Cyclops changes.
Originally Wallasey, UK now Los Angeles, US. Join Date: 2016-09-10 Member: 222215Members

The Cyclops was changed dramatically in the Silent Running update. Whilst cosmetic changes have mostly been applauded, the fact that it may now be damaged and LOST has caused concern.
Please vote on the option you would like to see moving forward. I thought of adding whether or not we should be able to lose the Cyclops entirely but perhaps that ought to be a separate poll.
Please vote on the option you would like to see moving forward. I thought of adding whether or not we should be able to lose the Cyclops entirely but perhaps that ought to be a separate poll.
But, I can understand where you're coming from. This is a big deal to you, like the Rock Puncher is to many others and the messing up the ILZ is to me.
I think there should be a balance. Much closer to Option #2 but not entirely forsaking Option #1 either - it can still be wore down over long periods of time, but a single boneshark should be entirely ignorable unless you're at like 3% health and that tiny sliver it'll do over a few rounds of being annoying might actually be enough to push it over the limit. Any healthier than that and you're safe to pretend it's not even there.
That said, does anyone know what the Salvage Wrecks feature in the video meant? Does it mean you can recover the stuff you had onboard, or just recover a part of the building materials? Did it mean something else?
It's certainly no where as tough as it would be by any realistic consideration, so this fragility is obviously gameplay trumping reality. From watching a video of the Cyclops under the new release, I think it might be tough enough to get by, but it still may not be tough enough for playing the game without excessive care. I will have to progress in my own new game to the Cyclops and play with it a while to be sure.
I mean, look at these guys' teeth
That's going to cause some damage.
However, I think that that damage is a little too much. I think a simple solution would be to lower the amount of damage a Boneshark (Or any mid-size predator) can inflict on the Cyclops.
Agreed - them doing damage to it is believable, I mean they are alien fauna so the thought they could do damage than isn't too big of a stretch. However how much damage they're doing - especially alone and not in a swarm - is questionable. I'd say either increase the damage resistance or boost its health pool some. Although, they might keep it like that to give you reason to invest in Hull Reinforcement....
All you kidz have it so easy these days!
In my yung' days we had no such fancy things like cyclopses ..... and seamouths ...
We had to swim barefoot in da midnight sea and wrestle with them boneshurks'
Weapons? bahh! weapuns were not yet invented in mah old dayz, we wrestled barehanded and gave kicks 'n punches!
Ha! did we teach 'em sandsharks who were bosses 'round heare!
I remember one day i went head to head vith a stalker, poor sod thought it could chew on mah leg!
Teach him a lesson i sure did, i punched it in da mouth and broke him 2 tooth i sure did! took one as a knife and sliced myself a steak chunk i ate for supper that day ..... boy that sure was the good ol' days back then!
''Pa, its time to take yer medicine, you're rambling off again!''
''what?! in my young days we didnt had those fancy pills, we had to walk 12 miles in da woods to find those herbs ourselves ....''
There aren't any situations where you say, "gosh, I wish I had a Cyclops."
I mean really, the PRAWN suit has a higher maximum depth. So what's the point of building a Cyclops? Sure, it can repair PRAWNs and Seamoths docked in it, but you can do that yourself using the Repair Tool.
If it's supposed to be a deep-sea mining vessel, maybe you can make it so that it auto-collects minerals as you pass by them, or gains the ability to burrow into the ocean floor to prospect for new mineral veins (and it would make sense doing so would make nearby creatures aggressive, since it potentially destroys their habitat).
The current design is bad though. Really, really bad. I don't see myself building any in my new games.
The Bonesharks did a better job but I can't see a regular gameplay situation right now above the Lava Zones that is dangerous enough to sink your Cyclops.
Bumping the terrain causes more damage to the Cyclops than most creature attacks at 47-100 damage a bump! 47 at Silent Running speed, 100 at Ahead Flank straight into a wall. 47 damage is ahead of every predator but the Reaper and the Sea try not to lose your paint too often.
It's main unique benefit is that it can serve as a mobile base. How much can you store on your exosuit compared to the dozens of lockers and the planters you can put on the cyclops? It can recharge your other vehicles too, so you don't waste that energy walking your exosuit from your base to the beginning of the ILZ/ALZ. That's its main point right now.
The Cyclops is pretty much optional yeah, unless they implement a gating method like some extreme current or such that only the Cyclops can pass through or make it required for something, but its benefit over the seamoth and exosuit currently is just that It's a mobile base. The seamoth is for fast and early exploration, the exosuit is for drilling materials and endgame exploration.
If you don't see any need for that mobile base, nobody's (currently) forcing you to make it. I usually build it just to ferry huge amounts of resources from my initial base to my next one or hauling them back from expeditions from the Dunes or Mountains without wasting numerous trips in the slow exosuit or the vulnerable seamoth.
I don't want to be roped into any Cyclops talk until I have properly investigated everything, but I do have some agreement that the attacks by small fishes need to be rebalanced because numbers are proving a bigger problem than size. I'm fine with bonesharks being able to damage the Cyclops (do they even bite? I thought they did that highspeed collision thing of theirs) because there's not enough big creatures to make Cyclops damage solely dependent on.
But if anything, I'm looking at some adjustments in speed/noise. Don't know about you, but I'm finding myself only using flank and silent running. One's fast, the other makes me invisible. The two speeds in-between give neither benefit. I understand you have a smaller noise range compared to flank, but when you're surrounded that doesn't matter. Which is why I wonder if perhaps the noise threshold of bonesharks should be upped so that they don't attack slow, are 50/50 normal, and do what they currently do only at flank.
I'm disappointed with the damage taken by the cyclops for these reasons
1) They are still fish and it's made by titanium
2) There aren't reason for the creatures to attack us or our vehicles because we are aliens for them, not in their food chain
3) Even if they attack us for our infection it wouldn't make sense because they couldn't perceive it through the metal, they aren't scanners
ps. an extra question. developers don't want weapons because they don't like violence but they keep us in the planet with a massive gun and almost every creature in the game try to kill us but this isn't violence. It could be an accident or sabotage instead of a weapon.Maybe staying on the planet could be our decision after discovering the infection
ps.Sorry if my english isn't very good
There's a difference between easy and ridiculous. Easy isn't difficult to pull off, but ridiculous is a gamble.
I like ridiculous, but only when ridiculous is done right. Having Bonesharks be able to tear apart your submarine as quickly as they do isn't the ridiculous I'd favour; rather the one I'd try my best to stay away from. They definitely should be able to destroy your submarine, they have the bite for it, but right now they're power is more akin to experimental soviet torpedoes than that of organic creatures.
Survival is so much easier when you're an ork.
Then there's the Stalkers who literally chew on titanium on a daily basis, and the Sea Dragon which
With that being said, as @Jamezorg pointed out there's a difference between easy and absurd; doing damage is all well and good, but the amount and rate that damage comes in is what needs to be looked at. Too much and it's just crazy and in a bad way, too little and you're removing the threat from the game.
You can't have something built to withstand the massive pressures of the depths be so easily damaged by minor external forces. You just can't have it both ways.
Why are they throwing out the logic at this point?
Eventually logic at some point gives way for Game Mechanics, even if it seems out of place. Like I'd question and still do question why the floodlights in this period can't draw from other power sources - like your base - and go dead within minutes, or why you can easily grow normal kelp in the abyssal trench of the Blood Kelp Zone or even the superhot waters of the Inactive Lava Zone.... The game doesn't care. The mechanics allow for it regardless of what Logic has to say about it. They've been setting logic aside for a long time and in many situations in favor of Gameplay. I mean they removed Nitrogen Narcosis for that very reason. Chances are they'll stick with the large fauna (Stalkers and upward) being able to damage the Cyclops - the only thing that'll change most likely is how MUCH damage they'll do to it.
And that's where I feel the 'small' fauna should only be able to do a sliver of damage, they'd be a minor annoyance but not a threat while the leviathans would very much be.
It would be interesting to have a flooded state alongside a destroyed one if it could be added. If they could place interior damage where the exterior damage occurs, that would be pretty slick. I'm not sure we would notice, but it'd be an interesting touch. Not all of the interior damage will be repairable (you might not be able to reach it or built something there like a locker) but if you can repair it, it would give you back half the health of repairing outer hull damage and slow down flooding.
Repairing outer hull damage should remove interior damage as well though, as a safeguard for those instances when it can't be reached inside so you don't get stuck with a leak that you can't fix. I think something like that would be cool.
Maybe we could attach Salvage Balloons to haul it somewhere safer or get it pointing right-side up again if it's upside down or on it's side. Floaters are still an option, I prefer to leave them to their rocks though.
Edit: I don't mean that as wanting MORE damage, but rather the interior damage and exterior damage combined equal the same amount of current exterior damage health loss, so just flooding is added.
I won't cry if flooding never gets added, but for the moment I hold out hope UWE will implement it one day, much like I hope fires will be a thing for bases in addition to flooding. I don't know if the proposed system would work that well - it sounds like it reduces the risk of fire to an all-or-nothing scenario, but it's worth experimenting with.
So, do you or do you not think bases, the Seamoth, and the PRAWN (which can go deeper than the Cyclops) should be immune to anything but the large fishies too? Because I think I'm being logical that if they can be destroyed by less (by tiger plant needles!), then the Cyclops shouldn't be immune either.
And as already has been said, gameplay's worth a lot too. We don't have diver's disease, we can get oxygen from bubbles, medkits can heal you up no matter what you've tangled with, the whole module system where you can insert a rod and magically a storage box appears on the side of your vehicle, no anti-flooding chamber, no pressure issues for the moon pool no matter how deep you built, etc. Compared to all that, the Cyclops being battered to destruction by high-speed armored live ammo the size of a motorcycle is mild.
Edit: Also, I am a supporter of adding interior damnage as well as exterior and fire.
I can see that a lot of you are up for it being quite weak, but I wonder if that is because you have all been playing for a long time and welcome additional Challenger.
I don't think I would qualify this as a challenge. I can make distance much faster now than before and my experience with the sea dragon is that I'm safer on account of silent running making you a non-target instantly.
That said, I agree there's need for more features to choose from in how to handle the Cyclops. Repair drones, I think, remain a thing that should be. At minimum as player-controlled tech provided as a module so repairs can be made faster. I also think a helmet module to hook the player up to the Cyclops' damage report so you get guidance to any damaged areas would do a lot to make the thing more manageable.
As the Sea Dragon was able to ruin the PCF made from "a material stronger than anything ever encountered by mankind", it makes sense for mid sized fauna to take down a man-made submarine, however you can't tell afterward that the Hull Reinforcment Module rearranges the atomic structure of the cyclops because it wouldn't make much sense with it being vulnerable.
I think however that damages should be scaled as I only drove the Cyclops in the Blood Kelp Trench and had to stop every ten meters to stop the four fires which set ablaze after ramming into a Boomerang.
I heard some saying they have no problems with the Cyclops but mine happened to be super fragile and some breaches were bugged and coulnd't be repaired (On the top of the cyclops near the sonar and at the rear near the propeller).