You guys should sale 60% because many gamers on Steam chart show that are under 10$
Counter Strike series get alot of money and a huge community >> its cheap and under 10$
Just a bit more after this free weekend +60% sale dev team can see the big differrence
Thank you for listen humble gamer like us
What the literal ...?!
"OMFG 50% is so crap"
I think you misunderstood him. He believes that getting the price below $10 will get a lot of response from buyers.
And he's not wrong, either, games that break the $10 slot show up in a special category on Steam, which is very popular for thrifty buyers.
The question is, will UWE gain more or less money with a 60% cut? Valve has claimed in the past that deeper cuts result in deeper profits almost universally. I'm not sure if it still happens to this day, though. It's all up to the economical analyst over at UWE to determine what they are comfortable with, and how much they trust the current market trends.
Anyway, the point of my rambling is that the guy you are offended at is not being greedy/whiny. I'll bet that he already has he game, and just wants it to sell even more.
Hmm yes, I may have misunderstood him, then, it could have been written more clearly, though - it sounded like a horrendous whine!
Natural Selection 2 Free Weekend - Natural Selection 2<br />
A Natural Selection 2 Free Weekend will take place between Thursday, 21 March and Sunday, 24 March. During this free weekend, which is PAX week, NS2 will be 50% off!<br />
Read the full story here
The woodwind instrument made that trailer extra awesome.
This is gonna be the last stand in terms of increasing the player population drastically. Hope it works. Still a bit worried given the current state of skulks though. Noobs aren't gonna like aliens one bit.
Dunno if others will do this bit for the weekend I intend to change my name to 'vetNS2player' or 'askme4help' so that boobsnoobs with questions might get the advice they need.
Performance def increased a bit. If there are around 1-2 more performance improvements like we saw in 242, it would definitely push NS2 into a really good place to be in terms of performance. I mean it took them what 20 days to get these enchantments out after the Gorgeous patch released? If only they focused on performance for another month 8->
We are still actively focused on performance, and have some very promising improvements in the works.
Performance def increased a bit. If there are around 1-2 more performance improvements like we saw in 242, it would definitely push NS2 into a really good place to be in terms of performance. I mean it took them what 20 days to get these enchantments out after the Gorgeous patch released? If only they focused on performance for another month 8->
We are still actively focused on performance, and have some very promising improvements in the works.
Was the infestation change what Steve was working on or is that still one of the super top secret improvements? (It was mentioned a while back he was working on something substantial at a low level, can't remember where)
If I can get the update news popup to show I'll snag a screenshot and post it later. I'm usually able to get them to show even if I own the game with a steam restart.
Note to all you pub heroes out there: whenever during the free weekend you obliterate a team full of rookies, be sure to switch sides the following game and stomp them again, so they'll know it wasn't any game imbalance that screwed them, just you.
Note to all you pub heroes out there: whenever during the free weekend you obliterate a team full of rookies, be sure to switch sides the following game and stomp them again, so they'll know it wasn't any game imbalance that screwed them, just you.
Also politely point out what they were doing wrong if you get the chance. i.e. ground skulks. GROUND SKULKS EVERYWHERE.
Performance def increased a bit. If there are around 1-2 more performance improvements like we saw in 242, it would definitely push NS2 into a really good place to be in terms of performance. I mean it took them what 20 days to get these enchantments out after the Gorgeous patch released? If only they focused on performance for another month 8->
We are still actively focused on performance, and have some very promising improvements in the works.
Was the infestation change what Steve was working on or is that still one of the super top secret improvements? (It was mentioned a while back he was working on something substantial at a low level, can't remember where)
There is more low level stuff that is being toyed with by Steve. So I would say 'no'
Let's get the word out that this is a great game about aliens and marines.
... you know, just in case anybody might be looking for a game about aliens and marines. Because maybe they'd been hoping that a game like that might have come out recently. That was good. Like this one is.
The photo showed Steve working with what looked like the LuaJIT FFI. Remember that they dropped LuaJIT once already, so going back to it would be an interesting decision.
@moultano It shows up on the steam homepage under the 'spotlight' on the right. Yes, the order randomizes with each load so you may not see it every time. No idea what else is being done.
dePARAJoin Date: 2011-04-29Member: 96321Members, Squad Five Blue
For all who want some "normal" games the next days:
Check our Ladder @ if you play some games over the last weeks on our servers.
The Top500 players can join the server "Heidis Ziegenfarm [HBZ] - !!no regular = KICK!!"
Dont get me wrong, its great for UWE to have many potential new players.
But from a player aspect, these are "horrible" days.
dePARAJoin Date: 2011-04-29Member: 96321Members, Squad Five Blue
The servername should tell the people what happen if they try to join.
These "Free weekend" players are only meat for every half experienced player.
You should thank me that 18 players on my server didnt slaughter these players on 18 other servers.
In the end, both sides have a better experience.
The servername should tell the people what happen if they try to join.
These "Free weekend" players are only meat for every half experienced player.
You should thank me that 18 players on my server didnt slaughter these players on 18 other servers.
In the end, both sides have a better experience.
I doubt many read server names.
Why don't you just put a pw on it?
The servername should tell the people what happen if they try to join.
These "Free weekend" players are only meat for every half experienced player.
You should thank me that 18 players on my server didnt slaughter these players on 18 other servers.
In the end, both sides have a better experience.
Nobody reads server names. I bet you guys see people getting kicked constantly. And the promotion hasn't even started yet.
Hmm yes, I may have misunderstood him, then, it could have been written more clearly, though - it sounded like a horrendous whine!
I'm guessing 4pm Pacific Time since that's when the midweek madness sales stop
The woodwind instrument made that trailer extra awesome.
That art is with the in-game NS2 models.
I hope others will follow suit!
Edit. Lolz.
Let's get the ball rolling.
Its on the steam store front page in the spotlight section.
Here is the steam news story:
If I can get the update news popup to show I'll snag a screenshot and post it later. I'm usually able to get them to show even if I own the game with a steam restart.
Also politely point out what they were doing wrong if you get the chance. i.e. ground skulks. GROUND SKULKS EVERYWHERE.
There is more low level stuff that is being toyed with by Steve. So I would say 'no'
... you know, just in case anybody might be looking for a game about aliens and marines. Because maybe they'd been hoping that a game like that might have come out recently. That was good. Like this one is.
Check our Ladder @ if you play some games over the last weeks on our servers.
The Top500 players can join the server "Heidis Ziegenfarm [HBZ] - !!no regular = KICK!!"
Dont get me wrong, its great for UWE to have many potential new players.
But from a player aspect, these are "horrible" days.
These "Free weekend" players are only meat for every half experienced player.
You should thank me that 18 players on my server didnt slaughter these players on 18 other servers.
In the end, both sides have a better experience.
I doubt many read server names.
Why don't you just put a pw on it?
Anyway, wrong thread for this
Nobody reads server names. I bet you guys see people getting kicked constantly. And the promotion hasn't even started yet.
But im tired to teach players again.
And again and again and again.
We have 1200 servers and ONE server kick rookies. Wow, thats really bad publicity for sure.
Anyway. the topic is "Natural Selection 2 Free Weekend"
And over this weekend my service for the vets is this server. Have fun.