The Epic Trello Thread



  • sabin77sabin77 edmonton Join Date: 2015-08-12 Member: 207081Members
    edited September 2016
    Will there be glass domes, cause there so cool to have in my base and look at the world, the observatory is too small in my opinion. g80s9ep4f3u0.jpg
  • FryerDevilFryerDevil Austrailia Join Date: 2016-07-25 Member: 220657Members
    What kind of "hatchable eggs"? Like Warper eggs or something?
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    edited September 2016
    Coranth wrote: »

    37325 warper melee attack

    37324 /main/precursor_interior prefabs p1

    37323 /main/precursor_interior prefabs p1

    37273 Added goto aquarium and goto gun_inside
    Removed signal crates from the world (so we can focus on the story)
    Added placeholder sounds for story

    37271 Added goto aquarium and goto gun_inside
    Removed signal crates from the world (so we can focus on the story)
    Added placeholder sounds for story

    37249 Added sea dragon.

    37248 assigned empty vfx sound field

    37247 sunbeam radio starts

    37245 rocket tooltips didn't get checked in, added

    37244 - Add VFXOverlayMaterial
    - Add Warper FX: gate, material overlay, screenFX, projectile
    - Fix VFXSurfaceApplicator editor tool not working on prefabs in Project

    37242 - Fix VFXSurfaceApplicator not working on prefabs in Project
    - Add WarpScreenFX
    - tweak Warper FX

    37241 /main 2016-09-06 17:42:52 Scott Thunelius rocket grey merge

    37240 added rocket to a fragment so it must be cheated to be unlocked

    37234 warper WIP: added warper spawner

    37229 - Add VFXOverlayMaterial.ApplyAndForgetOverlay method
    - Add xWarper_PortalOut FX
    - tweak Warper FX

    37228 New ILZ temperatures.

    37227 /main/warper2 2016-09-06 12:16:06 Igor Popov

    37226 /main/warper2 2016-09-06 12:15:18 Igor Popov warp ball attack wip

    37224 slots, blocktypes, ent distr first pass

    37223 /main/precursor_interior prefabs p1 2016-09-05 21:59:37 Sergey Solovyov

    Warpers 'n Sea Dragon are coming! cant wait :smiley:

  • Gourmet_GuyGourmet_Guy Ohio Join Date: 2016-06-16 Member: 218647Members
    Coranth wrote: »
    37376 Added first version of prison with hatching station, hatchable eggs and sea emperor babies. Lots of placeholder sounds. Slightly more appropriate placeholder sounds from Simon. Removed signal crates from the world (so we can focus on the story). Added goto aquarium and goto gun_inside

    Ah, that's why...
    Any videos on it?!!? Wish I could play for myself!
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    Well, we have a new Main Menu--again. That logo needs work, though...

  • True_BoredomTrue_Boredom Join Date: 2016-08-16 Member: 221418Members
    I don't have any pictures, but there was a big 300 MB update.

    The Base in the Deep Grand Reef has been added, it is near the Lava Corridor entrance.

    The Lost River is starting to look very good. See the corridor connecting the Deep Grand Reef to the Bones Field.

    Also, the Tree Cove is looking AMAZING, you need to see it in-game.
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    .... waiting for v1.0 ....!!!
  • RichieCRichieC Mars Join Date: 2016-07-14 Member: 220235Members
    The Subnautica logo fixes itself when you "Quit to main menu".
  • imnrkimnrk Minnesota Join Date: 2016-09-07 Member: 222130Members
    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I want the full experience of this game so I have been waiting, should I wait for 1.0 to play more or should I keep waiting after post-release?
  • RainstormRainstorm Montreal (Quebec) Join Date: 2015-12-15 Member: 210003Members
    imnrk wrote: »
    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I want the full experience of this game so I have been waiting, should I wait for 1.0 to play more or should I keep waiting after post-release?

    Just so you know, the foreseen ''official'' v1.0 is for the End of December, possibly january depending on how well or bad things go along for the Devs working on the game. As of now the whole story of the game is not done yet. We have bits 'n bobs of it in the experimental version but its far from done.

    The main structure of the game is finished tho, i'd say. Most of the Tech is in and also most of the features are in as well. As far as game stability and performance theres still alot of progress to be made id say. Alot of players shares performance issues regarding Frames and we still got players's games crashing from time to time. Even if you got a beast of a machine, including a very good graph card, you might very well experience lag 'n frame drop at times, specially when you move fast (like in the Seamoth) and the world gets generated in front of you.

    Thats how i would sum up the state of the game so far. If you're looking for a product thats finished and polished i'd strongly recommend waiting for V1.0.
    If youre looking for a game that maybe isnt fully finished but is stable and got a playable story mode, id say wait a month or 2 more

    thats my opinion right now, hoped it helped :smiley:
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    Thingos... - Not sure what this is; I suspect it's to do with replacing the 'box' fragments with actual broken tech pieces.

    37492 Lost river WIP

    37491 Tuned upper platform

    37490 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37489 Tuning of incubator trigger position

    37487 fix detonate FX played on spawn

    37484 Added "say_hello" sound

    37483 new rocket grey model plus hookup

    37482 new rocket grey model and hookup

    37480 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37481 Fixed concurrent modification exception in GetPrefabsForFilenameStartingWith.
    Less firing people.

    37478 /main/leviathan swimming sequences

    37477 Fixed concurrent modification exception in GetPrefabsForFilenameStartingWith.
    Less firing people. ?????

    37476 - Remove unused VFXControllers on some creature prefabs
    - Add a UnitTest for VFXController
    - Add parented bool to VFXController

    37473 Hooked up animations for platform and incubator

    37472 mfb

    37471 Implemented exception free FMOD API.

    37470 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37469 Translation files update. Legacy database update.

    37468 Added "goto antechamber"

    37467 Starting on Ghost Tree

    37466 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37465 Replaced calls to FMODStudio.RuntimeManager with calls to FMODUWE.

    37464 merging in trail manager 2 from igor and updated seadragon rig

    37463 updated trails

    37462 /main/sunbeam radio starts

    37460 mfb

    37459 Fixed exception in GetPickupSound.

    37458 Removed debug output.

    37456 precursor ion crystals

    37455 update prefab database

    37454 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37453 /main/drillable ion crystal

    37452 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37451 /main/drillable ion crystal

    37450 Replacing FragmentVisualsSpawners with EntitySlots WIP

    37448 Removed debug code

    37447 merged from trail manager 2

    37445 Fixed crash when starting a game with high quality water

    37443 ability to spawn multiple projectile for ranged attack

    37441 Unit Test: add VFXIgnoreOverlayMaterial as a valid type on renderers referenced by LODGroup

    37440 fix VFXOverlayMaterial affecting a UI element on the player (glitch with the Warper)

    37439 fix VFXOverlayMaterial affecting a UI element on the player (glitch with the Warper)

    37438 /main/LouisK - Update leviathan exports
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    Wonder if we'll be able to grab a baby Sea Emperor egg for our Tanks...
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    edited September 2016
    Not much today, folks in terms of 'new' stuff, but work continues on the first Playable Story; check the card on the Trello and you'll find the list pertaining to the Sunbeam is complete. In addition, work keeps trucking on the September Update Website (Tree Cove/Dangerous Creatures) for September 22nd!
  • drbrianzdrbrianz USA Join Date: 2016-05-02 Member: 216293Members
  • Enderguy059Enderguy059 Australia Join Date: 2015-10-15 Member: 208486Members
    drbrianz wrote: »

    More blood types!!! yay!!
  • drbrianzdrbrianz USA Join Date: 2016-05-02 Member: 216293Members
  • DeepcaDeepca Germany Join Date: 2015-10-17 Member: 208542Members
    Just wanted to tell that crimson rays and warpers now spawn in experimental.
  • DeepcaDeepca Germany Join Date: 2015-10-17 Member: 208542Members
    And the Sea Dragon aswell... gosh I freaked out when I heared its roar whithout spawning it.
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    edited September 2016
    Deepca wrote: »
    And the Sea Dragon aswell... gosh I freaked out when I heared its roar whithout spawning it.

    Oh dear god no.
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    Oh, crap... uh, um, where's my extra brown-coloured diving suit...?!
  • dealwithitdogdealwithitdog Texas Join Date: 2016-06-09 Member: 218343Members
    Coranth wrote: »
    Oh, crap... uh, um, where's my extra brown-coloured diving suit...?!

    Yeah, you see I lost mine, and you're the only one who brought an extra...
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    edited September 2016
    Been away for a while, and holy wow all the new stuff! I couldn't resist the temptation any longer and immediately went to take all the new stuff in... <3

    Everything worth saying has already been said by dealwithitdog, Coranth, and the others - but.... I do like the heat/cold workings, the new sfx attached to entering/leaving your base, the big new stuff obviously, and the new crafting times and..... And all of it ;v;
    Heat can actually damage you?? I was in the safe shallows geyser and wasn't even able to get close before my screen started melting xD Also, lotta blood spurting out for such a small amount of damage being done hah. Makes sense when you knife something or shoot a rock at it with the propulsion cannon, but the heat damage was triggering the effect so rapidly my screen was literally "Half fire damage / half blood effects"!!
    Was sad to hear the Sunbeam was gonna get shot down, those poor guys. I'll have to build a memorial for them - since they probably won't get any "lucky survivors" like the Auora did. :(

    I remember looking for the Seaglide fragments and almost missing them several times because their new 'damaged tech' models were kind of small. Thankfully they're not hidden away in little corners or anything, so just keeping an open eye is enough now that I know what they look like.
  • DagothUrDagothUr Florida Join Date: 2016-07-12 Member: 220125Members
    If you never touch the radio then the Sunbeam won't get shot down.
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    Beware the Lava Zone...

    They improved the Sea Dragon; no more green balll placeholders. S'cuse me while I go hide in my - heavily reinforced - base...
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Coranth wrote: »
    Beware the Lava Zone...

    They improved the Sea Dragon; no more green balll placeholders. S'cuse me while I go hide in my - heavily reinforced - base...

    That breath attack certainly looks nice. I was playing around in the ILZ earlier today, before a recent 75mb update, and got to see him as well. Posted my thoughts about him in another thread since he honestly doesn't seem as terrifying as the Reaper Leviathan.... He's awesome, kinda cute, has tons of attacks... But, in my experience he hardly used most of them and actually left me to my own devices for the most part. Anything else would have been after me from a mile away xD

    ...Is it wrong that I find the Sea Dragon utterly adorable and I want to boop it on the snout? ;v;
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members
    I want:

    - To be able to find EGGS for the new 'rays, as well as the Sea Dragon, so I can have li'l baby dwagies in my base.
    - To be able to get samples of that awesome Lost River Tree so's I can have a miniature one in my garden(s).
  • RezcaRezca United States Join Date: 2016-04-28 Member: 216078Members
    Coranth wrote: »
    I want:

    - To be able to find EGGS for the new 'rays, as well as the Sea Dragon, so I can have li'l baby dwagies in my base.
    - To be able to get samples of that awesome Lost River Tree so's I can have a miniature one in my garden(s).

    +1... Once they make it so monsters you hatch yourself remain friendly to you even after releasing them, that is.
  • CoranthCoranth Join Date: 2015-06-02 Member: 205160Members A checklist for polishing the Visual FX... if they even can be made better, that is!
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