Bigger Submarine Concept - My own 3D model
France Join Date: 2016-08-13 Member: 221263Members

Hello everyone!
A bit of introduction here : I'm new on the forums but not on the game. Subnautica is one of my favorite game and although i didn't spend too much time on it, i had a super experience playing it! What I enjoyed the most is the exploration thanks to the wonderful places there are, and also the submarines, especially the Cyclops. And for once, a developer team has enough talent to make the vehicle completely playable. And not just making the exterior and the cockpit.
I'm currently a student for game design, and I started to make my own 3D models. Moreover i saw the concept arts for other submarines and particularly the bigger one which looks just fantastic! I know I'm really a beginner in modelling and texturing, but I want to give it a try. Maybe you could give some criticism and tips for this challenge!
Thank you in advance and hope you will like it!
(I will do updates)
EDIT!! : Instead of scrolling down to see the most recent update of the 3D Model, I'm gonna actually put an image of the last one, down below at the end of this post
(You can still see all the steps, by watching every updates i made in that discussion)
So here is the original 2D concept art :
hebergeur d images
And here is the first step of my own 3D model :
heberger image
hebergeur d images
Those views are orthographic, there is only the general shape of the submarine. I'm currently working on a second model because the shape doesn't match perfectly with the concept image. On the first picture you can see the mesh, which is a bit weird, but again, i'm only a beginner. Future pictures will be more interesting!
EDIT! : Here is a picture of the most recent update of my 3D model! with the link to sketchfab :
image gratuite
image a telecharger gratuitement
A bit of introduction here : I'm new on the forums but not on the game. Subnautica is one of my favorite game and although i didn't spend too much time on it, i had a super experience playing it! What I enjoyed the most is the exploration thanks to the wonderful places there are, and also the submarines, especially the Cyclops. And for once, a developer team has enough talent to make the vehicle completely playable. And not just making the exterior and the cockpit.
I'm currently a student for game design, and I started to make my own 3D models. Moreover i saw the concept arts for other submarines and particularly the bigger one which looks just fantastic! I know I'm really a beginner in modelling and texturing, but I want to give it a try. Maybe you could give some criticism and tips for this challenge!

Thank you in advance and hope you will like it!

(I will do updates)
EDIT!! : Instead of scrolling down to see the most recent update of the 3D Model, I'm gonna actually put an image of the last one, down below at the end of this post

(You can still see all the steps, by watching every updates i made in that discussion)
So here is the original 2D concept art :

And here is the first step of my own 3D model :

Those views are orthographic, there is only the general shape of the submarine. I'm currently working on a second model because the shape doesn't match perfectly with the concept image. On the first picture you can see the mesh, which is a bit weird, but again, i'm only a beginner. Future pictures will be more interesting!
EDIT! : Here is a picture of the most recent update of my 3D model! with the link to sketchfab :

This discussion has been closed.
So, hampus034, did you manage to do it?
I finished the overall structure and shape (even if it still needs small adjustments). I also made the tail at its back with all the details and a spinning propeller. Those pictures will help you to see what i did :
Perspective view of the submarine at the same angle as the concept art. I added a small character to show approximate scale :
Front orthographic view, where you can clearly see the shape of the submarine :
And finally a closer look of the tail (which looks big because of the perspective view) :
Again, hope you will like it!
Really thanks man for the feedback!
Anyway, for what you are arguing, I completely agree with you! The game is awesome, and I really like to walk along in the cyclops. That's why i thought a bigger submarine will be so cool. But indeed the game is not adapted for that, it needs bigger map for sure. Maybe the devs should implemented real procedural generated world, like minecraft or no man's sky, therefore the map would be infinite. I also like the concept arts where we can see the cyclops exploring the inactive lava zone, which seems to be super huge. Again I think that the game would looks nicer if the render distance would be much further, like if sometimes the fog will be less dense.
Yeah that's an idea! give it to the devs
Actually i don't think so, even if the submarine is huge, i believe the Seamoth is still too large to go inside those circles. IMO, it reminds my of super large batteries, those things could be for the energy supply
But yeah this is actually an issue because i don't see where the entry is to get inside the submarine. I would have to change the original concept to do so. Moreover, i also don't see a docking bay for smaller vehicle like the Seamoth. This could be a feature i can add too
Ok, good luck!
Nah i don't think so. I'm new on the forum but i believe this is not the place to contact devs, they are too busy for that. Maybe try by their email
Yeah I agree with you, that is what I find cool with this submarine, there is a lot a place to do whatever we want. Indeed I would like to do the interior too like the cyclops. So give me any ideas, they are welcomed! IMO, I think of a spacious cockpit, behind it a large control room, maybe a room for storage, another for plant/farm, perhaps even rooms for the crew like a dormitory, and it will also be cool to add a laboratory!
Thank you so much for you feedback! It really cheers me up! And i'm gonna put an update right now
We are getting into serious business right now, the 3D model looks like a real submarine now!
First of all, you can notice a change for its overall aspect. It is just a quick feature in blender, where we can add a "matcap" to the object. This is not the finished material for the submarine! It is just a placeholder to look fancier. (for info this is not my own matcap, this one is already available in blender)
Now you can see that i added more details to the structure of the submarine :
-The 2 rounded things on the size is done. I still don't know what is the purpose of them. You can still discuss for that subject and give me some ideas!
-The axial thrusters are also done. Quick note here, i have completely resize them because they were just sooooo small in comparison to the gigantic submarine xD But keep in mind that i try to be as close as possible to the original concept, i could change or add something to look nicer but i prefer to keep it like it was on the picture.
-A placeholder for the top of the submarine to have just the shape of it. I'm actually currently modelling it.
Stop talking, now it's time for the pictures!!
Again, hope you will like it!
Also, do you think those circles could just be entrances, each to a different room?
Ahah don't worry, i'm on holidays, i got a lot of time to make it
For the circles, as i have already mention it, i rather think these are some sort of huge batteries or something for the energy. But it's just my idea, this could be everything!
Oh my god, you are a genius, this idea is just so great! The whole ship should be modular too that's would be awesome! Or at least, you wouldn't have everything right away. You will have to upgrade the submarine to get extra rooms
But i thing this feature would be difficult to be implemented into the game. At least i will try to make the model for the modular circular things!
Thanks for feedback guys!
Tell me!
Im guessing it has a flat top entrance or hatch like a real submarine... And about the part with vehicle docking like the seamoth, maybe at the two thrusters there is this outline maybe marking the point to where the part of the submarine opens (like the cyclops) and really... this thing is so huge it probably even be able to park a cyclops easily inside of it :O
For both of you, this is a good idea. But actually, if we look closely, the top of the submarine is like the cyclops. There are too many antennas and sensors to put an hatch here. This is kind of a bummer
And for the docking bay, I believe the Cyclops is still too large for that. It can fit in the big submarine but there would be no other space for rooms. Moreover the 2 rounded things and the support for the thrusters make it difficult to place a huge docking bay for the Cyclops. But i can still manage to put one for the seamoth, right between the rounded things and the support. What do you think?
Directly on the support? I think this could be a bit weird because there would be all the machinery for the thrusters there. I could put the entrance more away in the back?
I could also put an entrance in the front, right down below the cockpit. Therefore there would be 3 entrances for the submarine, each one at a useful location.
Keep telling me what do you think of that
Looks pretty good so far