Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members

Is your ideology equipped with unreliable brakes and steering?
Does it veer sharply always to the left, or pull to the right into oncoming traffic?
Can't put the brakes on your economy?
Think of your safety, and that of your children's children. Get your ideology serviced today!
(Just thought we needed some better quality SPAM)
Is your ideology equipped with unreliable brakes and steering?
Does it veer sharply always to the left, or pull to the right into oncoming traffic?
Can't put the brakes on your economy?
Think of your safety, and that of your children's children. Get your ideology serviced today!
(Just thought we needed some better quality SPAM)
This discussion has been closed.
Global warming is a myth!!
No, no, no. Manmade Glowbal Warming / CC is either 1) wildly exaggerated or 2) a fabrication, and most warming / CC is from natural causes, as seen in historical cyclical records of warming and cooling throughout history. Also, interventions thought up today are 1) hideously expensive to the economy and 2) not guaranteed to do much more than spit in the winds of warming / CC (gotta call it Climate Change or when the next cooling cycle comes around your gig is up).
I have an entire folder on this. Shall we play?
I feel a forums war about to start.
Shall I grab the popcorn?
This is gonna be so much fun
Climate Change could best be summarized as It's Complicated™ Anyone who claims otherwise is (I believe) ether ignorant of a lot of the additional facts beyond the thin slice they've been inclined to peruse, or being disingenuous. The "95% of all scientists" argument is not really all that much because, when you look closer, you find that it's more like "95% of the scientists surveyed on this panel believe mankind has affected the climate to increase" and that doesn't specify if they think a) it's a problem at the level observed, and b) whether they think something can or should be done about it, or, even if they do, what they think we should do and by how much. There are in-depth articles etc, (and here's one) but here's a smattering of the reasons why Climate Change might not really be all it's cracked up to be, presented in graphical form:
The rest, but collapsed so it doesn't overload the thread:
I hope, more than anything really, that you are correct.
Now I want to produce such intricate responses for Flat Earth, and throw them whenever someone as much as think "flat".
Now, on a more serious note, I do believe these discussions are healthy.
I usually stand on the Global Warning Denial role, but I'm ready to stand on the other side (if no one takes it) for the sake of discussion.
I agree informed debate about such a serious issue is healthy. Essential really. And also very difficult to maintain.
But I don't think I want the stress of taking up the opposing role just here. This forum fulfils other functions for me. Sorry guys.
And yes, this forum is not for actual debate. I have found most people engaging in online debate have absolutely zero interest in considering the other side of an argument. Some might say that includes myself, although from my point of view, it seems more like I see and reject arguments on the other side for valid reasons, and attempt to articulate those reasons in debate.
Bottom line, though, if no one wants to have a pointless online discussion about this, it's actually rather relieving, as in my experience they devolve into shouting matches pretty quick. Maybe this forum is different, that would be nice.
I guess the takeaway is, no one should be surprised when beginning conversations by painting large portions of the population with a sarcastic put-down result in members of said population responding (although it's more likely they will a) stay quiet and think less of you or b) be the obnoxious loudmouth of their group, make an ass of themselves, and make you inaccurately think even less of their entire group based on their poor personality).
Anyway I better opt out of the forums at this point. Sorry to have pissed you off, that's never going to help anything obviously.
Discussion thread demoralized.
Having placed the original response, I got your intent quite right.
I don't think we can define ones political affinities in such a simplified spectrum as left/right. There is good and bad in both of them.
Also you invoked the economy, our safety, our progeny safety and ideology.
These things all go hand in hand. I just picked what seemed like the most controversial topic I could fit on top of it all.
If you are not familiar with the opposing arguments, at least enjoy this opportunity to acquaint with some of it.
And do not apologize when there's nothing to apologize for.
All the best guys, and good Christmas!
I doubt 0x6A7232 meant any offence, and they seemed to only wanted to illustrate that manmade GCC isn't as cut-and-dried as some want us to believe.
@Maalteromm Your debate against Flat-earthists should demand an explanation for differing seasons North/South of the equator, and how It can be noon at one point on earth when another is midnight.