Bugs/observations encountered so far
Join Date: 2017-01-18 Member: 226904Members

I have latest build, got on steam in the end of Dec.
Survivial mode
I haven't found terraformer yet so basically I build base on a "raw cliff".
-plants/bubbles coming from the bottom/schools of fish (uncapturable ones) are drawn through structures of base
-base's equipment could be seen from the bridge of cyclops at ANY distance
-unfinished structures disappear after save/load (lost some precious resources to that)
-power transmitters work principles are unclear: sometimes they have to be in direct optical vision of each other sometimes they work through obstacles (for example you can build a chain over the stone then remove middle link and viola)
-solar panel works at 200m. And in the shadow of cyclops. By means of evil magic it seems
-foundations could be built in midwater and will have no columns to reach the bottom still increasing hull integrity
-moonpool sometimes built with one or two support pillars resting on water
-I can build foundation under moonpool completely blocking the dock, however if I have seamoth docked before foundation was built it will swim through
-base attached air pumps aren't drawn.
-base attached air pump can be built on pure foundation with power connected. Where it gets air?
-bioreactor sometimes doesn't activate regardless of intake and lack of power on base. Had to rebuild it with different angle or in different room.
-how can I damage the base? It seems like it made not from titanium but pure unobtanium. I built 8 glass tubes with observatory at end with overall hull integrity around 10 (I love those foundations) and tried to ram it with cyclops - not even a scratch.
-I can construct hatch at 45 degrees walls in multipurpose room but can't attach I-shape in the same place. Unfair.
-get the seamoth close enough to cyclops for it opens the dock but do not dock. Get into cyclops. You can see the bottom from the opened hatch without consequences.
-sometimes, when I enter cyclops and try to open wall lockers the inventory is drawn behind the walls of submarine making it invisible. However it is accessible and I can manage it by pointing on empty space and reading descriptions. To fix it I have to dock/undock in seamoth.
-on floating isle with observatories I can run down from the peak without any harm.
-several times I've encountered wrecks drawn multiple times in exact same place. I had to repair door opening mechanism triple times, open the same door 3 times, cut trough doors three times and it has tripled loot in it.
-twice I've seen the wreck completely disappear leaving all of it's stuff floating in water or slowly descending on bottom.
-first time played had EP6 and EP17 not spawned. After first cache clear they appeared where they should be.
Survivial mode
I haven't found terraformer yet so basically I build base on a "raw cliff".
-plants/bubbles coming from the bottom/schools of fish (uncapturable ones) are drawn through structures of base
-base's equipment could be seen from the bridge of cyclops at ANY distance
-unfinished structures disappear after save/load (lost some precious resources to that)
-power transmitters work principles are unclear: sometimes they have to be in direct optical vision of each other sometimes they work through obstacles (for example you can build a chain over the stone then remove middle link and viola)
-solar panel works at 200m. And in the shadow of cyclops. By means of evil magic it seems

-foundations could be built in midwater and will have no columns to reach the bottom still increasing hull integrity
-moonpool sometimes built with one or two support pillars resting on water
-I can build foundation under moonpool completely blocking the dock, however if I have seamoth docked before foundation was built it will swim through
-base attached air pumps aren't drawn.
-base attached air pump can be built on pure foundation with power connected. Where it gets air?
-bioreactor sometimes doesn't activate regardless of intake and lack of power on base. Had to rebuild it with different angle or in different room.
-how can I damage the base? It seems like it made not from titanium but pure unobtanium. I built 8 glass tubes with observatory at end with overall hull integrity around 10 (I love those foundations) and tried to ram it with cyclops - not even a scratch.
-I can construct hatch at 45 degrees walls in multipurpose room but can't attach I-shape in the same place. Unfair.
-get the seamoth close enough to cyclops for it opens the dock but do not dock. Get into cyclops. You can see the bottom from the opened hatch without consequences.
-sometimes, when I enter cyclops and try to open wall lockers the inventory is drawn behind the walls of submarine making it invisible. However it is accessible and I can manage it by pointing on empty space and reading descriptions. To fix it I have to dock/undock in seamoth.
-on floating isle with observatories I can run down from the peak without any harm.
-several times I've encountered wrecks drawn multiple times in exact same place. I had to repair door opening mechanism triple times, open the same door 3 times, cut trough doors three times and it has tripled loot in it.
-twice I've seen the wreck completely disappear leaving all of it's stuff floating in water or slowly descending on bottom.
-first time played had EP6 and EP17 not spawned. After first cache clear they appeared where they should be.
- I believe the devs have removed the terraformer form the game.
The following have been reported to the devs many times.
-base's equipment could be seen from the bridge of cyclops at ANY distance
moonpool sometimes built with one or two support pillars resting on water
get the seamoth close enough to cyclops for it opens the dock but do not dock. Get into cyclops. You can see the bottom from the opened hatch without consequences.
on floating isle with observatories I can run down from the peak without any harm.
several times I've encountered wrecks drawn multiple times in exact same place. I had to repair door opening mechanism triple times, open the same door 3 times, cut trough doors three times and it has tripled loot in it.
twice I've seen the wreck completely disappear leaving all of it's stuff floating in water or slowly descending on bottom.
UPD: it is accessible under some angles, very irritating
-deconstructed moonpool left structures floating
-if ending of corridor contains bulkhead it could be opened to the ocean without consequences
-repair seamoth from position you can enter it, press RMB - you are in with animation of repair process on screen, stays on exit from seamoth. To cancel the effect you have to select repair tool and try to repair something
-I've built EC charger aboard cyclops. It charges ECs without taking energy from ship. Where the hell it takes energy????
-spinefish is not accepted as "organic material" by bioreactor
-unequipped O2 tank still acts as equipped giving 75 points of oxygen
-it seems that two crashfishes in same containment causing fatal performance degradation.
-blood from bloodkelp is not accepted as "organic material" by bioreactor.
These tanks also slow you down by an additional "point" of movement speed, if my tests are accurate.
Overall nice finds!
-Large drillable deposits dislocated bu repulsion gun for more comfortable drilling return to their initial spawn places when I try to drill them.
You can spawn in the console to get the terraformer. It's been removed, but still works, and is useful for cleaning up terrain left over from a cache clear. (Shift-right-click to clear.)
Entering & exiting a base (try constructing a hatch on the bottom of a tube or the top if you can fall onto it) should also fix this, as should using warpme (warps back to base or Cyclops).
Was in the Grand Reef just now in Freedom mode with Cyclops and Seamoth, undocked the Seamoth, the Cyclops "settled" in the water (literally,) crushed the Seamoth, and the Seamoth exploded. WTH! AND, I was trying to connect a thermal plant to the base with power transmitters, and they won't work in Freedom mode either! (add Freedom mode to bullet-point 2 above.)
EDIT: You want the Roadmap, most likely. Each column is a release.
I know how Trello works
Why have a thermal generator if it can't be connected to anything? Why add the Ghost Leviathan later if the torpedo bay doesn't work? Why draw the lid on a moonpool-docked PRAWN suit if you can't walk on it? Why have a 50/50 sandstone split of gold and silver if most late-game items require a LOT of silver and only 3 require gold? Why have walls on a base near surface level if the waves are visible inside? Why allow the game to save in a vehicle in general if it's just going to kick you out later? Why make wrecks separate entities in the map if it can reload them on top of themselves? Why focus on how "Pretty" a game looks and the color tweaks when it moves sometimes like an 1890s stop-motion film?
Basically, why make the game look great (which it does,) when it's so buggy that it becomes frustrating (the basic game experience is broken.) There's a lot of hype going around, but none of it can cover over the fact that they should be further along on these major issues.
The Steam rating shows "Very Positive" at the moment, but that's a lie. If you look at the positive votes:
And many others excusing everything to "Early Access" or being as unhelpful as "It's a great game" and that's it.
I know you are having lots of issues, and I've had my fair share too. Not everyone has your issues though. So you can moan your bugs (as we all do) but don't assume everyone has the same experience. This last week or so has been awesome, my lag seems to have gone, I don't have seamoth issues, my terrain all loads, even the once per second mini-lag has gone. I don't recognise the last set of issues you posted. Fingers crossed it stays like that.
I'm sure the devs have to balance fixing bugs with completing the game. Most likely they can fix one thing and it breaks something else. It's a work in progress. If it bothers you so much and you can't fix it from 0x6A7232's sig-athon, then maybe it might be worth you doing a complete reinstall or waiting for v1?
Consequently, since I'm the only forum poster I've seen trying to get someone's attention on the inventory thing, I assume I'm in the minority of people who even care. But I still want them to address it, because I want this game to be oh-so-polished. I wish it were pristine. I look forward to a day when I can say that about Subnautica. "Damn this game is polished". Right now it just isn't there, but I know it will be. I see it happening, watching the checkins daily.
-can't construct bulkheads between MP rooms.
Can you open close the bulkhead? They're quite buggy atm overall and i've seen this mainly when the whole thing bugs out.
The first time I've built plant shelf aboard cyclops I was thrown out through the wall an taken 65% damage
Sometimes, when I enter the base through moonpool they won't open.
]My subnautica wont load it keeps getting stuck on the page showing the aurora and it says loading entity cells ive let it load for 4 hours and it still didn't work what can I do
Reloading didn't fix it, but removing and re-adding my depth-thingy did.
How did you made your seamoth to have 1000 m depth limit? I could make only 900 m - that's the ceiling of ghost tree cavern.
I don't know, it just is! But that would explain the breaking though.
Same here on experimental in Prawn suit. Had to exit suit unload pressure compensator and load it again. (and repair suit)