybe only the cyclops can truly push past them, while the seamoth and exosuit would struggle to pass (But still can), so if you wanted a quick way of getting through a current you'd either go around or - if possible - use the cyclops...
Hmmm, great ideas
I seem to recall that the devs had talked about adding tidal currents to the game at some point, along with weather. Who knows if and when that will actually be a thing.
I believe it's coming out somewhere in the near 24 hours. Oh and, never take Trello as a confirmation - the Devs have stated that it's rare for things not to change on there. Just a heads up
Side not (irrelevant if you are not 'Kisu'): If (which I'm pretty sure you are, judging by the Reaper's eyes...), your name is the Japanese/English word (well, an attempt) for 'Kiss,' I want to correct it; bugging me, it is.
In Japanese Katakana, 'kiss,' is 'kiisu,' in Romaji. In Katakana, it's this: キース. So yeah, fix it if you want. If it's not an attempt of that, then I look like an idiot. Also, Germany is cool.
Everything on Trello is just "our best guess" as far as the developers are concerned, so consider the 22nd a rough estimate and not a hard set-in-stone date. Thinking of things on Trello like a set date will result in a lot of disappointment. Might come earlier, might come on time, might be set back a month or three.
Thank you for the information!
About the name: Since my first game I always named my character "Kisury" and when I was in teamspeak with raid members or friends they just called me "Kisu" and over the time this has become my official nickname. I did not knew about the japanese translation that's very interesting thanks for sharing!