Where are my bugfixes!? - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

A small development team walks up to the bar. One of the programmers says to the bartender: “I’ll take big new content, a tight deadline, and in depth technical changes.” The bartender looks at the programmer, and the team behind him. “Sir, you’ve had quite enough already.” At least that is what should happen, when Unknown Worlds sets about making game. In a more staid, rational world where the Unknown Worlds team worked according to established principles of game development, we would not do things like Reinforced. There are limits to how much code, business and art complexity a small team can handle in a limited time. The result of smashing against those limits is the set of bugs and …
There's cars designed for females, so why not killing machine robots?
But what about the bugs that weren't introduced in Reinforced? The ones that have been in the game since release. Since early beta even. Since I started playing this game.
Looking at the likes of LMG and pistol 'gun jam'. Structures that are green indicating they can be dropped but actually cannot. And beacons not effecting all players. Or players spawning in comm dropped life form eggs. First person spectator missing several ability animations and hit indicators. On/off building. Unresponsive commander menus that require a panel switch. Hotkeys for structures that are actually tool tips in disguise. Looking directly down or spawning trapped inside of the CC on round restart. Minimal infestation looking like duct tape. General AI unit pathing and collision. I could go on.
It's bugs like these (and unfinished features), the ones that are just ignored and pushed back in the order of priorities for so long that people don't even bother to report them anymore that make me question the actual quality of the game.
Thanks for the great game, guys!
But the unintentional features are the best!
Inability to cyst in early game.
Exploits in every map.
Low FPS and high ping players move ~2-3% faster (and can teleport if laggy enough).
Clog physics objects are sometimes not destroyed between rounds, leaving an invisible clog.
Crashes on map change (for many players).
Spawning above the killzone in cave (pretty funny, actually).
MACs decide to go on adventures between duties (often to a dead-end and back... curios things).
+ more
Most reported... none fixed.
Well, now they have a sponsorship from Fanta, they might get more bugs fixed!
(Alien vision was inspired by Fanta, right?)
After that, please unnerf Fade, tame Marine jumping (Marine jumps higher than a Skulk atm) and tone down the bright orange retina burning you're causing in Alien players eyes.
It'd be nice if we could get our constellation badges in NS2 too.
The engine has come a long way from that first released build with the single player shooting course, and buggy everything. These are definitely not the worst builds y'all have put out :P
Sounds like you're well on your way to ironing out the recent problems.
PS: Make sure Max sleeps at least a little bit, ok?
So would be adding in a less cluttered alien vision alternative, as well as an alien vision with NO outlines (cycle through say 4 vision options if you must have your awful normal alien vision in there as well).
For the love of God let us see simply as aliens. FFS. There was nothing wrong with the old alien vision. Now we have ORANGE outlines on RED if the emergency lights are on. With 30fps in a late game fight, YOU TRY BITING THOSE JETPACKERS. Seriously. FIX IT.
It's making comp play horrible.
I've proven how much I love this game and want to support you guys, @Hugh, now please will you at least give your avid fans the tiniest sliver of respect by allowing us to play the game without being FORCED to have massive headaches induced every single game by the bloody horrible normal alien sight?
Does anybody else think that they'll stick a few 'extras' in there that might not make the changelog? I swear every patch there are a few little things that do change but aren't mentioned. I've got my money on that strafe jump, but I guess they might be waiting a bit longer on mechanics to see how things balance out after a few solid weeks of play.
At least they're tackling the larger problem first, though. Hopefully that will retain some players who've been having performance issues.
Why do I feel like that was caused when trying to address memory issues?
It would definitely be nice if some of the old bigger bugs would get fixed.
I am disappointed by this. Since you own the game I feel like you could have postponed that update if you felt something was wrong...
bugs are disappointing, i agree.
BUT...every game has them and the reality of software development is that you can ONLY discover all the bugs when the software is released.
Half-Life was released in 1998 and theyre still releasing patches for it.
There will always be bugs. I'm glad they released sooner because that means they discover and fix bugs sooner
keep up the great work UWE!
I don't think they could have though. I think Cory has mentioned a few times on these forums, the reason for the crazy deadline on the patch was because they were able to secure a steam promotion and free weekend, which cannot be postponed. It was a great publicity opportunity to promote the new update so they had to do it.
Also PAX. They couldn't postpone PAX.
Oh, yeah of course. I knew I missed something but couldn't remember what. :P
Seriously? Yeah, buggy patches are really fucking exciting. Just as exciting as opening a package only to find out that it's contents are broken. You've gotta be fucking kidding me with this shit.